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How to Love Your

An E-Book By Qu33n Victoria

How to Love Your Booty

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All Rights Reserved

This e-book cannot be

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except under what is considered
“fair use” without prior written
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How to Love Your Booty


This E-book is Dedicated

To the woman who believes her booty

is too little, too flat, too stiff, too jiggly,
too big, not big enough, too high, too
low, ill-shaped, or unattractive, I bring
you this advice by way of Julia

"A belief is just that, a belief. It is

neither fact nor truth."

To my mother, Dianne.

How to Love Your Booty



Booty Love Bouquet

Getting to Know Your Booty
Three Stages of Loving Your Butt

Booty Acceptance
Acceptance is the Way to Grow
Booty Hate
Practice Booty Acceptance Daily

Booty Self-Care
Caring for Your Booty
Rub Your Booty, Love Your Booty

Booty Love
Romance Your Booty
Worship That Ass
Adored & Adorned

Last Word!

How to Love Your Booty

How to Love Your Booty

We are all born with booties (I think this is true) and
too many of us will journey through life pretending
it doesn’t exist or that it isn’t “something” enough to
deserve recognition and certainly not praise, which
is grossly unfortunate. Big booties get all the shine!
Did little booties even matter before the song said
so!? Sure they did and always have.

Booties are amazing in their own right. There is

nothing they need to be except clean and admired.
They have been fetishized and worshipped for
centuries as a vessel of beauty and delectable

Great sacrifices have been made for us to openly and

consensually embrace showing off our assets. It’s not
for everyone, but if it’s for you, do not allow a lack of
booty confidence to hold you back.
How to Love Your Booty
Let us take a moment to remember our sister
Saartjie Baartman known in “his”story as “Sarah
Baartman” or “Hottentot Venus”. She was a
Khokhoi woman born in South Africa who was
inhumanely displayed as an attraction in a human
museum due to her magikal feminine form.

Do your own research, however I urge you to avoid

sources that use descriptors like “unusual body
features” and “freak show attraction” to describe her
journey. They just feel cringy.

To be Black and considered to “not have a booty” or

to have one that isn’t “big enough” is a curse and a
sin. Not really. Yet, being a Black woman from the
south taught me something different. And for the
record, no amount of cornbread feeding or taking
dick from behind is going to contribute to the
acquisition or enhancement of your assets. So, let us
rid ourselves of that little urban legend

With the pervasive objectification of the perceived

“feminine ass”, many of us wish nothing more than to
hide our asses in shame.

How to Love Your Booty

My momma used to say, “If I can see the black of your
ass, you ought to be ashamed.” She got that from her
mama who got it from her momma.

And my great-granny wasn’t nothing to play with when

it came to showing too much of what shouldn’t be seen.
However, there are others of us who wield our asses
with incredible poise, power, and influence despite the
mockery. Regardless of where you stand in the
admiration of your ass, I’d like to think that the Saartjie
Baartman experience can teach us all a thing or two
about appreciating our booties enough to reclaim them
as a guiltless source of pleasure and empowerment.

Alexa, Play “Shake Whatcha Mama Gave Ya’” by

Poison Clan. Corus only, please. Have y’all listened to
the lyrics? They’re a bit much for me, but maybe you’ll
love it. *Cringe*

How to Love Your Booty

Booty Love Bouquet
I created How to Love Your Booty as a tool from
my garden of healing; To nurture booties into the
magnificence they are.

This e-book is for every woman who wants to grow

to love her booty the way it was meant to be loved.
And if you are in love with yours already, there’s
always room to grow. How to Love Your Booty
provides the opportunity to create rich routines of
self-care centering your assets.

In this e-book, you will learn what it takes to accept,

love, and appreciate dat ass. I’ve added exercises
throughout to celebrate your booty, affirm your
booty, and to make your booty gorgeous and

• Major bootie self-care
• How to get to know your booty
• The four stages of loving your behind
• What to eat for your booty beauty
• How to have your booty sitting pretty
How to Love Your Booty
Throughout this book, I refer to your butt as
she/her; feel free to replace those pronouns with
whichever ones you prefer.

Getting to know your booty

Place your thoughts at the cellular level of your
booty. I once read in a book that every cell in your
body knows everything you know and believes
everything you believe. This deeply resonated with
me because once upon a time, I didn’t care for my
butt. I found that once I sincerely changed my mind,
my butt changed, too.

Learn its significance to your body? What role does

it play in movement: dancing, childbirth, sitting,
standing, posture? What does it house? What is the
purpose of my butt? What are all the things your
butt does? What more is it capable of? What is the
cellular make-up of your behind? What give your
butt its shape?

How has the buttocks served humanity in the past?

What does it represent in society today?

How to Love Your Booty

Learn the spiritual significance of the pelvis and
how you can use your butt to radically heal and
transform your life.

According to, the pelvis is

the most potent generator of energy in the entire
body. This energy can be channeled into creation
and manifestation; birth as all things are birth in this
realm, through divine feminine energy.

Before we began, let’s do a brief evaluation. Make

note of your answers

What are some beliefs, good or bad, that you hold or

were taught about your behind?

What is your earliest memory of your behind?

Would you consider this a good memory or a not so

good memory?

How to Love Your Booty

Do you think this had any effect on your self-esteem?
If so, how (choose one): Positively Neutrally

What are your aspirations when it comes to your


Three Stages of Loving Your Butt

For the purpose of this e-book, there are three stages
of loving your assets.

Growing to love your behind begins with

acceptance, flows into care, and blossoms into love.
Acceptance requires relinquishing all perceived
control over what we believe our assets should be.
Our next step, care, requires nurturing her to
flourish into the greatness she is. Finally, through
love we show our bottom compassion,
encouragement, and we celebrate her BIG.

Your ass is now free to be divinely worshiped!

How to Love Your Booty

Here we have it:

• Booty acceptance
• Booty care
• Booty love

And bonus Booty Worship

While these are the stages that I have come to based

on my journey, perhaps you can identify booty-love
stages of your own.

How to Love Your Booty


How to Love Your Booty

Acceptance is the way to grow
Don’t care for your booty the way it is now? It’s ok,
we're shifting focus away from where we want our
ass to be or how we plan to get there. That’ll fill itself

Right now, you want to focus on accepting and

embracing the booty that you have right now in its
current deservingly lovable condition. Regardless of
your ass being what or where you want it to be, it
deserves love, now.

Let’s get one thing straight upfront, you cannot love

what you cannot accept and that’s PERIOD! I don’t
care who said so. And it is also ok that you cannot
accept it right now. Acceptance takes practice. Be
patient with yourself.

I'm not about to give you a motivational speech on

why you should love your booty because by the end
of this short and sweet e-book, you'll have one of
your own.

How to Love Your Booty

What does it mean to accept something?

To accept something is to receive it with approval

and favor. What does acceptance mean for your
booty? It means you are in favor of your behind. It
means you approve of your booty just as it is, no ifs,
no ands, and absolutely no buts. Except your butt
of course.

Accepting your booty as it is today, right now is the

first step to loving your booty.

Let us write an affirmation of booty acceptance to

get started:

“I _____________ have decided to accept my booty

as it is in its current lovable condition.”

Now copy this affirmation 21 times for the next 3

days just before bed.

Booty Hate
When we do not like our booty, we practice “booty
hate”. This can happen aloud or silently in our

How to Love Your Booty

minds. We talk about how flat, dimply, flabby,
jiggly, or ugly it is. We avoid looking at it. We avoid
touching it. It’s cover-ups and shorts for the beach.

That’s right! We certainly do not show off our

assets when we don’t find it to our liking.

We fail to treat our booty special. The way it

deserves to be treated.

You find us whining about the stretch marks, the

acne, cellulite, uneven skin tone, the size, shape,
scars; Whining when instead we should be “whining
it up”.

None of this kind of carrying on makes your booty

feel good. Yes, your booty has feelings! And your
booty certainly won’t become better if you keep
bashing it.

Adjusting your attitude when you’re speaking

on dat ass

Acceptance means coming face to face with all the

things you hate about your bum bum and the
reasons why. What unsavory beliefs do you hold
How to Love Your Booty
about your behind? Take time to explore those
beliefs and write them down. These beliefs are key
to changing your attitude about your booty. It may
not happen overnight, although it could. That’s up
to you, though.

The activity below can get you started with

changing your attitude about your bottom.:

Create a butt-positive social campaign for your


Your campaign can be nonsexual or sexual as long

as you feel comfortable, safe, and you’re having fun.

Why are you campaigning for your booty?

What is your slogan? Create a print ad and a 15 to 30
second video clip for your booty campaign.

Here are some tips from campaigns that do well:

• Connect emotionally
• Raise social awareness
• Based on personal experience
• Are Relatable
• Feature fictional characters

How to Love Your Booty

. Booty Acceptance Daily
On the journey to not complain and to start
appreciating your booty, it’s ok if you find yourself
drifting back into that stream of consciousness that
complains about all the things your booty could be.
When you catch yourself, say out loud, “but that’s
ok, I love my booty the way it is.” This cancels the
complaint and further affirms your acceptance of
your assets.

Here are some other ways to appreciate your bum

*in my British accent*

• Ass gazing in the Mirror

• Recite affirmations of booty acceptance
• Make a list of “good things” about your butt;
everything you can think of and at least 10
• Taking photos of your ass to
• Start looking long and lovingly at your
ass (not critically)
• Work to find your favorite angles even if
you gotta poke that thang out; So, what!
• Document your progress

How to Love Your Booty

Acceptance may turn out to be the biggest thing
standing between you and loving your assets. Once
acceptance occurs, loving your booty might be a
piece of cake, cake, cake, cake, cake.

How to Love Your Booty


How to Love Your Booty

Caring for your Booty
Self-care is good for everybody and every part of
your body.

“You are magically beautiful.” “You are creative and

kind.” “You are fiercely successful.” Don’t you love
being affirmed! Guess what? Affirmations,
especially for your a$$, feel amazing, too.

Once we have come to accept our beautiful

backsides, it’s easier for us to love and care for her.
You’ll actually be eager to do it. Prioritize caring for
your behind. There are many ways to do it.

Start by affirming our assets. Write down 11 “My

booty is amazing because” affirmations. Recite them
daily or as often as you’d like.

Booty Beauty
It’s easier to love our bottoms when you feel good
about the way it looks. Eat well to give your booty
the beauty boost it deserves.

How to Love Your Booty

Allow me to introduce you to antioxidants.
Antioxidants are found in many of the foods we eat.
As the name implies, antioxidants prevent
oxidation. Oxidation causes free radicals in the
body. Free radicals cause all types of cell damage
including cellulite. In essence, antioxidants work to
prevent and delay the cell damage caused by
oxidation and free radicals.

Here are a few foods high in antioxidants:

• Blueberries
• Goji berries
• Artichoke
• Spinach
• Avocado
• Dark Chocolate
• Pecans
• Red Cabbage
• Beets
• Olive oil

Tea is also high in antioxidants. Drinking tea--

black, green, white, hibiscus, any tea-- helps prevent

How to Love Your Booty

cell damage from oxidation.

While there are no studies that show we benefit

from antioxidant supplements, they can still be
beneficial to beautifying our booties. Turmeric is a
favorite supplement (high in antioxidants) that
cleanses the blood and promotes beautiful golden
highlights to your skin. Including the skin on your

It’s important to know that turmeric can only be

absorbed into the blood with black pepper. You can
also skip the supplement and consume the spice
directly. I like to make my own turmeric
supplements using vegetarian capsules.

Finally, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Your body and

your booty loves H20.

Rub your booty, Love your booty

We’re not waiting for someone else to acknowledge
our booty. We’re not looking for permission to love
our assets or any particular reason to shower her
with attention.

How to Love Your Booty

Your booty deserves affection and here’s how she
gets it.

Do it yourself booty massages are the best self-care

using plant and essential oil salves. You can either
make your own or buy them. I like to make my own
and I sell them in my online store,

Glute targeting, fun exercises like jumping rope,

hula hoop, pole fitness, stretching/yoga are another
way to show your booty love while making her
beautiful. I don’t care for solo squats, but you might.
and they ALWAYS come highly recommended for
the best results. Whitney gave some helpful tips for
growing and shaping the peach in the Yoni
Uncensored Magazine Booty Worship issue.

Create a weekly booty beauty routine with an at-

home booty spa treatment. Using acne scrubs that
specifically promotes clear, even skin tone makes
your booty look and feel oh so glamorous. Indian
clay masks feel especially luxurious on my cheeks.

Yoni steams aren’t just for your vul-gina (a combo of

How to Love Your Booty

vulva & vagina). They have many benefits for your
entire pelvic area including the relief of pain, chronic
infection, and healing hemorrhoids.

You are now on your way to an abundance of booty

love. Remember to keep taking pics to appreciate
your booty and observe your progress.

Another way you can show your booty some

affection is by connecting with her through
breathwork and booty meditation. I learned about
this at a sex conference. You’re welcomed to email
me if you wanna know which one

Design a special self-care routine for your booty.

Make your routine as long or as short as you’d like.
Aim for a minimum of ten minutes. Schedule some
self-care time for your booty daily (or pace yourself
up to daily).

How to Love Your Booty


How to Love Your Booty

Romance your booty
How do you enjoy being romanced? Perhaps some
mood music, Poet Rae Monet style erotic lyricism,
or affectionate touching at the hands of an affirming
partner. Your booty enjoys those things, too. Trust
me, she deserves it.

• Create a booty moving music playlist from

this list of 35 booty anthem songs in the
• Write a booty poem unique to your booty
o Record it
o Put it to music for a boost in booty
o Listen to it as often as you’d like.
• Have your partner massage your booty
(while affirming her)
• Have fun with your booty through dance
and other rhythmic erotic movements
• Learn new things with your butt like cheek
isolations or practicing splits
o Perform a quick search on YouTube

How to Love Your Booty

• Create art with your ass digitally or IRL (in
real life)
o This includes digital designs, body
painting, and video compilations (I
love booty compilation videos)
• Keep taking pics
o To document changes
o To appreciate her
• A dedication or booty celebration
o Don’t we love anniversaries and
celebrations; Dedicate a day or special
event for your booty and do it annually
o Make it an intimate event with close
friends when you book a party with
me at

Worship That Ass

Congratulations! You have now advanced into ass

Centering your booty means making it all about her.

Consider Sasha fierce to Beyonce. Nevermind
whether you like Beyonce or not. This is about your
radiant ass taking center stage in that very same way
that Sasha does for Beyonce.
How to Love Your Booty
As a matter of fact, give your ass her own center-
stage starring role; a name and a storyline with her
own unique personality and characteristics.
Regardless of how you feel even if you are not feeling
the love yet, make her larger than life. Pun intended.

To allow others to publicly ass-preciate you is next

level booty love. This might look like:
• Volunteering as the booty for live body
• Catcall ritual (with friends who affirm you)
• Show off that ass in booty enhancing lingerie,
underwear, sexy curve clinging dresses,
outfits, and swimwear.
• Sharing your photos and booty love progress
(this one is hugely liberating)

Adored and Adorned

Adornments have long been used to decorate,
appreciate, and give significance to the wearer.
Adorning the glutes is a special practice among
many cultures and ethnic groups. Plants, cloths,
beads, jewels, metals, tattoos, and bones have been
used throughout humanity as ornaments for the
waist, hips, and buttocks.
How to Love Your Booty
In several African cultures, waistbeads are worn by
women to symbolize beauty and attraction as well as
to represent sensuality and fertility. I love adorning
my hips in waistbeads.

Rando I know, but stilettos are certainly good for an

instant lift in booty confidence.

Create content that centers your magical ass like the

Booty Worship issue of Yoni Uncensored
magazine. Download it now for more ways to love
your booty. Get ready to be accepting of fans and

Find pleasure in worshipping your behind through

• Shabari- a Japanese rope art
• Impact play
• Role playing that centers your ass and
• Sensation play

Butt plugs are a great way to explore pleasure and

adorn your money maker. I love the ones that look
like fluffy tails and the cute little jewel ones, too.

Create a booty bucket list of fun stuff that centers

your derrière like lingerie parties, carnival parades,
using butt toys, or some fun twerk classes.
How to Love Your Booty
Last words!
Get positively acquainted with your behind:
• Hang with folks who love their booty out
• Get comfortable with butts in general, yours
and other people’s
• Go places where butt exposure is the clubs, sex conferences, twitter
twerk threads, water parks, beaches, intimate
events, burlesque shows
• Booty watching is people watching for

Confidence is key. I didn’t always love my ass. My

greatest motivation is that I wanted that to change.
I wanted to love my butt. Three years ago, I took the
same steps I am teaching in this e-book. Now,
people pay to watch me move my ass. That may not
be the goal for you, and it doesn’t have to be. This
was never my goal for sure, yet, it has been an
amazing and unmatched experience to have my
booty tributed and loved on (digitally and

How to Love Your Booty

Booty Movin’ Playlist

1. Booty Me Down
2. Drop It Low
3. Shake It Fast- Mystical
4. My Humps
5. Pull Over
6. Red Nose- Sage the Gemini
7. RumpShaker
8. Baby Got Back
9. She Twerkin’
11.Twerk- City Girls
12.Big Booty- Gucci Mane
13.Thong Song
14.Shake that Monkey
15.Back That Azz Up- Juvenile
16.Ms. New Booty
17.Slow Down- Bobby Valentino
18.Fatty Girl
19.Dance (A$$)
20.Donk- Soulja Boy

How to Love Your Booty

21.Culo- Pitbull
22.Throw That Ass in a Circle
23.Tippy Toe- DJ TTime
24.Long Heals Red Bottom
25.Doing the Butt
26.Juicy- Doja Cat
27.If I Back it Up- Cookiee Kawaii
28.Rock Yo Hips
29.Look Back at Me- Trina
30.Dunkie Butt- 12 Gauge
31.My Neck, My Back
32.Da Dip- Freak Nasty
33.Laffy Taffy
34.Bubble Gum- Rasheeda
35.Anaconda- Nicki Minaj

All New Orleans Bounce Music! If you

know, you know

How to Love Your Booty

About the Author

Victoria Ransburg is an erotic goddess, sex blogger, and

creator of the #WomensOrgasmsMatter campaign. She
creates sex positive content that centers pleasure and
healing for Black liberation. She is an advocate for every
womxn who has ever been hoe-bashed or slut-shamed into
believing there was something she needed to do or be in
order to acquire the love and veneration she deserves.

To learn more about Victoria, visit

How to Love Your Booty

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