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Learning Partner

System Guidance

Initial login 01
Adding new Learning Partner users 03
Create and complete the Learning Partner accreditation application form 06
New Learning Partners - Adding / editing / deleting staff members 14
Create and complete the Learning Partner status change request form 20
Create and complete the Learning Partner additional qualification 25
application form
Assigning a form to a different user 31
Returning a visit form to NEBOSH 34

Version 1 – July 2019

Initial login
1 Following setup in the Learning Partner Accreditation System, you will receive an email with a link to the website, your
username and a temporary password:

2 Click the website link – this will open your default web browser and take you to the Learning Partner Accreditation
System login screen. Enter the username (your email address) and password provided in the email and click the Log in

3 You will be prompted to re-enter the temporary password from the initial email and to select a new password. Enter a
password of your choice (at least 8 characters long and including at least one capital letter and one number) and click
the Save new password button to log in:

4 You will be taken to your home screen:

Adding new Learning
Partner users
You may wish to give other members of your staff access to the Learning
Partner Accreditation System to add, work on or view forms, or to edit other
information held in the system. Anyone who has access to the system is called a
This is how to add new users:

1 After logging in you will be taken to the Learning Partner home screen. Navigate to the Users screen by clicking on the
relevant button:

2 Once in the Users screen, click the Add a user button:

3 Select the type of user you want to add. Each user type has different levels of permission to access forms or edit data;
you can customise these permissions later. Senior Managers and Super Users have permission to create and edit forms.
This should be the default user level for more senior staff members. General users cannot create or edit forms, and
should be the default user level for junior staff members who only have responsibility for maintaining staff / Learning
Partner details:

4 After you have selected the type of user you wish to add please complete all of their mandatory information in the
Create user form:

5 At the bottom of the Create user form you can assign specific permissions to the user. Read each of the permission
descriptions and check the relevant boxes to add the specific permissions you wish to give the user. If you want to
assign a user all possible permissions click the Select all button. When finished, click the Save changes button:

The new user’s login details will be emailed to them within a few minutes.

Create and complete
the Learning Partner
accreditation application
1 To begin your formal application to become a NEBOSH Learning Partner, please log in to your Learning Partner
Accreditation System account and click on Learning Partner accreditation application form from the Start a new…
section on the right hand side of the Home screen:

2 Click the Please select… button

3 Select a maximum of two products and click the Finished button:

4 Click the Create form button:

5 The form will be created and you will be taken to Section 1. Please complete all of the mandatory information. Any
non-mandatory information is marked “optional”. You will not be able to submit the form to NEBOSH until all of the
mandatory information is completed:

6 When all of the mandatory information has been completed, click the Save changes button. Please note that this
button can be used at any time to save your progress:

7 After clicking the Save changes button you’ll be returned to the Form Overview. Click Section 2 to move to the second
part of the application form:

8 Section 2 of the form will open. Click Work on this section to unlock the form and begin editing:

9 Add statements detailing how your organisation meets with each of the six Learning Excellence principles.
The statement field has a maximum of 6000 characters. If your statement is longer than this please upload it as a
separate document:

10 Upload evidence against each principle to demonstrate how each principle is met. Guidance on how these principles
can be met can be found on the NEBOSH website (
partner-status-guidance/ ) or in the Key NEBOSH documents section of the Home screen. Evidence can be uploaded by
clicking Attach a new document:

11 The Upload a new document dialogue box will open. To upload a single document, complete the Document reference,
Document version and Description fields. Select the Document type from the dropdown box and click Choose file.
This will take you to a Windows dialogue box from which you can navigate to the document you want to add:

12 The selected file will appear in the Select your document area. Click Upload this document to add the document as
evidence against the selected principle:

13 To upload multiple documents against the same principle follow the same steps but click the Add multiple documents
tab in the Upload a document dialogue box, then click Select files:

14 Select the files you wish to upload from the Windows dialogue box, add a Document reference, Document version,
Description and Document type then click Upload selected files to add the documents against the selected principle:

15 Check all of the staff role boxes to confirm that you will set up a staff member in each role as soon as the form is
completed. Please note that if you do not set up the required staff members your application will be rejected:

16 When appropriate statements and evidence have been uploaded against all six principles and the boxes checked to
confirm staff members will be set up, save the form by clicking the Save changes button at the bottom of the page:

17 This will return you to the Form overview screen. Click the Submit application to NEBOSH button when you are happy
that you have included all of the required information in the form:

The form will then be assigned to the Learning Partner Quality Team at NEBOSH for review. If the statements and
evidence uploaded are suitable, NEBOSH will contact you to arrange a Validation Visit. During the visit we will work
with you to assess how the evidence you provided verifies your approach to quality training.

18 If the outcome of the Validation Visit is successful, you will be accredited as a NEBOSH Learning Partner.
The Validation Visit report will be available in the Closed forms area of the Home screen:

19 The Learning Partner status and status per principle can be viewed in the Status tab in the My Learning Partner screen:

New Learning Partners -
Adding / editing / deleting
staff members
After you have completed the Learning Partner accreditation application form
you will need to add all of the staff roles associated with the products you
are applying to deliver. As a minimum you must set up a Head of Learning
Partner, Lead Tutor, Internal Assessor (this role was previously known as
Practical Assessor), Communications Co-ordinator, Marketing Contact, Business
Development Contact, Finance Contact and Online Registrar and link them with
all relevant products.
1 After logging in you will be taken to the Learning Partner Home screen. Navigate to the Staff screen by clicking on the
relevant button:

2 Select Add a staff member:

3 Complete all of the Add a staff member form fields. The fields in the Relevant achievements tab must also be
completed. When all details are completed click Add staff member:

4 After clicking on the Add staff member button you will be taken back to the Staff screen. Your newly added staff
member will appear in your staff list:

5 Next, click on Add/remove links to products to assign roles to each staff member:

6 Select all of the roles that are relevant to the selected staff member for each of the relevant products and click the
Finished button when complete. The staff members and roles can be filtered using the drop down boxes at the top of
the dialogue box :

Please ensure that all staff holding NEBOSH-related roles are set up with as much detail as possible, and that all staff roles
are assigned appropriately.

7 After adding all relevant staff members and their staff roles, open the record of each Lead Tutor, Tutor, Internal Assessor
and Translator, then click the Documents tab and upload the staff member’s CV:

8 Click Upload one now!:

9 In the Upload one now dialogue box, enter a description of the document and click Choose file. Select the document
you want to upload from your device and click Upload this document:

10 In the next dialogue box you will see the document you have uploaded. Click Save changes to finish the upload:

11 To edit an existing staff member’s details, select them from the list in the Staff screen by clicking details:

12 The selected staff member’s details will be shown. Make any edits as required and click Save:

13 To delete a staff member, click delete in their staff record. Please note that it is a requirement of your accreditation to
maintain staff in each of the key staff roles (Head of Learning Partner, Lead Tutor, Internal Assessor, Communications
Co-ordinator, Marketing Contact, Business Development Contact, Finance Contact and Online Registrar):

14 Click OK, delete… to permanently delete the staff record:

Create and complete the
Learning Partner status
change request form
This form allows a Learning Partner to make an application to move to a higher
status. Before you create this form you should think carefully about whether
your organisation is able to meet all six of the Learning Excellence Principles –
you’ll need to provide statements against all six Principles explaining how you
meet the requirements, along with evidence demonstrating this.
Here’s a step by step guide to creating and completing the Learning Partner status change request form:

1 To begin your formal application to change NEBOSH Learning Partner status please log in to your Creatio account
and click “Learning Partner status change request” from the “Start a new…” section on the right hand side of the
Home screen:

2 Click the “Create form” button:

3 The form will be created and opened, assigned to the user who created it.
Please select the new Learning Partner status you wish to apply for by clicking the appropriate button:

4 Add a statement providing details of how your organisation meets with each of the six Learning Excellence principles:

5 Upload evidence against each principle demonstrating how each principle is being met. Guidance on how these
principles can be met can be found on the NEBOSH website (
learning-partner-status-guidance/). Evidence can be uploaded by clicking “Attach a new document”:

6 The “Upload a new document” dialogue box will open. To upload a single document, complete the Document
reference, Document version and Description fields, select the Document type from the dropdown box (don’t worry
about the type of document you select, the document will reach us whatever you choose) and click “Choose file”. This
will take you to a Windows dialogue box from which you can navigate to the document you want to add:

7 The chosen file will appear in the “Select your document” area. Click “Upload this document” to add the document
against the selected principle:

8 To upload multiple documents against the same principle follow the same steps but click the “Add multiple
documents” tab in the “Upload a document” dialogue box, then click “Select files”:

9 Select the files you wish to upload from the Windows dialogue box, add a Document reference, Document version,
Description and Document type then click “Upload selected files” to add the documents against the selected principle:

10 When statements and evidence have been uploaded against all six principles, save the form by clicking the
“Save changes” button at the bottom of the page:

11 This will return you to the “Form overview” screen. Click the “Submit request to NEBOSH” button when you are
happy that all of the required information has been included in the form:

Create and complete
the Learning Partner
additional qualification
application form
This form allows a Learning Partner to make an application to deliver additional
NEBOSH qualifications. Before you create this form, you should think carefully
about whether your organisation has appropriate tutorial staff and teaching
materials in place for the qualification(s) you are applying for, and confirm that
the qualification is available in the language in which you wish to deliver – your
application may be rejected if you do not meet these requirements.
1 To begin your formal application to deliver an additional NEBOSH qualification, please log in to your Learning Partner
Accreditation System account and click Learning Partner Additional Qualification Application in from the Start a new…
section. This can be found on the right hand side of the Home screen:

2 Click the Please select button under Products:

3 Select the qualification(s) you wish to apply for by checking the appropriate boxes then click Finished:

4 Click the Create form button:

5 The form will be created and opened in the Application scope and purpose section, assigned to the user who created
it. The form can be reassigned to any user set up for your Learning Partner (please refer to the section on Assigning a
form to a different user of the Guidance document for details of how to reassign a form). Please complete all of the
mandatory sections of the of form and both optional sections if applicable, then click Save changes:

6 This will return you to the Form overview screen. Click Delivery details and agreement to move to the next section of
the form:

7 Click Work on this section to unlock the form for editing:

8 Please complete each section of the form (if applicable) and click the Save changes button:

9 You will be returned to the Form overview screen. If you are happy that you have completed the form in full click the
Submit to NEBOSH button:

10 The qualification(s) you have applied for will appear in the Products section of the My Learning Partner screen. They will
show as suspended pending their approval.

We will contact you when the approval process is complete to confirm whether your application has been successful.

Assigning a form to
a different user
1 When you log in you will see your personal home page. This will show details of any forms that are currently
assigned to you:

2 Click on the form and you will be taken to its Form Overview screen. From here, click Add a user assignment
to give the form to another user to complete:

3 The Create a user assignment dialogue box will appear. Please select the user you want to assign the form to:

4 In the Assignment details dialogue box select the deadline date for the completion of the form, add any notes for the
assignee and click Add this assignment:

5 The Form Overview screen will now show that the form has been reassigned to the selected user. The form will remain
in your inbox to allow you to monitor its progress; however, it will also appear in the inbox of the user you have
assigned it to:

Returning a visit
form to NEBOSH
There are a number of reasons why NEBOSH may visit you in person. If you have
applied to become a NEBOSH Learning Partner for the first time, or to change
Learning Partner status, we will visit and carry out a full assessment against
the six Learning Partner principles. If you are an existing Learning Partner we
will visit periodically to carry out quality spot checks to assess the standards
of tuition, and to assess the standard of examination administration and
During each visit a NEBOSH representative will complete a form that details their findings. Following the visit
the form will be assigned to you in the Learning Partner Accreditation System. You can, if you wish, provide
feedback on the visit at this point. The form must then be returned to NEBOSH to be finalised after which it
will appear in the Closed forms area of your home page.

To return the visit form:

1 The completed visit form will appear in your inbox soon after the visit is completed. Open the form by clicking on it:

2 Open each of the sections to review them individually by clicking on them. Each section that was completed during the
visit will be marked as edited with a green icon and the name of the NEBOSH representative who carried out the visit:

3 After you have reviewed the relevant sections click Return to the form overview:

4 If you want to leave feedback click on the Learning Partner feedback section:

5 Click Work on this section to unlock the form:

6 Add your comments in the Please provide any relevant feedback… field, then click Save:

7 Return to the form overview and click “Return form to NEBOSH”. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE FORM MUST BE RETURNED
TO NEBOSH REGARDLESS OF WHETHER FEEDBACK IS PROVIDED. If the form is not returned the visit will not be closed
and any outcomes associated with the form will not be actioned:

8 The form will then move from your inbox and back to NEBOSH where it will be finalised. Where applicable the outcome
of the visit will be used to update your Learning Partner status. Your status can be found by clicking My Learning
Partner, then Status:

9 You will be taken to the Status screen where you can confirm your overall status and status per principle.

If you have any queries or feedback on this document or the Learning Partner Accreditation System, please contact the
Learning Partner Quality Team:


Dominus Way,
Meridian Business Park,
LE19 1QW

t +44 (0)116 263 4700


f +44 (0)116 282 4000


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