Sample of Supporting Statements and Evidence Required To Support A Learning Partner Application

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Sample of supporting statements and evidence required to support a Learning Partner Application

NEBOSH Learning Partners are asked to commit to our Learning Excellence Principles and provide evidence to demonstrate how each Principle is achieved.
Learning Partners must be able to evidence all of the Principles in full to become accredited. We understand that our Learning Partners will meet these
principles in different ways, but the more evidence you provide, the easier it will be to show that you meet the requirements.

We require you to write statements (of approximately 250 words) about how your organisation meets each of the Learning Excellence Principles (as detailed in
our Learning Partner Programme guidance document) and upload documents as supporting evidence.

An example of the type of written statement we would expect for Principle 1: Ensure all learners understand what is expected of them and what they can
expect from their Learning Partner.

"Our organisation ensures that all learners understand what is expected of them through meetings with each learner prior to enrolment at which we discuss
their requirements. From this meeting we are able to establish that the learner will be studying the best course for them and are able to commit to the amount
of study time required (both inside and outside of the classroom). Each learner is then provided with a clearly worded learner agreement which sets out
expectations of both parties and includes our terms and conditions. Terms and conditions include details of circumstances and timeframes in which refunds
would be given, the next steps should a learner receive a refer result, and how to make a complaint to us. This agreement is provided to our learners in
advance of enrolling with us and we ask that learners read the information provided and sign to indicate that they have understood what they have read.
Learners studying a NEBOSH qualification are also provided with a NEBOSH information pack which includes NEBOSH contact details and directs learners to
the NEBOSH website and syllabus guide.
We have a ‘Whatsapp’ support groups for our learners based on tutor groups where learners can ask the tutor questions outside of class and receive a timely
response. Our tutors are always available for 30 minutes following each class to answer queries.
Our course fees and promotional materials are clear and concise. There are no ‘hidden’ or additional fees outside those published in the fees list and our

Examples of attachments we would expect to see for Principle 1 based on this statement:

Learner agreement
Learner information pack
Screenshot of Whatsapp group
Promotional advertising material
Fees list
Please note that these are sample statements / attachments. The information you provide must relate exclusively to your organisation. If the statements and
attachments provided are not sufficient we will not proceed to a validation visit and your status will not be upgraded.

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