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Larbi Ben MHidi, Dellys 2016/2017

Level: 3rd Year SE, GM and TM classes Topic : 02

English Final Exam

The most frequent criticism of the Englishman made by men and women of many countries,
turns on his frigidity and rigidity, a criticism that surprises the Englishman because he is not aware of
anything that justifies it. His exterior reserve often gives an impression of a cold temperament, and
no indication of the rich warm character that it covers. Far from being rigid and stiff, he is highly
emotional, and at the same time ashamed of showing emotion. He is extremely sensitive, but his
education has taught him that to be too sensitive is to be weak.

He is naturally warm- hearted and at the same time afraid of what he thinks vulgarity of
exuberance. He wants to be liked, but will never show that he wants to be liked. He is sentimental but
will not admit to being guided by sentiment, and so he goes about in armor, and in the presence of
strangers, he rarely relaxes and lays it aside. When he does eventually lay aside his armor, then you
meet the real Englishman, genial, generous and sympathetically adaptable. He does not like the men
of some warmer countries, gives his friendship freely to all who come along, but when he does give it,
he gives it with all his heart.

Part One : Reading and interpreting (15 points)

A/ Comprehension (8 Points)
1- What type of text is it ? a/ Narrative b/Argumentative c/Descriptive (0.50)

2- Put ‘true’ or ‘false’ in front of each statement. (03)

a-The British are unware of being both frigid and rigid persons.

b-The Englishman is introvert due to his social education.

c-The British often show feelings in front of strangers.

d-British people easily offer their friendship to others.

3-Answer the following questions according to the text. (03)

a- What is the real temperament of the Englishmen?

b-Why is the Englishman considered as frigid and rigid?

c- When do the Englishmen show his real personality ?

4-What or who do the underlined words in the text refer to? (1.50)
a- It § 1 b- His §2 c- his § 2

B/ Text Exploration : (7 Points)

1-Find words in the text that are closest in meaning to the following. (01)

a- conscious § 1 b- shield §2

2- Divide these words into roots and affixes : (1.50)

Words Prefixes roots Suffixes

*Awareness ……………………………… ………………………………… …………………………….
*Unadaptable …………………………….. ………………………………… ……………………………
*Sensitive …………………………….. ………………………………… …………………………….
3-Complete sentences (b) so as to mean the same as sentences (a) : (02)

1/a-The Englishman is considered as being frigid and rigid .

b-Most people ………………………………………………………………………………………

2/a-I did not succeed to express my feelings in front of all my classmates.

b- I wish …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

4/ Classify the following words according to their number of syllables : (01)

*emotional / strangers / Englishman / sentimental

5/ Reorder the following sentences to write a meaningful paragraph: (1.50)

*but it is quite complicated to study them

*according to many researches in this field

*it is easy for us to feel emotions

*emotions have components of two form; physical and mental and consist of body responses

Part Two : Written Expression (5Points)

Topic 1: Write an expository article of about 120 words on how American people express their
feelings. You may use the following notes:

*easily /show emotions/public * easy contact/other people

*openly express / dissatisfaction *enjoy/sharing own experiences

Topic 2 : You are a member of an association which is organizing meetings in order to make people
aware of the various drawbacks of corruption. Write a public statement of about 120 words.

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