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Lesson Plan Evaluation

Day: Monday Date: 1/07/2020

Subject: ELA Biographies Evaluation

Duration: 1 day
Common Core Standard(s):
Integrate information from two texts on the same topic to write or speak about the subject

Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience in an organized manner, using
appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly at
an understandable pace.

Add audio recordings and visual displays to presentations when appropriate to enhance the
development of main ideas or themes.

Objective(s): At the end of this lesson my students will be able to speak knowingly in a
presentation format about a topic of interest and present in an organized, well prepared, and
knowledgeable way. They will be able to state facts, descriptive detail, and life accounts of the
person they chose from research. They will use their biography poster as a visual aid when
presenting about their topic.
Resources/Materials List:
-Rubric for oral presentation. See attached.
-Students Biography posters.
-Students props and dress up.

1) Students will have their winter break to prepare for their presentations.
2) Students will dress up as the person they have been working on.
3) Students will have their biography poster as a tool and visual aid for presentation.
4) A friend can hold their poster, so they are not alone up there if they wish.
5) Students will take turns and present to the class as the character they have been
studying about.
6) Students will talk in first person.
7) Students will each answer questions and get feedback from the audience.
8) As a group we will discuss what we learned and what they thought about seeing a
variety of people’s presentations on different people of importance.
9) Teacher will fill out rubric for oral presentation on each student for grading and
10) Teachers can use this project as a family cultural night. The students give an
opportunity to talk about people all around the world of importance.
Plans for differentiation:
Jaylee- Can read her poster to the class with little attention to mechanics.
Javier- will have me helping him present his work to the class in English.
Assessment: Use Oral Presentation Rubric to grade student’s performance.
Plans for accommodation/modification:
-ELL: Will present his report using google translator and show his poster to the class.

-Level 1 reader: Will not use a rubric for grading but look for the effort and quality of work she

What is next? Students have finished out biography unit plan. Our next adventure will be on
writing personal autobiographies.
I saw this project being carried out in my 3rd grade classroom experience last

year at the Reilly School in Lowell, MA. I saw things I would like to tweak as I watched

this teacher carry out a unit plan on biographies. I stood there wanting to take control

and make it my own. The students had so much fun and really enjoyed the whole

process. It was fun to dress up and see a variety of characters in a dramatic play

presentation. This project requires the student to do research and use that
information to come to an organized analysis to speak knowingly of the subject. The

handouts allow the students to narrow down and analyze what is important and

interesting about that person that they want to share and represent to the class.

Dramatic play can help you meet your curriculum goals and build students’ literacy

skills. It allows students to experiment with literacy and see that different tasks

require different texts to support imaginative activities. By taking on different roles as

a class, they will gain an understanding that characters have different personalities

and motivations. They will also see the use of narrative structure unfolding in a

certain way with each presentation of different people’s lives.

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