Meeting Minutes

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September 10th,2020

Attendance: Janessa Paderes, Sarah Ayman, Muhammad Nafees, Maria Khan, Aisha Al-Obaidly

Action Items:

Muhammad Nafees: Set up a google doc and “”.

Sarah Ayman: Wrote the meeting minutes.

Janessa Paderes: Researched the different ideation strategies.

Maria Khan: Set up Jamboard frames for ideation.

Aisha Al-Obaidly: Made a checklist of all tasks to be completed.


-discuss the various ideation strategies we want to use and decide the ones we think are best
for us.

 We researched and discussed each of the ideation strategies that were listed
 We opted for brainstorming and a modified version of the 6-3-5
 The 6-3-5 was modified to accommodate the limitations of our group

-discuss why the strategies we decided are effective/ineffective

 The round robin was eliminated due to time constraints and due to members feeling
uncomfortable as they are put on the spot.
 The alter ego was eliminated due to it not catering to the needs of our project
 Brainstorming was considered effective as it allowed everyone to pitch in ideas at their
own will
 6-3-5 allowed for a lot of ideas in under 5 mins for us to discuss and talk about

-discuss the platforms we will be using for our ideation and project.

 Decided on using Jamboard, Google docs zoom video chat and WhatsApp for our

- ideate about problems in Qatar (social, economic and environmental)

 Divided problems into 3 broad sections: environmental/ student life issues (on campus
and off campus)
 Used jamboard to receive everyone’s opinion anonymously
 Discussed each idea and further developed it.

NEXT STEPS: The next meeting will be on the 14 TH of September and we will discuss the team
charter and plan next week’s tasks including our mandatory peer tutor appointment.
ENGL 210 TEAM PROJECT-Meeting Minutes

18th September 2020

Attendants: Muhammad Nafees, Maria Khan, Janessa Paderes, Aisha Al-Obaidly, Sarah Morshed

Agenda #1: Finalizing Team Charter


 Talked about differences between broad team goals and personal goals.
 Discussed what are the expectations team members have from each other.
 Decided course of action if team member/s present unacceptable work or miss deadlines.

Action Items:

 Janessa typed the final Team charter.


 Maria will proofread documents for any changes and upload the final draft along with other
documents on Canvas.

Agenda #2: Assigning roles team members will play in the project


 Related our personal goals in Team Charter to the needs of the project
 Maria and Janessa decided to work on the video editing portion for the project
 Nafees, Aisha and Sarah will do research on the problem statement and potential solutions
 Roles are not permanent and will be changed throughout the semester if required.

Agenda #3: Further Discussion on problem statement


 We discussed the practicality and the implementation of each of our picked problems to be our
final problem statement.

 each member do some research about the problem they picked and present it in the next

Team Members: Maria Khan , Sarah Ayman, Muhammad Nafees, Janessa Paderes, Aisha Al- Obaidly.
ENGL 210 TEAM PROJECT-Meeting Minutes

29th September 2020

Attendants: Muhammad Nafees, Maria Khan, Janessa Paderes, Aisha Al-Obaidly, Sarah Morshed

Agenda #1: Finalizing Problem statement Draft


 Everyone presented the research they did on the Problem Statement.

 Agreed to work collectively on a google document
 Assigned Sarah to proofread document and further recommended everyone to
proof check their individual sections.

Action Items:

 Maria and Nafees to meet Dr.Mary and get clarification on the Need Analysis and
Scope section of the Problem Statement


 Maria, Nafees, Janessa and Aisha to finish writing respective sections in problem
statement document.
 Sarah to proofread the document and add literature review she did.
ENGL 210 TEAM PROJECT-Meeting Minutes

21st October 2020

Attendants: Muhammad Nafees, Maria Khan, Janessa Paderes, Aisha Al-Obaidly, Sarah Morshed

Agenda #1: Solutions to address the problem statement


 2 different solutions presented: App 1 to connect students in Education City with

Recyclers, App 2 to connect informal recyclers to recycling facilites.


 Meet with Van and discuss the viability of these solutions.

Agenda #2: Split work for Ideation Video


 Decided that making powerpoint slides and screen recording them with voiceovers
would be the best approach.
 Everyone would have specific parts that they would need to make slides and record
voices for.


 Nafees to screen record, Needs Analysis, Design Constraints and Solution 1

 Ayesha: make slide introducing problem statement and another describing previous
solutions and drawbacks
 Sarah: make slide for research done on e-waste and how it poses an issue
 Nafees: Review screens designed on and make slides based on each screen. Also
make slide connecting solution to design constraints.
 Maria: Make slide for introduction and solution 2 and review other slides.
 Janessa: Edit the slides and combine audio to make the video
ENGL 210 TEAM PROJECT-Meeting Minutes

11th November 2020

Attendants: Muhammad Nafees, Maria Khan, Janessa Paderes, Aisha Al-Obaidly, Sarah Morshed

Agenda #1: Discussing feedback received for Ideation Video


 Decided to combine both solutions into one application after reviewing comments
made by instructor, Van and peers.
 was found to be a good place to design the app’s framework


 Meet at a later date to design the structure of the app.

ENGL 210 TEAM PROJECT-Meeting Minutes

24th November 2020

Attendants: Muhammad Nafees, Maria Khan, Janessa Paderes, Aisha Al-Obaidly, Sarah Morshed

Agenda #1: Building app on


 Named the app Green Fibre.

 Decided that app needs to have a Login Screen, Home Page, Scanner and Settings


 Screens were designed and edited on by Janessa and Maria

Agenda #2: Discussing Final Project Video


 Decided to repeat same procedure as was done for Ideation Video i.e. screen record
powerpoint slides however this time their will be only be a single narrator.
 Slides were distributed between everybody as before.
 Slides were to be delivered to Janessa by 25 th November so they could be edited into
a video


 Ayesha: make slide introducing problem statement and another describing previous
solutions and drawbacks
 Sarah: make slide for needs analysis checklist and another on how the propsed solution
meets them
 Nafees: Review screens designed on and make slides based on each screen. Also
make slide connecting solution to design constraints.
 Maria: Write a script for video and record audio.
 Janessa: Edit the screens on and make the video
ENGL 210 TEAM PROJECT-Meeting Minutes

27th November 2020

Attendants: Muhammad Nafees, Maria Khan, Janessa Paderes

Agenda #1: Addressing Comments made by instructor


 Dr.Mary advised that video shouldn’t include slides since it would seem
unprofessional. Decided to find stock footage to replace slides.
 was found to be a good source of stock footage relevant to our video.

Action Items:

 Appropriate stock footage was found and flagged. Janessa would later download and
edit them into the video.

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