Daily Internship Notes Log Week Two 10-05-10!10!2020

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USC Upstate

Exercise and Sport Science Internship

Date: ____10-05-2020______________
6 Total Hours
Daily Notes:

This is day 2 of May’s fitness plan and she is progressing well. I am very impressed with May’s ability to
push through her exercises from her soreness yesterday, and her tiredness today. Each day we will
perform the same exercises, but in a different rotation. Although she did very well today, I am interested
to see how she will do if I increase her time from 20 seconds to 25 seconds on Friday. One major task we
focused on was her breathing. We implemented her exercises from Saturday into today’s exercise to build
up her tolerance for Friday.

Identify AND describe the major task/focus or the most interesting thing that you observed today.

Date: ____10-07-2020______________
6 Total Hours Today

Daily Notes:

After Monday’s exercises, May began to feel weary and decided she wanted to take a break from
exercising. I spoke to May and told her she is doing a fantastic job. Her ability to push through pain was
impeccable and I am very proud of her. I also explained that her goal is highly achievable, and I’ll
continue to complete each exercise with her if she’d like.

Today was a bit difficult, but we pushed through and finished each exercise as listed on her plan.

Tomorrow, I will meet with May and we will discuss more on the topic of box breathing.
Identify AND describe the major task/focus or the most interesting thing that you observed today.

USC Upstate
Exercise and Sport Science Internship
Date: ____10-08-2020______________
4 Total Hours
Daily Notes:

Today, I met May at a local café to discuss the importance of breathing during exercise. I explained how
it is essential for lifting weights, and just as important when using our own body weight. I let her
practice after our discussion, and she thought it was pretty neat. A little awkward first, but untimely

Tomorrow we will incorporate box breathing with her workout.

Identify AND describe the major task/focus or the most interesting thing that you observed today.

Date: ___10-09-2020______________
6 Total Hours Today

Daily Notes:

During today’s exercise, May and I practiced box breathing by inhaling for a few seconds, holding our
breath, then exhaling. We found it to be a bit difficult in the beginning, but we adjusted our breathing as
we continued to exercise. May did a fantastic job today! Besides having to adjust her breathing, May
finished her workout strong and decided that she is ready to increase her reps from 20 seconds to 30

I will continue to track May and her progress. Next week happens to be the last week of her fitness
program, but I informed May that she can continue to use this plan until she is ready to create her own.

Identify AND describe the major task/focus or the most interesting thing that you observed today.

10-10-2020 6 Total Hours

Today May and I met on Zoom to discuss how she is feeling after her first week. She informed me that
she is enjoying her workout and recovering well from her soreness. She indicated that next week, she may
incorporate exercises on her rest days, and I encouraged her to take it slow if she decides to go through
with her plan. So far, she has lost 7.5 lbs, and I couldn’t be prouder of my client! While working on her
outward fitness, she changed her diet to fit her new lifestyle and which will help in reducing her weight as

May and I are both excited to see her new transformation and improve her active lifestyle.

Monday will be the beginning of her second week of training.

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