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Contemporary Issues

Basically This is an Interview of DR.Ishrat Husain who was the former president of state bank of
Pakistan and the book which was wrote by him. Discussing financial problems of Pakistan, Lack of
accountability, Competence and corruption in different institutions of Pakistan.

Name:Syed Muhammad Sarosh Hassan

Roll no: 19845
Department Of Public Administration
Governance issues in Pakistan

How we can change a corrupt system into a system in which there is accountability,

These are the main questions basically.

Interview of Dr.Ishrat Husain (Former President State Bank of Pakistan)

A book (Governing the Ungovernable) written by Dr.Ishrat Husain

He mostly discusses the issues which Pakistan economy had to face. In This book
Pakistan history is divided into two parts. First is from 1947-1990 and second is
1990-2015.From 1947 to 1990 there were fantastic shocks we get. There were no
industries any financial means. the 1965 war and 1971.Then tenure of Bhutto
,Afghan Wars started, drug culture all came in the tenure of Zia up haq.But After
all this Pakistan was still in the numbering of 1-10 Good performing contries.The
GDP was 6.5% per year. The Economy Fall of Pakistan started fro1990-
2015.According to dry ishrat the main purpose of writing this book is to
understand what are the difrrences.what is main cause of this fall.

According to him First the institutions which were made for the progress of
Pakistan e.g. PIDC(Pakistan Industrial development cooperation) had made
industries everywhere in Pakistan and then private sec buy those industries from
them and then expand them and the second was Planning Commission The
development in Pakistan was because of this and people from all over came to
see our plan strategy so they can also adopt them for development and Third was
Agriculture Development corperation,Wapda,PIA airlines these institutions were
strong, there were competent employees.

When political government came in 19’0s there tenure started they change all
the previous members of those isntutuions.they put loyalty,competence,purity on
the second num and try to grt top positions in the institutions which was not so
good for the country.
There are three main Pillars of the state

1: Executive

2: Judiciary

3: Legislature

We are not good in legislature. If this is good all know that someone is watching
our moves. There should be accountability, competence in workers.

Parlimantrey commits should watch all the ministries whether they are working in
the right way or not.

Financial corruption could be ended with the help of PAC (Public Account
Commission) .If there is loyal and competent workers in the institutions and if
the Auditor General on basis of clerks put financial irregularities (means an
intentional misstatement or omission of information relating to
a financial transaction) into corruption.

If we have competent workers who know how to do their work in right way and
not believe in sensationalist then this financial corruption could be ended with
the help of PAC.

Opposition parties could also play a main role in legislature. They can raise the
points like this ministry is not working for the public interest. There was a
Question/Answer session where ministries have to ban the questions related to
public interest but this all is not going so good.

According to Dr Ishrat we should not focus on the bad doings of individuals. We

should correct this by system wise. Our health sector, education sector est.
should be corruption free.
And he also says there is combination of both society and the government.fro the lower level
we people start corroution, bad doings so how could the whole system should be corruption

In his book he also discuss on an issue Civil Military Balance.

According to him if we put a look on history we have best in the brightest civil servants who
knew their work.Ayub Khan and Zola up Has have also run their governments on the behalf of
those civil servants.

He said that we should take that space back which filled by the milltary.we called military
where there is an issue while the main role of military is to protect the external borders of the
country. And to do so we should have strong government institutions. And in all the institutions
parliament is most important which should be correct.

How parliament could be corrected?

→Local Government should be strong.

→Urban voters mind set

Whether Pakistan needs a Political Government or Military

According to Dr.Ishrat Husain political government because everywhere in the world there is an
exit of any system. As a Pakistani citizen we have the right to vote after every five years that we
can change the government. But military government is another type of government. It can’t be

How Pakistan can be made Good Governable?

→Public Service Commission should be strong

→Election Commission should be fair in results

→National Accountability Beaureu have to do Accountability

→Lower Judiciary


→Parliamentary Comities

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