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January 2016: Compiled by FET staff on behalf of FESS

June 2017: Links Revised by FESS

Minor Award Name Personal Effectiveness
Minor Award Code 3N0565
Level 3
If you have suggested additions, or you find that some links are not working, please email

Suggested resources to support delivery:

Theme/Topic Type Relevance Author/Source Web Link

What is Personal Web Based – Looks at: What does personal Compiled by Lillian
Effectiveness Word effectiveness mean to you? Personal Doyle. Fetac resources/filemgmt/index.php?id=271
Document effectiveness and self-confidence,
Download Qualities of Personal Effectiveness. What
is self and personal effectiveness growth?
Includes questions for the learner to fill in
a various work sheets relating to the
above sub-topics. Note: even though the
material is focused towards a Level 4 they
still cover the fundamental elements of
Personal Effectiveness.
Identifying Book Skills for Success explores personal Stella Cottrell
Personal resources required by today's employers, sf1=barcode&st1=9781137426529
Resources for the such as: 
Learning • effective self-management and self-
Environment and awareness
workplace. • team-working skills
January 2016: Compiled by FET staff on behalf of FESS

June 2017: Links Revised by FESS

• emotional intelligence
• a reflective practitioner approach
• problem-solving and task management
• creative thinking skills.
Activities Work Notes focus on the following: identifying Milwaukee Public
Sheets and personal and material resources. Schools Chief English/CAO/Documents/PBIS/HS-
Notes Worksheet used by students to identify Academic Office 2015 Attendance-SAIG-Lesson-2-Identifying-
their personal resources. Resources.docx
Booklet - Pdf This guide looks at employability skills, Manitoba Care http://www.manitobacareerdevelopm
attitude and essential skills. Each section Development Service
of the guide includes links to worksheets. Canada df - Section 1 pg. 6-9
Online Helps students identify their employability Service Canada
worksheets skills: Employability Skills 2000+ ecklists/employability.jsp?lang=e.

These are the skills required to enter,

stay in, and progress in the world of
work - whether working on own or as a
part of a team. These skills can also be
applied and used beyond the workplace
in a range of daily activities.

Students can rate themselves against

the skills employers require in today's
workplace. There are 49 questions.
Approximate time to complete: 5
Exploring Online Career Portal Offers a wide variety of Career Portal
strengths, talents, Worksheets printable worksheets and specific notes on eerskills.pdf
goals, values, and Notes various aspects of skill development.
challenges, Use the exercise on this downloadable

January 2016: Compiled by FET staff on behalf of FESS

June 2017: Links Revised by FESS

abilities and the worksheet to discover the most sought
following skills: after skills needed to get jobs in the
communication, modern workplace.
Online Students can use the exercise on this
management, Exercises downloadable worksheet to identify what mmunity_project_exercise.pdf
and areas for their interests are. This exercise takes no
improvement more than 10 min to complete and can
help identify what career interest groups
students are most interested in.
Work Values
This brief exercise helps to clarify values uesQ.pdf
according to six commonly used
Creating a Web Site This site contains various aspects of Education
Personal Learning Personal Learning Planning e.g. Learning learning-plan/
Plan (PLP) goals, tasks involved, sequence of tasks,
resources required, supports available,
personal roles and responsibilities, key
health and safety issues, estimate of
timeframe, implementation of the plan,
review and evaluation.
Goal Setting Website/Toolki This online workbook/toolkit looks at the Colorado State
t and following: Setting Goals, setting Board of Education
worksheets timeframes, exploring feeling about goals, /CF812CA4-EB61-4B3C-98BD-
revisiting / showing progress of set goals. BD6DF044AF42/0/AdultLearnerGoalsT
Includes teacher notes and student
Website: Tutor The training manual includes: Unit 1: ‘Time’ Advalue http://www.advalue-

January 2016: Compiled by FET staff on behalf of FESS

June 2017: Links Revised by FESS

and Student phenomenon and its value
Notes and personal effectiveness analysis, personal ue_Personal_Effectiveness_EN.pdf
Worksheets obstacles for effective time management
Goal setting , priorities setting,
effective planning , ’Time thieves’ and how to
deal with them, first steps into personal time
Learning Styles Web Site: VARK ‘tells you something about yourself
Notes and that you may or may not know. It can be questionnaire/
Questionnaire used to understand your boss, your
colleagues, your parents, your workmates,
your partner, your customers, your
teacher, your relatives, your clients and
yourself.’ It is a short, simple inventory
that has been well-received because its
dimensions are intuitively understood and
its applications are practical. It has helped
people understand each other and assists
them to learn more effectively in many
Students can take the VARK Quiz.
Communication – Web Site This web site gives an overview of the Skills You
Personal importance of effective communication in proving-communication.html
Effectiveness the community and workplace.
Online Quiz/ Online quiz that tests a student’s
Printable knowledge of Effective Communication in uiz-worksheet-impact-of-
Worksheet. the workplace. communication-in-the-workplace.html

January 2016: Compiled by FET staff on behalf of FESS

June 2017: Links Revised by FESS

Video This site discusses effective
communication. -communication-process.html

Team Working – Websites: These worksheets and notes cover the Money
Personal Printable following topics: How good teamwork sson/teammember.asp#LESSON_PRIN
Effectiveness Lessons, Tutor benefit projects; Why good TABLE_MATERIALS_-_WORKSHEETS
Notes and communication, leadership, and time
Worksheets management skills are useful in building
good teamwork skills.
Students can look at ways to improve
communication, leadership, and time
management skills, Three aspects of active
Guide on how to be an effective Team Effective
Member Meetings.Com ams/teamwork/effective.asp
Health and Web Site/ The web page looks at the importance of Health and Safety
Safety: Personal Booklets health and safety to include the Economic, Authority ng_Health_and_Safety/
Effectiveness Legal and Moral Reasons for H&S
Evaluating Website and Evaluation of learning worksheets MIT
Learning Printable and-evaluation

Useful Organisations:
Name Contact Information
Coaching Positive Performance

January 2016: Compiled by FET staff on behalf of FESS

June 2017: Links Revised by FESS

Mind Tools
FETAC Resources
University of Waterloo, Canada
MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses)
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