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Class Planning Sheet

Lesson A
Name Course Freq. Week Day Date No of Ss

Lesson Learning Objective

Important considerations

Activity Procedure Material Time

Welcome Welcome students: ask small talk questions such as how their day is. 30''

Warmer Activate SS through an energizer that recycles vocabulary or grammar previously learnt 4'

Set the scene Start a small discussion on the unit's/lesson's topic including the whole group. 4'

After putting up the poster where everyone can see it, read the objectives of the unit and provide SS with brief
Unit opener
Unit opener examples of them. Ask SS questions about the pictures on the poster. Kindly ask for SS to copy the unit's objectives on 7'
their learning portfolio (The Link)
By using visuals, instruct SS to discuss in pairs how those objects/verbs/adjectives/etc. relate to the lesson's topic. Visuals 4'
Write a question on the board related to the article opening lesson A and ask SS to discuss it it in order to prime their
Pre-listening 3'
minds about the topic to be listened to.
With their books closed ask SS to listen to the track opening lesson A ( For Level 1 and 2 it's advisable to play the
Listening 3'
recordings twice) CD

Post-listening Make SS play a short game and through its execution elicit information about the recording just played. 4'
SS will read the article/conversation that opens Lesson A. Kindly ask SS to underline any words or expressions they can't
Reading 5'
understand so they can be revised later.
The teacher will ask SS to guess the meaning of the underlined unknown words and/or expression based on context.
New vocabulary 5'
Should something take more then 10 seconds to be guessed, provide SS with a definition and or synonym IN ENGLISH.
By using the questions on the Getting started section of the lesson, or questions you come up with, kindly ask SS to have
Consolidation a conversation in pairs or trios in order to verify reading comprehension. *Teacher supervision of the conversations is 5'
Energizer Make SS play a short game and use it to elicit information about the conversation they just had, i.e. What their
(Elicitation) conclusion is, what is it that they think about the topic, etc.

Kindly ask SS to perform the Figure it out exercise in order to create the information gap preceding the grammar
Figure it out 3'
Ask SS for their answers and check if the rest of the group has similar or dissonant answers and kindly ask SS to guess
Elicitation 4'
why answers might be one way or another, in order to promote deductive acquisition of the grammar
Grammar 1.Present the name of the grammar chart.
2. Kindly ask different SS to read the different sections of the chart. 15'
3. Elicit from SS the patterns, changes or structures to be followed in order to yield the desired structure/pronunciation
Select different SS and ask them questions designed to be answered with the grammar just presented; acknowledge and
Elicitation 2'
correct any errors.

Mechanical drill
SS will practice the grammar just seen by doing the exercise beneath the grammar chart. 10'

Check the answers of the previous exercise by playing a game; the group and the teacher will comment on any changes
Energizer 10' + 2'= 12'
or corrections to the answers told. *It's strongly advised to chose a competitive game with an academic purpose to it.

Pre-listening Write a question on the board related to the listening exercise and ask SS to talk about it for a couple of minutes. 5'

Ask SS to open their books and proceed to do the listening exercise(s) on the book by playing the track (For Levels 1 and
Listening CD 5'
2 it's advisable to play the recordings twice)
Energizer Check understanding of the previous recording by playing a game in which you ask questions about the audio's content. 5'
Homework The teacher will tell SS the exercises to be done both on The Link and on Harmon Hall Online.
Create a situation in which SS can talk freely -in pairs or trios- about the topic seen in Lesson A by using the grammar
Consolidation 5'
learnt *Teacher supervision of the conversations is mandatory.
Farewell Thank SS for their attendance. 30''



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