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Summer Batrous
Dr. Guenzel
ENC 1102-section

Research Dossier: The Effect on BEACH Markets Caused by COVID-19

Dossier Introduction

It is undeniable that in 2019, the stock market was in an upward climb. Once COVID-19 spread
globally, an unimaginable turn struck the economy. Whether the economy is doing well or not is
based upon bias, so finding unbiased information requires deep researching and finding solid
facts. COVID-19 has had a dramatic impact on the U.S. financial market by creating uncertainty
for reputable companies and individual economic scares due to the markets’ unpredictable
fluctuations. Finance really began to interest me throughout this past year by analyzing the
market, and how it can improve and fail in such a short period of time. Now that certain stocks
are able to recover from the effects of covid-19 slowly, I have begun to invest myself and gather
my own information on how the economy and specific industries are doing.

Within my research dossier, I plan to explain how the global pandemic has affected the BEACH
stock markets. I will be arguing how the coronavirus has created such a large downturn across
BEACH industries (Booking, Entertainment & Live Events, Airlines, Cruises & Casinos, Hotels
and Resorts) and what changes that the BEACH industries are going to have to make for
traveling, how their stock markets have fluctuated throughout the course of 2020, and how the
people are going to be affected within the industries themselves. When the coronavirus struck as
a pandemic, causing the economy to tumble quickly, markets across the globe began to lose
billions of dollars. Since traveling and tourism is such a huge industry, it was one market that
was affected by the pandemic the most. Researching finance and the market has caused my
interests to grow, allowing me to narrow down what I plan to major in. Another reason I chose
this topic, focusing on the BEACH industries, is because I love to travel and explore new places.
Being able to put both my financial interests and love for traveling into one research project has
allowed me to enjoy the process of this project, but it will also help me in the future by allowing
me to have a large base understanding of how the stock market fluctuating can have various

Throughout the course of this year, the BEACH industries alone were one of the hardest hit
markets due to the outbreak of the coronavirus. Since the coronavirus became a pandemic in
March, the $8 trillion-dollar travel industry faced a cumulative loss of $402 billion dollars. On
top of this, there has also been a decline in 4 million jobs, and there is research to prove that
millions more by the end of the year will be gone. Throughout the course of the year, however,
nearly half (8.2 million) of the originally lost jobs have been restored. Since we are currently still

being affected by the coronavirus, I will still be able to continuously gather new information and
up to date sources based on my topic.

Over the course of researching and gathering information, I have applied many of the research
tools that we have learned about throughout this course, mainly being able to understand and
spot rhetoric, which has helped make my researching better. I am also going to be able to write a
better research dossier due to the writing tools that we have studied along this course. I have had
a few roadblocks throughout this process due to the lack of variety in the sources that I have been
able to put together. This has made gathering different information slightly difficult for me,
especially new, up to date information. However, the sources that I have been able to gather
information from, as well as my own field research, are really going to provide me with a solid
foundation of research for my project. Internet research has made up a good bit of the sources I
have used, but there have been a few scholarly resources as well, even though they have been
difficult to find. I definitely will continue to gather new information as it comes available and
will be watching the BEACH stocks as they fluctuate.

Research Proposal Memorandum

Subject: Research Proposal: How Covid-19 Has Affected the ‘BEACH’ Industries and Market

Topic description: For this project I intend to use (Intertextuality: Porter) because a lot of my
research will relate to each other and the ideas from one source will flow from the other sources.
I also intend to use (What is rhetoric: Downs) and (Rhetorical Situations: Keith Grant-Davie)
because the market involves a lot of interacting throughout buying and selling stocks, but in the
terms of my paper it involves many different markets' interaction with each other.

Writing about how COVID-19 has affected our financial markets is important because one
should be able to understand the different financial situations throughout our country. This is
something that I find key to individual economic success, especially for investors. Some may say
that understanding our country’s economic status is not important for their own success
financially, however, as consumers, it is important to understand the market for consumer
confidence. A stable market is essential for consumer confidence, as well as steady occupations,
therefore, it is important to be aware of the statues of the financial market. When the market is
impacted by events such as the outbreak of COVID-19, consumer confidence and jobs are going
to decrease, as well as supply. This research project is going to explain how the Coronavirus
affected the ‘BEACH’ stock markets (Booking, Entertainment & Live Events, Airlines, Cruises
& Casinos, Hotels and Resorts) and why these effects occurred as a result of many actions
throughout the market. I will not only research how the ‘BEACH’ stocks were affected, but the
chain reaction resulting from these crashing industries. This includes gathering information on
how the people within the BEACH industries have been affected, what changes these industries

are going to have to make in order to begin to get back on their feet throughout this virus and
following the fluctuations throughout this year for the travel markets.

Documentation Style: APA format will be used throughout my research project because it
produces a paper that is easy to understand and helps create a focus to the paper. Because my
major will be Finance and the focus of the paper is going to be how Covid-19 has affected the
BEACH Stock Markets across the world, using APA style will provide clarity for a difficult

Purpose: I plan to major in Finance, therefore, writing about how Covid-19 has affected the
stock market will be beneficial to my understanding of the stock market and how it fluctuates
based on events. Understanding the stock market and ways to invest money has recently become
what I decided I wanted to do, along with double majoring in accounting. Since the Stock Market
is where investors buy and sell shares to make investments into companies of their choice,
making smart financial decisions is essential which is why it relates to my major. I also love to
travel and that is something I strive to be able to do a lot when I am older, therefore, focusing on
the ‘BEACH’ stocks will be interesting for me. I also believe that these were some of the hardest
hit industries resulting from COVID-19.

Intended audience: My fellow classmates and financial peers will benefit from my research
paper because it will allow for a deeper understanding of the Stock Market and how it can
fluctuate, as well as how one event can create chaos within the market. Also, my research paper
will provide how personal finance can be affected if invested into certain companies at the time
of a collapsing market, and how the market will change due to supply and demand.

Research Question / Preliminary Thesis / Argument: How the Coronavirus has affected the
BEACH stock markets across the world and impacted individuals involved in these industries
along the way.

Types of research areas: Based upon my major and topic, my research paper will be concluded
using the internet, field research and scholarly writings. Since COVID-19 is recent and still
ongoing, scholarly research will be difficult to find, but I intend to have at least one scholar
source. I will also conduct my research over the internet using reputable sources and field
research by watching the markets myself.

Keywords: BEACH Stocks / Travel Industry / Coronavirus and Travel / COVID Stock Market

Tentative List of References: Each of the resources that I have chosen for my research project
aid to my research in a different way. I have chosen a scholar paper, websites, journals, and I still
plan to continue my own field research so that I have a variety of sources to pull from. This will
also help prevent biased research to be involved in my writing.

Research Schedule:

9-28-20 10-5-20 10-8/11-20 10-10-20 10-19-30 10-31-20

Revision of Create Continue Exam Final Halloween,
research Digital research number 2 research mom’s
memo due Paper after work due in dossier due birthday. Not
Trail another doing
class homework

11-5-20 11-9-20 11-12-20 11-16-20 11-17-20 11-23-20

Workshop Peer Rhetorical Workshop Peer review Workshop
draft review essay due. draft 1 and draft 2 to draft 3 and
rhetorical workshop Start drafting research research Peer review
analysis 2. TED argumentative paper paper.
talk pitch essay

11-25-20 11-30-20 12-3-20 12-9-20 12-10-20 12-11-20

Self- Course Final draft Final TED talk Feedback to
assignment evaluation research number 3 presentations research
and reflection paper due due in presentations
and peer another E-portfolios
review. class

Annotated Bibliography
Content: This website is showing the best stocks to invest into within the BEACH industries.
Author: This source is a U.S. News website and no author was stated because it clearly just
shows the stocks for hotels, resorts, and cruise lines currently.
BEAM: There is bias in this article because not everyone invests into the market the same.
However, for my field research, I have to figure how BEACH stocks are doing, and the sources
like this one will be best for me.

The 10 Best Hotels/Resorts/Cruise Lines Stocks You Can Invest In. (n.d.). Retrieved
October 13, 2020, from

Content: This article is focusing on explaining the impact that the coronavirus pandemic is
having on the traveling industry. It explains how tourism in certain cities around the world are
heavily relied on for the economy, as well as how hotels and attractions are being affected.
Author: Christa Adams is a freelance writer as well as a traveler. She has a bachelor's degree in
Mass Communication and also studied journalism and social media marketing. On top of this she

has a passion for traveling, therefore, has experienced travel before the virus and is affected
herself by the restrictions forced on the travel industries by the pandemic.
BEAM: There is no bias in the article written by Adams. She clearly used facts to back up each
statement that explained how much the travel industry was affected by the pandemics

Adams, C. (2020, July 24). How the Coronavirus Pandemic Has Impacted the Travel
Industry.Retrieved October 13, 2020, from

Content: The article focuses on allowing the reader to understand how the stock market is
different from the economy and how the market affects the economy. The article also states how
investing is important and how a crash can affect businesses and individuals.
Author: Kimberly Amadeo is the President of World Money Watch. She is also the expert for and the author of The Ultimate Obamacare Handbook.
BEAM: There is bias to this article because Armadeo is an economic expert and she wants the
economy to succeed therefore, there is a slight bit of encouragement to invest into the stock
market in this article. There also is unbiased information about how the stock market and
economy are not the same though.

Amadeo, K. (2020, March 13.). How Stock Investing Affects the US Economy.
Retrieved October 13, 2020, from

Content: This article is showing how COVID-19 negatively affected the stock market. This
source provides a graph that shows the U.S. stock-market volatility over 120 years. The main
purpose of this article is to show graphs and statistics for how the stock market is comparable in
this pandemic to other stock market crashes in history and why this happened.
Author: Scott R. Baker is an associate professor of finance at the Kellogg School of
Management and a research fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research. He focuses his
research on empirical finance and macroeconomics.
BEAM: There is no bias in this article as there are straight graphs and statistics covering many
years of economic downfalls and stock market jumps to show the impact that COVID-19 had on
the US stock-market.

Baker Associate Professor of Finance, S. R. (n.d.). The Unprecedented Stock-Market

Reaction to COVID-19. Retrieved October 13, 2020, from

Content: The purpose of this abstract is to inform the reader of the impact on stock prices
caused by the coronavirus. Throughout the abstract, Gormsen and Koijen explain the declines
and give evidence for multiple countries' markets.

Author: Niels Joachim Gorsmen studied at the University of Chicago-Booth School of Business.
Ralph S. J. Koijen also studied at the same university and school as Gormsen. He is also a part of
the CEPR and NBER.
BEAM: This abstract has no bias to it and because of the credibility of both authors, the abstract
that I used is full of facts and unbiased evidence.

Gormsen, Niels Joachim and Koijen, Ralph S. J., Coronavirus: Impact on Stock Prices
and Growth Expectations (August 3, 2020). University of Chicago, Becker Friedman
Institute for Economics Working Paper No. 2020-22, from

Content: This article explains how the stock market crashes after the COVID-19 pandemic, but
it debates whether it was going to crash before or not. Throughout the article it explains how the
market fluctuates based upon the decisions made by the people and that some may say that there
was going to be a decline in the market and economy eventually, even before the virus.
Author: Zachary Karabell is a New York author, columnist, and stock market investor. He is
also a founder of the Progress Network at New America.
BEAM: Even though this writer is credible, he shows much bias throughout this article leaning
very left. As a reader, the perspective is that the writer is definitely a democrat, and expected a
failing economy even from an economy that was doing exceptionally well before the pandemic.

Karabell, Z. (2020, March 02). A Market Crash Was Coming, Coronavirus Was Just the
Spark. Retrieved October 13, 2020, from

Content: The context of this article is the travel industries failings due to the coronavirus. This
article explains the jobs that were lost, the billions of dollars that has been lost all from the travel
industries effect from COVID-19.
Author: Lea Lane is an award winning writer and communicator. She is the author of Travel
Tales and has written a total of eight books. Lane has also written for magazines and The New
York Times.
BEAM: This accredited author wrote an unbiased article that explained the impact of the corona
virus on the travel industries. WHen reading this article, the perspective is shown to inform the
reader not persuade.

Lane, L. (2020, April 27). 50 Million Travel Industry Jobs May Be Lost, 50 Percent Of
Travel Cut - Due To Coronavirus. Retrieved October 13, 2020, from

Content: This article provided real travel data and expressed ways that congress was trying to
aid the travel industries. This was one of the more up to date articles that I found, as well as one
of the most useful in providing real data.
Author: The U.S. travel association is a national, nonprofit organization that represents and
advocates for all components of the travel industry.

BEAM: There is no bias involved within this article, it provides the reader with a great
understanding of the changes that are being made and what occurred within the travel industries
as a whole due to the coronavirus. (2020, October 09). COVID-19 Travel Industry Research.

Retrieved October 13, 2020, from

Content: This article explains and shows how the specific BEACH stocks were hit hard by the
coronavirus. It breaks down how certain companies within the BEACH industries were affected
and how much they lost in profits as well as the market fluctuations of these companies. Many
charts and graphs are provided from this source.
Author: Dorothy Neufeld is a tech writer in Investing News Network. She has worked for
Vancouver Value Investing and now works for Visual Capitalist. Her writing focuses on
geopolitics and capital markets.
BEAM: There is no bias involved in this source. The perspective this source provides is to
explain how COVID-19 will affect the travel industries due to the restrictions that had to occur to
keep from spreading the virus. This article contributes to my research as one of my top sources
because it focuses on the way that BEACH markets were affected by the pandemic.

Neufeld, D. (2020, March 25). The Hardest Hit Companies of the COVID-19 Downturn:
The 'BEACH' Stocks. Retrieved October 13, 2020, from

Content: This article provides needed information to understand the effects that the coronavirus
will have on tourism worldwide, especially on countries that rely on the money brought in from
Author: Prior to becoming a newsletter writer at Foreign Policy, Colm Quinn was a freelance
journalist. His writing is helpful because it focuses on a worldwide economic effect from the
coronavirus pandemic.
BEAM: This article seems to be informative, showing how heavy certain countries rely on
tourism and how they will be affected by the stop of tourism due to COVID-19. His article may
be a little biased due to the fact that he studies foreign policy and economics across the world.

Quinn, C. (2020, April 23). The Tourism Industry Is in Trouble. These Countries Will
Suffer the Most. Retrieved October 13, 2020, from

Content: For this source I was not able to view the whole document, however, I was able to at
least use the introduction for some information. Based on this, this source provides information
about a few certain companies within the BEACH industries and how much market
capitalization loss they had from the coronavirus.
Author: Jennifer Rudden is a senior researcher at Statista from Germany.
BEAM: This research article indicates no form of bias. It informs the reader on how certain
stocks were at a loss within the BEACH markets, due to the coronavirus.

Rudden, J. (2020, June 19). COVID-19: BEACH stock losses 2020. Retrieved October
13, 2020, from

Content: This scholar source reviews information provided by researchers and professionals to
help the reader understand the impacts tourism has faced from COVID-19. It also explains how
tourism has to be altered for safety and goes into deep analysis about the impacts to the tourism
industry and how to advance it afterwards.
Author: Marianna Sigala is a Professor in Tourism and Director of the Centre of Tourism &
Leisure Management at the University of South Australia Business School.
BEAM: This article is full of bias because the author is reviewing others research. This is a
scholarly article but since Sigala is analyzing professional information, it will involve some of
her ideas and beliefs and the perspective given is to help the reader better understand how to
improve the effects on tourism from COVID-19.

Sigala, M. (2020, September). Tourism and COVID-19: Impacts and implications for
advancing and resetting industry and research. Retrieved October 13, 2020, from

Content: This scholar source covers the financial markets and the dramatic impacts from
COVID-19. This source covers how investors were affected on top of a statistical analysis on the
stock market challenged across the world.
Author: Dayong Zhang is a professor at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics.
BEAM: This scholar source provides information about covid as a whole, an analysis of the
pandemic on the markets, and the new policies involved without bias. The perspective comes
from the U.S. government towards COVID-19’s affects.

Zhang, D., Hu, M., & Ji, Q. (2020, October). Financial markets under the global
pandemic of COVID-19. Retrieved October 13, 2020, from

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