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 In year 2017, Rhina developed a virus for its research purposes and named it SOVID-17.
Somehow, the virus made its way out and spread out, causing to be pandemic in
neighbouring County Klindia and hospitals witnessed daily casualties.
 Mr. Ramesh is a branch manager in Kling Bank was detected by Dr. Keni from Rusur’s
govt. hospital testing camp as SOVID-17 positive on 25th October, 2017, as the bank
decided to test its employees who are in regular touch with public.
 Mr. Ramesh was skeptical about results as he had no symptoms hence he went to a
private hospital named TAIMS for a detailed RT-PCR test and was found negative.
 The Regional Manager of Kling Bank issued a circular that all employees who are tested
positive shall have to go for 7 days institutional quarantine and 14 days home quarantine.
Mr. Ramesh was the only one who was detected positive, in fact in whole village.
 Mr. Ramesh lodged an FIR on Dr. Keni as he had furnished a false SOVID-17 report.As
media came to know about it, Rez TV News channel interviewed Dr. Keni and came to
know that most of them who are tested positive are asymptomatic and test results vary.
Also he stated that there were not sufficient facilities to conduct RT-PCR test in the
village hence simple swab tests were conducted.
 Rez TV news channel blatantly ignored the fact that Mr. Ramesh was SOVID-17
negative as per RT-PCR test instead introduce a fresh claim that Mr. Ramesh on
occasions has also bribed some traffic constable while he was riding his scooter without
helmet and required papers. News channel highlighted the news that how Mr. Ramesh is
in habit of corruption and lodged FIR while not cooperating with quarantine guidelines of
unlock IV.
 Investigation officer Mr. Bali On 27th October 2017 who didn’t findany merits in the
case as he was not experienced in such matters, ignoring the fact that Mr. Ramesh was
SOVID-17 negative forced Ramesh in his police van took him to a nearby Quarantine
center to rest for 7 days. The quarantine center was a govt. school in New Selhi, and
quarantine centre was completely dilapidated as it was densely populated and had only
one common washroom.
 Later, Mr. Ramesh developed the symptoms, after getting in contact with SOVID-17
patients and suffered severe breathing issues. Rez Tv in name of spreading awareness
flashed headlines while showing his video with tag line ‘ If you don’t cooperate, you may
develop symptoms and your evil inside dies gradually. He survived the symptoms after
being put on ventilator for 2 days
 On 1st November 2017, Ramesh escaped from the institution, due to genuine fear of
death due to deplorable hygiene issues there. On the very same day Mr. Bali arrested him
under Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897, several sections of the Indian Penal Code, 1860
(IPC) and the Disaster Management Act, 2005. The bail was denied initially but later on,
he was released on bail after 15 days, on bond
 Due to the social stigma of SOVID-17, neighbours denied rations to Mr. Ramesh and his
wife, and treated them like criminals. They survived on water without any rations for 2
days, post which state delivered only dry rations i.e. rice and wheat at their doorstep.
 He reached bank to join on 18th November 2017, and was allotted a corner most seat
shielded with plastics and sanitizers althoughit was not necessary. Outside his cabin, a
big poster was attached, having displayed in bold, ex-SOVID patient, and keep distance.
Rez Tv fueled this charade in name of social distancing move and congratulated the
 NGO Raksham Initiated PIL upon State and Rez Tv news channel while representing Mr.
Ramesh under Hon’ble Supreme Court of Klindia

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