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Mid Term Exam (Take-Home) Fall - 2020

Student Name: Reg. ID:

Program:BBA/BMS/BS(CS) Instructor:Dr.Muhammad
Nawaz /Dr-RahatJahan/Abdul
Subject:Pakistan Studies-Saturday Max. Marks:25
Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Total Marks
Obtained Marks
Department of Business Administration
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Question No.1:10 marks

a. Contrast Lahore Resolution with Objective Resolution in the context of its aims,

development and achievements. (250 words)

b. Explain the role and contribution of Shah Waliullah (RA) and Ch.Rehmat Ali(RA) in

the Khilafat movement. (word limit: 250 words)


Targets Resolution is one of the fundamental files in the consecrated history of Pakistan. It was

passed by the essential Constituent Assembly on twelfth March 1949 under the organization of

Liaquat Ali Khan. The Objectives Resolution is one of the most critical and edifying records in

the set up history of Pakistan. It set out the objectives on which the future constitution of the

country was to be based and it wind up being the fundamental stone of the sacrosanct headway in

Pakistan. The primary concern was that it contained the fundamental norms of both Islamic

political system and Western Democracy. Its criticalness can be discovered from the way that it

filled in as preface for the constitution of 1956, 1962 and 1973 and at last transformed into the

bit of the Constitution when the Eighth Amendment in the Constitution of 1973 was passed in


Target Resolution was presented in the Constituent Assembly by Liaquat Ali Khan on March 7,

1949 and was exchanged words for five days by the people from both the store and obstruction

seats. The objective was finally passed on March 12. Following were the rule features of the

Objectives Resolution:

 Influence of the entire Universe has a spot with Allah alone

 Authority should be appointed to the State box its kinfolk under the rules set by

 Constitution of Pakistan should be delineated by the Constituent Assembly

 State should rehearse its powers through the picked specialists

 Principles of well known government, opportunity, correspondence, obstruction

and social value, as inshore by Islam should be followed

 Muslims will continue with their continues with concurring the teaching of Quran
and Sunnah

 Minorities can uninhibitedly declare and practice their religion.

 There should be Federal sort of government with the best self-rule for the Units

 Focal rights including consistency of status, of possibility and under the watchful
eye of law, social, monetary and political value, and chance of thought, enunciation,
conviction, certainty, love and association, subject to law and public moral quality
should be given to all the occupants of the state.

 It would be the commitment of the state to ensure the interests of minorities, in

converse and debilitate classes.

 Self-rule of legitimate chief should be guaranteed

 Reliability of the locale and intensity of the country was to be guarded

 The people of Pakistan may succeed and accomplish their authentic and respected
spot among the nations of the world and make their full responsibility towards
overall congruity and progress and delight of humanity.

Liaquat Ali Khan explained the defining of the objective in his talk passed on in the Constituent

Assembly on March 7, 1949. He named the passage of the Objectives Resolution as "the

headliner in the life of this country, next in noteworthiness just to the achievement of self-rule.'.

He said that we as Muslim acknowledged that position vested in Allah Almighty and it should be

polished according to the rules set down in Islam. He added that this prelude had explained that

the authority would be drilled by the picked individuals; which is the pith of greater part

manages framework and it discards the dangers of strict government. It underscored on the

guidelines of dominant part rule government, opportunity, correspondence, opposition, and

social value and it says that these should be basic for future constitution.

In any case, when it was chitchatted in the gathering of the Constituent Assembly, it was limited

and scolded by minorities' bosses. A non Muslim, Prem Hari recommended that the development

should be first hovered for bringing general appraisal and should then be discussed in the house

on April 30, 1949. He was maintained by Sris Chandra Chattopadhyaya, who proposed a couple

of redresses in the objective. All things considered, since the leading group of trustees of

Fundamental Rights had completed their report, there was no prerequisite for this objective to

propose these rights. He added that the Objectives Resolution was blend of religion and

administrative issues; thus it would make ambiguities with association with its application in

secured structure. He required occasion to analyze and grasp the Objectives Resolution.

While discussing advantages of exacting minorities, Chandra Mandal repudiated the objective by

saying that 'why ulemas are requesting this norm of Islam however India has Pandits yet they

didn't demand things like that. Individual do have religion yet state had not. So we think it an

uncommon deviation in our venerated Pakistan.' Kumar Datta negated it by saying that 'if this

objective came in presence of Jinnah it would not have come in its present structure. Let us never

really lead our age to amaze destiny.' Other Hindu people moreover proposed a couple of

adjustments in the objective and recommended that a couple of words like '… heavenly trust",

"… inside the cutoff focuses supported by Him", and "… as expressed by Islam" should be

disposed of. Some new words should be inserted like "as embraced by Islam and various

religions", and "Public force has a spot with the people of Pakistan, etc

Mian Muhammad Iftikharuddin was the principle Muslim part in the house who negated the

objective. To him the objective was questionable and various words used in it don't mean

anything. He further suggested that such an objective should not only be the consequence of

Muslim League people sitting in the social occasion alone. Or then again perhaps it should be the

voice of seventy million people of Pakistan.

Of course Objectives Resolution was unequivocally maintained by Dr. Ishtiaq Hussain Qureshi,

Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Usmani, Sardar Abdurrab Nishter, Noor Ahmad, Begam Shaista,

Muhammad Hussain and others. To counter the charges they battled that Islam manages our

relations with God just as the activities of the followers to various circles of life as Islam is done

code of life.

After a mind boggling conversation finally the objective was grasped by the Constituent

Assembly on March 12, 1949. Liaquat Ali Khan ensured the minorities that they will get all the

significant rights in Pakistan once the constitution reliant on the Objectives Resolution will be

maintained. Regardless, this objective made a division on the regular lines as the Muslim people

beside Mian Iftikhar-ud-racket projected a voting form for it and the non Muslim repudiated it. It

made an uncertainty in the mind of minorities against larger part. Since, the Resolution has yet

not been executed in Pakistan in the authentic soul, the inquiries in the minds of the minorities

really exists.

Question No.2: 05 marks

“Problem of India has two solutions”. D.M. Iqbal said to Pandit Jawhar Lal Nehru, what were
those solutions? Explain them. (300 words)


Issue of India has two plans. Two plans was two separate nations. Muhammad Iqbal states the

two nations theory Infront of pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. He was picked for head of Muslim

League. Iqbal acknowledged that Hindu and Muslim can't live in same country with amicability

and this will lead partition of Muslim chance. Islam has its own citizenship laws and

characteristics and Muslims can't follow secularism by virtue of these feelings. He communicates

that Muslims can't grasp comparable nationalism contemplations and secularism. Similarly his

partners acknowledged that after Britishers, they will represented by Hindus.

Iqbal broadcasted the Muslim target to be the fragment of India to set up a sovereign Islamic

State. The separation is too tremendous to even consider evening consider being disregarded

delicately. Despite this, various Western and Indian columnists, first among them Nehru himself,

are altogether putting forth cautious attempt to set up Iqbal as a camp follower of the regular

Nationalists. In his Discovery of India, Nehru requests two malevolent charges on Iqbal.

"Edward Thompson has made that over the range of conversation Iqbal uncovered to him that he

had maintained Pakistan considering his circumstance as President of the Muslim League.

Sticking to Islamic laws are huge piece of Islam and by the Muslim League the fear was

spreaded that Muslims won't allowed to follow their religion and feelings by Hindus in future.

That is the explanation all Muslims started maintain Muhammad Iqbal's two nations theory. This

theory was made for mentioning separate nation for Muslims. Muslim League mentioned India's

West zone which contains Punjab state. In the end two nations speculation was applied and

another country Pakistan was made for Muslims and Iqbal's answer that he gives Nehru, which

was later recognized and recognized too by all the muslims.

Question No.3: 10 marks

a) Explain the difference between Monkish concept and moderate path with examples.

(word limit: 300 words, 3 marks)

b) Discuss difference between Ideology and Islamic Ideology. (word limit: 200 words,3


c) Define culture and what are the main features of Pakistani culture according to you. Explain

the vital role of regional languages in Pakistani Culture with examples . (word limit: 300

words, 4 marks)




Relating to, or taking after a cleric or ministers.

Model -

There are secret portals, wizardry spells and the conspicuous sight of rich old rats in monkish
robes driving semi exacting customs pursuing incomprehensible impact and some wanton
idea of flawlessness.


Equilibrium in Islam or Moderate Islam is one of the fundamental term and intentionally
used topic in Islam. In the sentiment of shariah, it is a central nature of Islamic articulation of
confidence and It has been used from the most punctual beginning stage of Islam. it implies a
truly changed way of life, avoiding limits and experiencing things with some limitation.


Reasoning mirrors a structure or system that guides the feelings as for what is astounding
with help behind it.

Reasoning sets standards. It may be unprecedented in itself or even be a blend of specific

contemplations or thoughts.

Tracy initiated this term during French miracle. It will by and large be a target science that
begins an enquiry and an excursion for truth and affirmation.

On other hand, the establishments of Islamic way of thinking lie in Quran and Hadith.

Reasoning in Islam isn't generally related to objectivity and backing anyway it will when all
is said in done rely on certainty.

Trust in the Creator is the most grounded power in the exceptional circumstance if Islamic
way of thinking.

Model Many Muslims don't choose to buy an insurance system since it is seen as against the
trust in the all-powerful.


The articulation "culture" ("kultur" in German) was at first used in the late eighteenth century
to suggest the achievements of human advancement. Regardless, the bleeding edge
anthropological thought of culture was made by a Johann Gottfried von Herder. As a German
specialist, he proposed the likelihood that individuals had made an enormous number of
social requests, all of which has its own type of human significance (Prince et al. 1998).
Following this conceptualization, specialists of human sciences rethought culture in various
habits. The most consistently used definition is that of Kroeber and Kluckhohn (1952):

"Culture contains models, express and sure, of and for lead secured and conveyed by
pictures, building up the specific achievement of human social occasions, recalling their
encapsulations for collectibles; the essential focal point of culture involves customary
considerations and especially their associated characteristics; culture structures may, on the
one, be considered as consequences of action, on the distinctive as embellishment segments
of extra action." Culture is unquestionably not a whimsical arrangement of customs and
feelings; it includes facilitated, planned systems. People use culture innovatively and
successfully. A social anthropologist, Kottak (1999), portrayed express ascribes of culture:

it is discovered through a pattern of enculturation since youth;

it is sent through pictures, both verbal and nonverbal; and

it is shared by people from social occasions.

As shown by me Pakistani culture from the outset reliant on the Islamic way of life. All other
social viewpoints are animated by Islam. Pakistani culture is included by its greatness, ease,
firm sentiments and good deeds and considerations. Features of Pakistani culture are:

Practice of Islam religion : Pakistani culture is outstandingly wide as a result of Islam. The
Muslims are commonly confined into two associations, Sunni Islam and Shia Islam. Shia
Islam in Pakistan is bored by 5-20% of the Muslims and the abundance greater number of
Muslims practice Sunni Islam.

Official language of Pakistani is Urdu and its spoken and appreciate in all bits of Pakistan.
Other language are Punjabi, Sindhi, Pushto and Baluchi.

Composing and Poetry: Literature is a critical piece of each culture, in like manner in
Pakistan. Pakistani craftsmen reflects Islamic code and pass on the message of love and
partnership. Take care of business journalists have a critical spot.

On the other hand, really their dress, food, articulations and designing is a critical piece of
Pakistani culture.

A huge segment of the Pakistani is muslim. Language accepts an essential capacity in

Pakistani administrative issues.

According to Dr. Tariq Rahman (scientist and writer) urdu and Islam have been used once in
a while as 'key pictures in building a sentiment of solidarity'. On the contrary side, the state
support to Urdu as the public language has been countered by various other neighborhood
language bundles who need their own lingos to be seen in the circles of guidance,
association, economy and lawful chief. Administrative issues of Pakistan is overwhelmingly
associated with religion character of the Pakistani nation.

Best of luck

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