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English Intermediate II
Final Assignment
Melvin Paulino
María Isabel Frías Paulino
Maim Objective

The main objective of this final production is to show my progress in

this course. To develop the things I have learned, and, I hope I have
had a good development, and I will accept the corrections to
improve every day.

The daily routine is a customary or regular course of procedure, is

like a habit or sequence that does not vary. Commonplace tasks,
chores, or duties as must be done regularly.
My daily routine is very busy. In this final production I will be
explaining what I do every day, since I wake up until I go to bed.
My Daily Routine

Every day in the morning, I wake up at 5:00 am, I brush my teeth

and take a little bath, then I go for a walk with some friends. We take
a walk for an hour and a half, and after that I return home to take a
shower, get dressed and take my sister to the school before going to
my job.
I start to work at 7:30. I work as a secretary in a school, and the first
things I do when I arrive there, it’s to open my office, to turn on the
computer and to take the signature book to de teachers. Next, at
9:00, I go to the cafeteria to have my breakfast, sometimes I have
some fruits or a juice with a sandwich. After that, I go back to work
until 12, which is my lunch time. After lunch, I go back to my office
until 4, which is the time when I finish my work.
After work, I go home and rest a little. Then, I take a shower, get
dressed, and check if I have homework to do. At 6:00, I go bicycling
with my sister for 30 or 40 minutes.
Around 8:00 pm I make dinner, and at 9, which is the time when I
can use more my cellphone, I check my messages and go to
Facebook to see and share memes. Finally, at 11 or 11:30 I take a
shower and go to bed.

In summary, the daily routine is a custom, the activities that we do

day by day. My daily routine used to be easier when I was younger
because I didn’t have to work, but now that I work and study in the
university, I know what it is to be busy every day and to have a hard
daily routine.

“Maria Isabel Frias Paulino”

Link of the video

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