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November Newsletter


Your LC Techs have created SDUHSD students are Each school has fun and
a brand new Research Hub. checking out an impressive unique opportunities to
The link can be found on the average of 130 books a day! suit the energies of their
student start page. For more on the student students. See the following
Check it out today! reading app Sora, click here. page for highlights!


Many of our sites are now hosting online or outdoor
book clubs! Students have been enjoying the
opportunity to talk, swap book suggestions, and
connect through related activities. Ask your Learning
Commons Tech for further information if you'd like
to join in!

The Learning Commons Google Classrooms have also

provided a virtual space for students to connect with
their peers, learn about the latest books & resources,
and even compete in weekly intra-district challenges.
Middle school students "electioneered" their own
fictional president, and Sunset students participated in
a mock election. Staff and students alike can join your
school's Classroom for some fun opening activities!
The Research Hub has a fresh new look!
In addition to accessing the powerful
state-sponsored databases, like ProQuest
and Encyclopedia Britannica, students
can find subject-specific recommended
sites, support for structuring the research
process, and useful tips and tricks for
common pitfalls, such as being mindful of
bias. Your Learning Commons Tech is a
great human resource for curating
resources for your class projects and can
provide live (virtual) demonstrations of Ms. Dresti demonstrates Enyclopedia Britannica to OCMS students

key tools.

Mr. Ian Richards at CVMS is making in-person book checkouts easier for
students by promoting a specially-curated Destiny Discover interface.
This allows students to check book availability and place reservations. OCTOBER
Ms. Robin Coy at Diegueño Middle is leading the student-initiated "Real HIGHLIGHTS
Book Challenge," a response to the request for a respite from screen time.
Ms. Annie Rump at EWMS is hosting on-campus small group projects in
support of all-school events, like Wellness Week, as well as weekly virtual RELEASES.
lunchtime game days.
Click here for a slideshow
Ms. Stephanie Dresti at OCMS has been introducing 7th-graders to our
of book talks from our
Research Hub through a comparison of The Hunger Games and Roman
October releases to share
gladiators. You can also check out her latest book reviews here.
with your students!
Ms. Jessie Richards at PTMS has been connecting with her book club
November selections to include:
through new digital tools. Check out The Hunger Games mood board The Lives of Saints by Leigh
they created during a recent discussion. Bardugo
Love & Olives by Jenna
Ms. Terri Glausser's CCA students are taking advantage of the opportunity
Evans Welch
to check out a brand new collection of books. The Missing Prince (Ranger's
Ms. Rosie Prine has been hosting a new group of on-campus digital Apprentice) by John
learners in her Learning Commons.
When Stars are Scattered by
Ms. Sue Foote hosted the school's Victoria Jamieson
first JLG online book fair and the Unlocked (Keeper of the Lost
Cities) by Shannon
inaugural meeting of the Beach Chair
Book Club. Be sure to check out the
Instant Karma by Marissa
Mustang Commons on Instagram for Meyer
the latest news @sda_mustang A Promised Land by Barack
commons. Obama
Super Fake Love Song by
Mr. Richards, Ms. Dresti, and Ms. Emily Clark of Sunset High are working
David Yoon
together to set up its first-ever space for returning Sunset students to check
out books and study. ...and more!
Ms. Catherine Pavnic at TPHS is welcoming back students who are using
the Learning Commons as a space to engage in digital learning. Send your requests to your
Learning Commons Tech!
November 2020

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