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the Development of Reading Fluency Through the Use of Audiobooks Lesson Plan

Introduc&on: Students will be given a reading aDtude survey that asks them what genres and themes of
they are interested in reading. AFer they complete the survey, a select number of books will be chosen
for them by me. These books will also be available on Epic!, so that they can listen to the book being
read aloud while also being able to follow along in the physical book.

Body: The interven&on will begin with students listening to an audiobook version of a story through their
Chromebook, while following along with the physical text. AFer they’ve completed a book, students will
aNempt to read the story themselves with the assistance of the audiobook, if needed. Students will read
aloud the story repeatedly with the assistance of the audiobook un&l they feel comfortable and
confident reading on their own. While the students are listening to the audiobooks and aNemp&ng to
read fluently, I will be recording the number of &mes the students needed to listen to the audiobook
before reading fluently, the number of aNempts at reading aloud before reading fluently, and aNemp&ng
to understand where the error lies when the student is aNemp&ng to read fluently.

Closure: AFer they have read the book aloud, students will self-reflect in order to understand where they
are in terms of mee&ng the learning goal. They will express what may be hindering them from mee&ng
the goals, and I will adjust the next lesson according to their needs. In the end, they will also take an AR
quiz on the book, so I can beNer understand if they’re comprehending what they’re reading.
Addi&onally, they will retake the STAR test to see if their reading level has improved.

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