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Topic : Classical to Modern Ideologies
Module Content: Basic Concepts of Politics and

Learning Competencies:
At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:

 Articulate definitions of politics.

 Differentiate the various views on politics.
 Explore the connection between the phenomenon and the method of inquiry.
 Recognize the value of politics.
 Differentiate governance from government.
Classical to Modern Political Ideologies
Instructions on the Proper use of this module:
1. Follow closely the instruction in every activity.
2. Be honest in answering and checking your exercises.
3. Answer the pre-test before going over the materials. This is to find out what you already
4. Answer the exercises encountered at the end of every lesson.
5. Review the lesson that you think you failed to understand.
6. Seek assistance from your teacher if you need help.

IDENTIFICATION:Read the questions properly. Answer what is being ask and write your
answers on the space provided after the number.

1. It is basically defined as political statements that aim to call upon massive mass or
government action to achieve relatively better political and economic
2. He is a French philosopher that is consider to be the father of Modern
3. It focuses on conserving something. _______________
4. It is the ideology based on the idea of Karl Marx. _______________
5. It is the opposite of conservatism for it favors change. _______________
6. This is another version of anarchism but involves the government in minimal role.
7. It teaches that we can live in a society where there is no compulsion of any kind.
8. This is the relationship between two or more people or parts of oneself in which one is
cut off from. _______________
9. It is how people think is affected by how people lived. _______________
10. It is the way to change the system about the ideologist that are related to Marxism.

Activity No. 1:
Cross the words that are not related to political science. The word are as follows:

Justice power wifi

Government vitamins state
Power love influence
Magnitude intensity powder
Talcum bones decision- making
Governance conflict policy
Vaccine medical supply front row
Nurses politician government
Freedom impact ruler

Lesson Proper
To study various issues in politics and governance, it is important to know the
different theories, frameworks, and ideologies involved.
Each theory in the study of politics has underlying historical factor that affected
its development. We have to study these factors to understand how each theory,
framework, or ideology is applied in modern context. In analyzing a political issue, we
need to use several of the theories, frameworks, and ideologies to achieve a more
accurate analysis and explanation of the issue.
The goal of every government is to mobilize its citizens to achieve a common
end, that is, the welfare of the state as a whole. As a guide, governments used ideologies
to help them consolidate the support of their constituents. It is also through ideology that
civil societies go against oppressive governments.
Ideology is basically defined as political statements that aim to call upon massive
mass or government action to achieve a relatively better political and economic condition
( Baradat 1997). This definition is the product of numerous views from different political
scientists and philosophers through time from the classical to the modern period. Some of
the philosophers were social contract theorist: John Locke, Jean – Jacques Rousseau and
Thomas Hobbes, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Frederick Watkins, David Ingersoll,
L.T. Sargent and Terence Ball. On the other hand, the first formal used of ideology as a
political science jargon was made by Claude Destutt De Tracy when he was studying the
enlightenment of Europe.
Ideologies are goal-oriented, meaning they are for or against a certain
configuration of a political community. Their applications, however are dependent upon
the different political attitudes of people and institutions. Frederick Watkins suggested
that ideologies come from different political extremes such as the conservatives or the
pro status qou on one side, and the radicals or the anti-status qou on the extreme side.
Modern-day political scientist have expended the spectrum to include different
levels of political attitudes and the different ways in which each level wants to preserve
or change the status quo. At the extreme right of the spectrum are the liberals and the
radicals who are by nature anti status quo. Though the radicals push for more extreme
changes in the political system, both the radicals and liberals aim for progressive change
in the state.

Here are some political ideologies and their impact on political communities:
1. Conservatism- as the name implies, one focused on conserving something. It is
characterized by a resistant to change, adherent to limited human freedom as it
chooses to maintain traditional values and some extra versions, distrust to human
reasoning and nature of anti-egalitarianism.
2. Liberalism-is the opposite of conservatism for it favors change, prefers more
freedom and has more optimistic approach to human reasoning and nature.
3. Marxism- one should be careful in branding communism, socialism, or any other
similar ideologies as Marxists because they may not necessary reflect the ideals of
Karl Marx although theses ideologies might find their roots in the tenets proposed by
Marx. Some of the ideological and conceptual bases of Marxism are the following:

a. Alienation- this is the relationship between two or more people or parts of oneself in
which one is cut off from a stranger or alien or the others.

b. Class Struggle- Karl Marx also noted the struggle between the bourgeoisi (the
capitalist or middle class) and the proletariat (workers).

c. Materialism- Marxism and the offshoots of this ideology offer a complex perspective
and usage of materialism.

d. Revolution- almost all theories and ideologies related to Marxism consider

proclaiming revolution as the way to change the system.
4. Anarchism- while most people are familiar with how anarchy is popularly used to
mean chaos due to the non-existence of control mechanisms the idea behind it is actually
more on peaceful coexistence and equality.

5. Libertarianism- this is another version of anarchism but involves the government in a

minimal role such as ensuring the safety of everyone and fairness in whatever contracts
or dealings.

Learning about political ideologies is advantageous in understanding certain

political contexts. In the Philippines, different political ideologies like Marxism and
communism have affected different political- historical events such as the first quarter
storm during the Marcos dictatorship and the formation of the different insurgents in the

There are other ideologies, depending on the issue ar aspect of human life one is
studying. There are also new ideologies that may crop up. Remember that because of the
multitude and complexity of some issues on politics and governance, we cannot be all too
liberal or too conservative.

REFLECTION: Choose one of the ideologies in the lesson and create an acrostic poem from
one of its key concepts. Use the space provided below.


Exercise I-

Personality Check:

Cite three things that made him a notable person in history and politics:


IDENTIFICATION: Read the questions properly. Answer what is being ask and write your
answers on the space provided after the number.

1. It is basically defined as political statements that aim to call upon massive mass or
government action to achieve relatively better political and economic condition.
2. He is a French philosopher that is consider to be the father of Modern Philosophy.
3. It focuses on conserving something. _______________
4. It is the ideology based on the idea of Karl Marx. _______________
5. It is the opposite of conservatism for it favors change. _______________
6. This is another version of anarchism but involves the government in minimal role.
7. It teaches that we can live in a society where there is no compulsion of any kind.
8. This is the relationship between two or more people or parts of oneself in which one is
cut off from. _______________
9. It is how people think is affected by how people lived. _______________
10. It is the way to change the system about the ideologist that are related to Marxism.

Bibliography: Philippine Politics and governance by: Reidan M. Pawilen, internet resource

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