The Lived Experience: Tunbridge Wells Museum Object Handling Group

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WEEK 2 How can moments be understood, experienced and measured?

STEP 2.3 The Lived Experience: Tunbridge Wells Museum Object Handling Group


Professor Paul Camic approached us as supporting people with dementia to see if our
groups would like to access an art-based therapy and linked us up with the Tunbridge
Wells Museum. So I was able to provide the link between the two groups, so introducing
the concept of object handling to people with dementia and supporting the staff of the
museum to operate the groups to run them with confidence and to approach the subject.
The museum staff would come out to us with a suitcase full of objects and engage with
people and pique their curiosity. We certainly saw a lot of things that we weren't
expecting. People with dementia that we work with constantly surprise us and we
constantly learn from them.

And so people would say things. They'd notice things about objects that we wouldn't have
expected them to be able to articulate. In some people, a very intense emotional
response was produced. We had one particular service user who was a retired geography
teacher, and we had a beautiful rock cut open to reveal a crystal, a beautiful piece of
geology. And he was pretty much nonverbal by the stage, and he just started speaking. He
started speaking one word at a time to begin with. He just said, "That's beautiful. That's
really beautiful," and then creating sentences, which was a fantastic breakthrough. It
really unlocked his verbal skills that had been so impaired for so long. It's all about

People with dementia are very often encouraged to reminisce, and this goes beyond
reminiscence. The pressure is off. You don't have to try and remember something. You

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simply engage in what's in front of you. And it has benefits in a group sense in that, as a
group, you're discovering and exploring something new together. And it also has
individual benefits. So it can really unlock feelings and verbal expression in people who
might otherwise find that quite difficult. There are clear benefits for people with
dementia experiencing object handling. There are clear changes in mood, lifted mood,
reduced anxiety, and just a sense of having achieved something, having learned
something and feeling rewarded by that experience.

Someone with dementia doesn't stop learning, but they may find it just more difficult to

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