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Army Vision: By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

We, the members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, imploring
enlightenment from Almighty God. In order to achieve and maintain a professional
organization, worthy of public trust and respect faithful to its constitutional mandate
as the protector of the people the sovereignty of the state, the democratic
institutions and the integrity of the national territory freely and collectively commit
ourselves as our way of life to abide by and adhere to the provision of this of ethics
which we hereby do ordain and promulgate.


Section 1. The AFP Core Values — the profession of arms, as noble calling,
demands from its members not only specialized knowledge and skill but also a
distinct lifestyle govemed by commonly held belief-system containing non-negotiable
enduring core values of Honor, Service and Patriotism.
Section 1. General Statement — The members of the AFP are public servants who are
oath-bound to fulfill the lofty mandate of the constitution. The peculiarity of military
service, which requires the right to bear arms, calls for a corresponding assurance of
professionalism from every military man.
Section 2. Professionalism — The expert application of specialized skills based
on a organized body of knowledge and in accordance with laws and Code of
Ethics with the highest degree of excellence in the accomplishment of
Section 3. Standard of Military Professionalism every member of the AFP shall
observe the following as guidelines of the discharge of their official duties.
3.1. Standard of Loyalty j— All military personnel shall be loyal and true to the
Republic of the Philippines Constitution, the AFP and to the people at all times. They
shall obey the authorities and abide by laws, legal orders good morals, good
costumes and promote order and public safety.
3.2. Standard of Competence — All military personnel must posses the knowledge,
skill, physical attributes and character traits necessary for the adequate perforrnance
of duty and accomplishment of mission.
3.3. Standard of Ethics — The military community is a part of a larger society — the
Filipino society. Hence, every soldier must observe and conformed to the accepted
principles of right conduct being observed in the society of which is a part. Among
these principles if right behavior expected in the Philippine society and other civilized
societies are honesty, justice, truthfulness and concem to others.
3.4. Standard of Morals Man is rational being. Man is also a moral being who is given
the capacity to determine what is right and do it and what is wrong and avoid it.
Army Core Purpose: Serving the people, securing

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