Nnaples Database Design Final

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Hospital Database for Patient and Physician Relationships

Submitted to:

Deon Kula, MA

Prepared by:

Nina Naples

University of San Diego

HCIN-543-02B-FA19 – Database Design and Knowledge Management

December 16, 2019

Executive Summary

 Problem

o The hospital wants to move from paper charting to electronic records.

 Scope

o The hospital database includes demographic information and unique identifiers

for patients and physicians to increase productivity at the hospital.

 Major results, including any support

o This database provides the hospital with quick and easy access to patient and

physician information.

 Conclusions

o The staff will have more time with patients instead of spending time reviewing

paper charts to find the information they need. This can also increase patient care


 Recommendations

o Staff are encouraged to create queries to assist with their day to day activities.
1.0 Introduction

The purpose of this data report is for the hospital to move from paper chart to and electronic

system. The database will allow the hospital to easily track its patients and physicians. The

database will also have informative information such as, patient DOB, admitdate, dischargedate,

and allergies. Having easy access to patient information can assist in preventing low outcomes

and increase care coordination.

2.0 Methodology

 Tables

o Patient and physician tables were created to design the database. Both tables

include demographic data on the patients and physicians. The data source is the

paper records available the hospital.

o List all the tables in Database Design Language (DBDL) format

Patient (MRN, LastName, FirstName, DOB, SocSecNum, Address,

PhoneNumber, AdmitDate, Discharge Date, Allergies, NPI)

Physician (NPI, LastName, FirstName, Specialty, Address, PhoneNumber,


AK: SocSecNum

SK: LastName, FirstName

FK: MRN Patient

o The tables have a one to many relationship because physicians can have many

patients but the patients can only have one physician.

 Forms

o The purpose of creating patient and physician forms are for the user to create a

new record or edit an existing record in a separate location from the actual

database spreadsheet in case a mistake is made.

 Queries

o NPI Query was created to determine what physicians saw which patients.
o The Physician Info Query was created to have a quick list of the physician’s

phone numbers.

3.0 Results

 Reports

o The NPI Report used the NPI Query.

o The Phys Info Report used the Phys Info Query.

4.0 Conclusions and Recommendations

This database provides the hospital with quick and easy access to patient and physician

information. By having the information electronically, the hospital can create queries for

information they may need to view on a daily basis. This allows the staff to have more time with

the patient instead of having to spend time looking through paper charts to find the information

they need. The staff can add queries to the database at any time, this is highly recommended to

make system processing easier.

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