Self-Assessment Workshop

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Murphy 1

Megan Murphy

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Course Number



Starting the class ENG 1102 I felt very intimidated. The end goal of this course, to write

a research paper and be able to present my research in a Ted Talk, was a very daunting task. And

while I have researched information for projects or essays in the past, I had never written a

research paper before. In this class the assignments and lessons slowly helped me achieve the

end goal and understand the learning outcomes.

In the UCF website ENC 1102 : Composition II, there are a couple of learning outcomes,

which is a list of concepts that students taking ENC 1102 will learn and hopefully master by the

end of the course. I believe the learning outcomes that I achieved was Learning Outcome 1 and

Learning Outcome 4, The official definition of Learning Outcome 1 is “Students will be able to

analyze and synthesize complex texts in ways that demonstrate an understanding of the

situated and intertextual nature of writing and research” (ENC 1102: Composition II). And the

official definition of Learning Outcome 4 is “Students will examine their own conceptions of

writing and research in response to their inquiry, reading, and writing throughout the course.”

(ENC 1102: Composition II).  In this class I have learned how to read and understand

complex text, and understand its unique rhetorical situation. And I also think that my

writing has drastically improved because of ENC 1102.

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While in ENC 1101 I learned about rhetoric and other writing concepts, I felt as though

the lessons in ENC 1102 greatly expanded upon what I already knew. One writing concept that

has really changed my way of thinking was intertextuality, which is the concept that all writing is

based, influenced, or related to other writing. Understanding the concept that no writing is

completely original and uninfluenced has directly impacted how I write; this has encouraged the

idea of “writing being a process” (ENC 1102: Composition II), where the writer job is to not

only revise the writing in the typical way of fixing grammar, but by continuously adding more

information or sources. This has been especially helpful in writing my research paper by helping

me keep an open mind adding more sources.

Before this class, my primary way of researching for assignments, essays, and projects

was google. While I understood the different types of sources available on google, I only used

online articles. Through this class I have learned that there are many more resources. And a great

teaching tool was the canvas web course called “Introduction to Library Research Strategies –

ENC1102 Fall2020”.

Through this class I have also learned that “writing is a process” (ENC 1102:

Composition II).  In one-way writing is a process, is how feedback can help with the revision

process; and the different stages of the revision and feedback is an evolution of the past one. The

peer feedback was very helpful in identifying what my peers interpreted from what I wrote, and

what things in my writing worked. And one unexpected way that my writing has improved is by

writing my own peer reviews.

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I believe that after ENC 1102 ends I will be able to apply what I have learned in the class

to real world situations. I have both improved my writing and learned how to use the many

different types resources for research. And learning to read and understand peer comments and


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