Assessment Task 5-2

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Assessment Task 5-1

A. Look up the terms in the last sentence to find out why these are offensive. Provide more
appropriate alternatives for these and list them in the table here. (10 pts)

Biased Term Why it is Offensive Bias-free Alternative

Jesus killer This term is derived from the Convicted killer
negative belief that people of
Jewish faith were the ones
responsible for killing Jesus
Christ, even though it is known
that Jesus came to Earth
to be crucified for our sins.
Lady president female has a long and inglorious Woman
history as a derogatory
Little old woman Man’s wife Old fashioned
Redneck Any ethnic, racial or sexual slang laborer
Retard historically been used to describe It’s time to cut
people with a disability but here's
why we need to stop using them

B. In column A are sentences containing expressions that informal, localized, or biased. Provide
standard, formal, precise and clear alternatives. (10 pts)

Non-Academic Usage Academic Usage

1. They requested for additional reference 1. An academic letter of recommendation is a
materials. specific type of reference letter.
2. The conclusion gotten by the group doesn’t 2.the group doesn’t cope with
3. The respondents needed to chill. 3. There's no agenda and no structure.
4. The interviewee was pulling my leg. pull someone’s leg
5. The student promised to submit the document 5. as soon as possible, by the way, standard
asap. operating
procedure (spelled out)

Assessment Task 5-2

A. Identify each pair of words as synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms. (10 pts)

1. lead/led -homonyms

2. rae/raise -homonyms

3. irk/annoy -synonyms
4. defer/delay -synonyms

5. ample/plentiful -synonyms

6. rustic/refined -antonym

7. whether/weather - homonyms

8. insurrection/revolt -synonym

9. random/deliberate- antonyms


B. Look up each word in your dictionary and write the definition. (10 pts)

1. Ruminate- to go over in the mind repeatedly and often casually

2. Pauperize- to reduce to poverty


4. Torpid -sluggish in functioning or acting

5. Censure- a judgment involving condemnation

6. Tantamount- equivalent in value

7. Sycophant-a servile self-seeking flatterer

8. Wheedle- to influence or entice by soft words or flattery

9. Oration- delivered in a formal and dignified manner

10. Minatory- having a menacing quality

C. Give the euphemism of the following words. (10 pts)

1. Fired-bounced out

2. Squatter-informal settlers

3. Cheap-cut-prize

4. Jail-prison
5. Lay off-redeployment, simplification


C. A. List down examples of words with their negative connotations. (25 pts)

a. Race and b. Disability c. Sexual d. Age e. Social Class

Ethnicity Orientation
1.asian 1.autistic person 1. heterosexual 1. retarded individual 2.deaf person 2.heterosexism 2. senior 2.low class
3.hindu 3.the disabled 3.heterosexuality 3.elder 3.the neutral
4.hispanic 4.people with 4.homophobia 4.fourth age 4.neutral faces
5.indigeneous 5.brth defect 5.racism 5.cult of youth 5.positive faces

B. Read the following statements carefully. Decide if each statement is true or false. Write T

on the blank if the statement is true, and F if the statement is false. If the statement if false,

re-write or revise it to make it true. Use the space provided after each statement. (12 pts)

__T___1. Anyone who is a proficient speaker of a language will find communicating

across cultures easy.





__F___2. Our emotions do not matter whenever we communicate with others.

Our emotions do matter whenever we communicate with others.

__F__ 3. All cultures have the same way of thinking about time.

All cultures don’t have the same way of thinking about time.
__F__ 4. Communication across cultures happen in one’s own country because of the

diverse domestic workforce of many companies today.

Communication across cultures happens worldwide because of the

diverse domestic workforce of many companies today.

Assessment Task 5-4

Interview a member of an expatriate community in the Philippines. An expatriate (also referred to

locally as “expat”) is a non- Filipino person who is temporarily residing in the Philippines for
business or work purposes. During your interview, ask about his/her experiences in communicating
with Filipinos.(15pts)

1. What are your pleasant experiences in communicating with Filipinos?

“ Filipinos are a very hospitable and friendly people. They always smile no matter how they feel. If
meeting someone for the first time, it would be good to smile at the person before you even start a

2. What are the challenging situations you have encountered?

From the first day you being working with your VA, emphasize clearly that they cannot disappear. Assure your
VA that when they have questions, struggles or difficulty finishing an assignment, they can come to you for help.
Explain that you are always available for support and answers. Put their mind at ease that you won’t be upset if they get
stuck on something. Then, stand by what you said to them and be available to help them when they need help.

3. How did you deal with these challenges?

A disappearing VA is a result of poor training (or no training at all), failing to give feedback, failing to
follow up, assuming you’re a good teacher when you’re really not, and creating unrealistic
expectations. Work closely with your VA—especially in the beginning—and stand by for help. Help your
VA trust you enough to go to you with any issues. You’ll save yourself a lot of time and discouragement
if you do these things.

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