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Biography — Florentino Feliciano (Philippines) (1995 -

Justice Florentino Feliciano of the Philippines served on the Appellate Body from 1995 to 2001. Born in
1928, he served as Senior Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines and Vice-Chairman
of the Academic Council of the Institute of International Business Law and Practice of the International
Chamber of Commerce in Paris.

Before joining the Judiciary in 1986, Mr. Feliciano had been a Member of the law firm Sycip, Salazar,
Feliciano and Hernandez since 1962, where he worked on trade and corporate law cases and
transactions concerning anti-dumping, intellectual property rights, banking and insurance services,
shipping and telecommunications. Mr. Feliciano has rejoined Sycip, Salazar, Hernandez and Gatmaitan,
as Senior Counsel.

Justice Feliciano also has extensive experience with, and is currently involved in, international
investment and commercial arbitrations at the International Centre for Settlement of Investment
Disputes in Washington, at the International Chambre of Commerce (ICC) in Paris, and under the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). He is a Member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration
in Paris. He has been on the Arbitrators Panel of the American Arbitration Association in New York and
was also a Member of the Asian Development Bank Administrative Tribunal. He has recently been
appointed to the World Bank Administrative Tribunal.

Having graduated in law from the University of the Philippines, Justice Feliciano went on to earn his
Masters and Doctorate Degrees in law from Yale University. He taught in the Faculties of Law of the
University of the Philippines and of Yale University. A Member of the Institut de Droit International, he
has lectured at The Hague Academy of International Law and serves as a Member of the Curatorium of
the Academy. He has written and published on various aspects of international business law and public
international law.


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