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Estefanía Hoyuela Cruz 1451697 Lic.

en Derecho

Show and tell.


I’m going to talk about my cat. Her name is Cosette and she’s two years old, she’s a
Siamese mix and probably born on June 2016. Why do I say she was probably born on
June 2016? Well, someone (I don’t know who) threw her and her brother (who I couldn’t
rescue since it got lost  ) to the streets, not caring that they were only one month old
babies who didn’t know how to get food and shelter by themselves. My dad rescued her
one morning on his way to work, she was running around at a parking lot where my dad
parked, then he saw her hiding inside a pvc tube, it was difficult to get her out of there but
he managed. She was really tiny and practically on her bones.

Now, why did I name her Cosette? The first day when she arrived home and I held her in
my arms, I noticed her eyes looked pretty sad and reminded me of the book Les
Misérables, specifically the illustration of a young Cosette (one of the main characters)
who was a young, little and poor child with sad blue eyes. Just like the kitten I was holding
in my arms.

People often say animals doesn’t feel or, for a more accurate description, that cats doesn’t
give a flick about their owners, that they are selfish and egocentric but I think that’s just a
pretty false opinion: They can’t receive you from work like a dog but they are affectionate,
caring and can form a real strong bond with their owners; whenever I’m going through a
depressive episode or my anxiety starts to show, Cosette runs exactly to my side and puts
her fluffy paws on my hands as if she wants me to stop and starts purring to calm me
down. An egocentric being wouldn’t do that.

She also likes to run wild and care free all around my room at three in the morning and
despite having toys and a bed, she chooses to play with grocery bags and any paper she
can find around. In conclusion, my dad always says we saved Cosette, but to be honest, I
think she saved me.

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