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Theme : Machinery Operation ( taken from Understanding English on Board Ship) – one hour notice before berthing

Synopsis: The ship is approaching the port. The Bridge notifies the engineers that they want to go to stand-by in
one hour. The engineer then prepare by putting a second alternator on the switchboard and asking the bridge to
start to second steering motor. The engineers start a general service pump to pressurise the deck main. The
watchkeeping officer is on the bridge and the electical officer (ELEC) , the second (2/E) and third engineer (3/E) are
in the engine control room.
2/E : “ Engine control room, second engineer speaking.”
3/O (on phone) :”Hello control room. Third mate here. We have got one hour to go before standby. We will require water on deck
during manoeuvring.” (Note 1)
Hello control room. Third mate here. We have got one hour to go before standby. We will require water on deck
during manoeuvring.
2/E (on phone) : “Okay, understood. One hour to standby. Water on deck. Thank you.” (note 2)
3/E (on phone) : “Thank you second”
2/E ( to ELEC) : ‘ The bridge want to go to stand by in one hour. They want water on deck”.
(The bridge want to go to stand by in one hour. They want water on deck”
ELEC : “We will start the standby alternator”. (note 3)
(We will start the standby alternator).
2/E (to 3/E) : “Third, go to check the port alternator. Be sure to check the cooling water pressure.” (note 4)
(Third, go to check the port alternator. Be sure to check the cooling water pressure.”
3/E : “Yes, check the port alternator. Be sure to check the cooling water pressure.”
3/O (on phone) : “Bridge, third mate here.”
2/E (on phone) : “Hello, bridge. Second engineer is speaking. Two alternators running. Start second steering motor.” (note 5)
(Hello, bridge. Second engineers speaking. Two alternators running. Start second steering motor)
3/O : “starting second steering motor.”
2/E : “yes, go ahead please.”
3/E : I’ve checked the port alternator . Lube oil pressure, cooling water pressure and temperature all normal. “ (note
(I’ve checked the port alternator . Lube oil pressure, cooling water pressure and temperature all normal)
2/E : “Thank you third”
2/E : “The pressure is correct. We can start number two general service pump.” (note 7)
“The pressure is correct. We can start number two general service pump.
ELEC : “ready for number two general service pump”
2/E : “start number two general service pump”
ELEC : “Start number two general service pump.
“ Number two general service pump started”

2/E : “Third, go and check the gland seal on number two general service pump.” (note 8).
3/E : “check the gland seal on number two general service pump”.
3/O (on phone) : “ Bridge, third mate here”
2/E (on phone) : “Hello bridge. Second engineer speaking. Fire mains are pressurized. We are ready to go on stand by.” (note 9)
3/O (on phone) : “fire mains are pressurized. Ready for stand by. Thank you.”
(fire mains are pressurized. Ready for stand by. Thank you)
3/E : “No leak around the gland seal on number two general service pump. The pump is operating normally. Sir.”
(No leak around the gland seal on number two general service pump. The pump is operating normally. Sir)
2/E : “Thank you, third”.
Note 1 : “standby”. This means different things to deck and engine room departments. For the engine room, “stanby” infers that special arrangements must be made
regarding the machinery. At sea, most auxiliaries are driven directly by the main engine. When the main engine is starting or stopping, other arrangements
must be made. “standby” for the deck department means that the crew will go to their stations for entering harbour.
Note 2 : “One hour to go to standby”. It is essential that all necessary auxiliaries are running before engine manoeuvres are carried out, otherwise the engine will be
damaged. Hence notice is required.
Note 3 : starting the standby alternator ensures power is available for the auxiliaries.
Note 4 : Cooling water is essential for all internal combution engines and many other machines.
Note 5 : The second steering motor is needed to provide maximum power on the rudder, and also as an insurance against the failure of one motor during
Note 6 : “lube oil” is short term for lubricating oil.
Note 7 : “general service pump” supplies sea water to the fire main in all parts of the ship. This fire main is normally used for “ general purpose”, such as washing
Note 8 : “Gland seal” general service pumps are usually driven by a rotating shaft. Water from the pump can leak around the shaft. The gland seal prevents this.
Note 9 : “fire mains are pressurized”. It means that the general service pump is now effective.

Control room – to manoeuvre – switch board – alternator – to check – pressure – steering motor – temperature – pump – gland – to operate
Theme : BUNKERING ( taken from Understanding English on Board Ship) – Pengisian Bahan Bakar Kapal
Synopsis: The ship is at anchor. The chief engineer (C/E) prepares to take bunkers. The various preparatory operations are seen and the bunkering operations start.
The chief engineer sets up the operation. The fourth engineer (4/E), the bosun, and a bargeman are in attendance.

C/E (to 4/E) : “ Fourth, the bridge has told me the bunker barge is alongside. And we are going to load five hundred tonnes in the forward tank and four
hundred in the aft tank. Sound all the tanks, please. ” (note 1)
4/E : ”Yes. Sir, sound all bunker tanks”. (note 2)
C/E (to Bosun) : “First, check that the scuppers are plugged. Check that the bunker line valve is closed and then take the blank off the line.” ( Note 3)
Bosun : “Yes, Sir. Check that the scuppers are plugged, check the bunker line valve is closed, then take the blank off the line ”
C/E : “ When you have done that, get four bags of sawdust and two shovels.”
Bosun : “ Please repeat that sir, I didn’t understand.” (note 4)
(Please repeat that sir, I didn’t understand)
C/E : “ I said: get four bags of sawdust and two shovels.”
Bosun : “ Yes. Sir. get four bags of sawdust and two shovels.”
Bargeman : “ Good morning to you chief. You have nine hundred tonnes of fuel oil” (note 5).
C/E : “ Yeah good morning. Yes. that is correct.”
Bargeman : “Let’s go through the checklist” (Note 6)
C/E : “ Sufficient deck watch has been established with particular attention to moorings, fenders, and manifold observation, and an engine room
watch, the main engines are on standby.”
Bargeman : “Okay”
C/E : “ The usual emergency procedure. Scuppers have been checked. Anti-pollution materials are ready.” (Note 7)
(The usual emergency procedure. Scuppers have been checked. Anti-pollution materials are ready)
Bargeman : “ My fire fighting equipment is in position. I will start at the rate of five tonnes per minute.” (note 8)
(My fire fighting equipment is in position. I will start at the rate of five tonnes per minute.)
C/E : “ Agreed. We have water on deck. The equipment has been checked. Please sign the checklist.” ( note 9).
(Agreed. We have water on deck. The equipment has been checked. Please sign the checklist.)
Bargeman : “Please sign mine as well’
C/E (to Bosun) : “ Bosun, when the connection is made, make sure the joints are properly tightened.”
Bosun : “ Yes, Sir. Check that the joints are properly tightened.”
C/E (to 4/E) : “ Right fourth. When all is secure, open the bunkering valves on both tanks and the bunker manifold valve.” (note 10)
( When all is secure, open the bunkering valves on both tanks and the bunker manifold valve).
Bosun : “ Ready to receive bunkers, sir.” (note 11).
( ready to receive bunkers sir)
C/E : “Thank you, Bosun.
C/E (to Bargeman : “So, We are ready bargeman. Stand by to start bunkers ”
Bargeman : “ We are starting now.”
C/E : “ Oil is coming through, Thank you”
Bargeman : “ Understood.”
C/E ( to bargeman) : “ understood. Bunkering started at ten thirty.”
C/E ( to Bosun) : “ Bosun, the oil is coming through now. Keep a good lookout for leaks. Check the entire line and watch the pipe seals carefully.”
(Bosun, the oil is coming through now. Keep a good lookout for leaks. Check the entire line and watch the pipe seals carefully.)
Bosun : “ Yes, sir. Keep a good lookout for leaks. Check entire line and watch the pipe seals carefully.”
C/E (to 4/E) : Any change in level yet?”
4/E : “ Yes, the level is rising.”
C/E : “Okay fourth. When the sounding is six metres, close the valve to the forward tank and let the bargeman know we are loading into
the after tank only.
4/E : “ When the sounding is six metres, close the valve to the forward tank and let the bargeman know we are loading into the after tank only.”
C/E : “Thank you, fourth.”

Bunkers/fuel : bahan bakar Properly : dengan benar, dengan tepat
Tonnes : metric ton dari 1000 kilogram tightened : terikat kuat
Sounding : memeriksa kedalaman minyak dalam tangki Leak : kebocoran, bocor
Forward tank : tangki depan rising : meningkat, naik
After/ aft tank : tangki belakang lookout : cermat, mencermati
Valve : Kantung, katup scupper : lubang kuras/ lubang pembuang
Receive : menerima Mooring : tambat
Barge : tongkang fender : bantaran untuk mencegah benturan langsung badan kapal dengan dermaga
Exercise: Re-order the following groups of words to produce a sentence giving information .

1. five hundred tonnes in the forward tank and four hundred tonnes in the after tank I’m going to take.
2. with both tanks we will start
3. Nine hundred tonnes of fuel oil you have
4. Arre ready anti-pollution materials
5. Is in position my fire fighting equipment
6. On deck, water we have

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