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1. Reflect on the Conversion story of St. Paul, (Acts 9: 1-19; Acts 22:1-21) write
your realization.

(Acts 9: 1-19 ) In life, we tend to follow our own will, we do our business with all
our might and powers, we always think that it is always right, not realizing that
sometimes we are now violating the will or commandments of God. Normally the cycle
of life, when God allows us to reach the peak of our life, when He provided everything
we need, someone or anyone take advantage to it and it causes them to sometimes
become violent but God is always true and pure to his promise, He loves us
unconditionally so he will always make a way so we could be with him forever.

(Acts 22 1-24) The life of St. Paul is a perfect example of true conversion by a
miracle of the grace from God. Many of us fail into the same blindness what St. Paul
had experienced. In our lives we all desire to pursue true happiness. But what we forget
is that at times, we cross the line of pursing worldly desires instead. This causes worldly
anxieties that take us away from God. Sometimes we think that “we are doing this for
God”, that our quests for human accomplishments are for the Glory of God. We fail to
realize that on the other hand, those things turn us away from God and we become
blindly by our worldly concerns.

2. Write your personal conversion story (Your life changing experience). (Please
add a catchy title)

“Never let one failure from the past hold you back in the future”

I was once of those become an early mom. I was in college days and I’m only 20 years
older. during those times, I was forced to stopped my studies due to some risky
reasons, reasons that I will never forget in my entire life. During those situation, I was
being criticized and being judged by the people surrounds me. and yes, I feel so down
and hurt. as time passes by, I gradually embraced everything, I accepted the fact that
those things happen to me for a reason. I always prayed to God for guidance and
protection that one day all of my dreams and wishes specially finishing my studies will
become into reality. And yes God is truly a loving and a caring God, he lets me finish
my first course and additional my second course. I’m now taking my MPA’s and praying
for and additional in the future. Today I am now a working and a hands on mom. In my
life journey, I have learned that whatever you believe when you commit everything to
the Almighty he will always make a way to give it to you.

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