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Name of Teacher: Jessa Sumayang – Monicit
LAC Session ID: 002
School: Tabunan National High School
1. Form a group of four members within your LAC, preferably with fellow teachers in
your respective learning area.
2. Using the curriculum guide and a list of the MELCs, choose MELCs in the first quarter
and unpack these into learning objectives.

Subject: Earth and Life Science

Learning Competency Learning Objectives
Recognize the uniqueness of Earth, Recognize the difference in the physical and chemical
being the only planet in the solar properties between the Earth and its neighboring planes
system with properties necessary to Identify the factors that allow a planet to support life.
support life. Exhibit care and protection of the Mother Earth
Define the concept of a system
Explain that the Earth consists of Recognize the Earth as a system composed of
four subsystems, across whose subsystems
boundaries matter and energy flow. Appreciate the value of interconnections of the
subsystems in sustaining life
Identify some common rock-forming mineral
Demonstrate understanding about physical and
Identify common rock-forming
chemical properties of minerals and will be able to
minerals using their physical and
identify certain minerals using specific tests
chemical properties.
Learn to appreciate the importance of the presence of
rocks and minerals
Identify and describe the three basic rocks type
Establish relationships between rock types and their
Classify rocks into igneous, mode of origin and environment of deposition /
sedimentary, and metamorphic formation
Demonstrate understanding on the different geologic
process involved in rock formation
Know the sources and significance of the Earth's
internal heat
Describe where the Earth’s internal Describe what happens after the magma is formed
heat comes from. (plutonism and volcanism)
Understand and explain the requirements for magma
Understand the different index minerals used for
Describe the changes in mineral metamorphic rocks.
components and texture of rocks due Understand what causes the metamorphic texture
to changes in pressure and Describe the changes in mineral components and
temperature (metamorphism) texture of rocks due to changes in pressure and
Describe how rocks behave under List different types of tresses that cause different type
different types of stress such as of deformation
compression, pulling apart, and Compare the different types of folds and the conditions
shearing under which they form
Compare fractures and faults and define how are they
related to earthquakes.
Explain the movement of plates that leads to the
Explain how the movement of plates
formation of fold and faults
leads to the formation of folds and
Describe the process of the formation of fold and faults
Display cooperation in performing the activity
Describe how layers of rocks (stratified rocks) are
Describe how layers of rocks Describe the different methods (relative and absolute
(stratified rocks) are formed dating) to determine the age of stratified rocks
Explain how relative and absolute dating were used to
determine the subdivisions of geologic time.
Describe the different methods Follow the principles of different dating methods,
(relative and absolute dating) to Involve oneself in discovering Earth’s past
determine the age of stratified rocks Reflect the value of discovering Earth’s past
Describe how layers of rocks are formed and used to
explain the history of Earth.
Explain how relative and absolute
Differentiate relative and absolute dating as used
dating were used to determine the
tracing the history of the Earth.
subdivisions of geologic time scale
Relate the works of scientists to hardwork and
Describe how the Earth’s history can be interpreted
from the geologic time scale.
Describe how the Earth’s history can
Construct a diorama on how the Earth history can be
be interpreted from the geologic
interpreted (including the age of the Earth, major
time scale
geologic time subdivisions, and marker fossils).
Perform accountability in accomplishing given task.
Describe and explain the hazards associated with
Describe the various hazards that Demonstrate their understanding of the scope of the
may happen in the event of effects and damage of earthquakes by determining the
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and possibility of such effects occurring in their area and
landslides vicinity and where it will most likely happen
Manifest awareness by participating in earthquake-
related hazard prevention activities and drills.
Identify areas from the Philippine map where
Using hazard maps, identify areas earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and landslides are most
prone to hazards brought about by likely to happen.
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and Manifest awareness by participating in earthquake,
landslides volcanic eruptions and landslides-related hazard
prevention, activities, and drills.
Identify and understand how certain human activities
can hasten the occurrence of landslides.
Find possible and practical solutions on how to lessen
Identify human activities that speed these identified human activities so as to lessen or
up or trigger landslides prevent the occurrence of landslides.
Design an information campaign to inform locals how
they contribute to the occurrence of landslides in their
Using hazard maps, identify areas Identify and classify the different types of
prone to hazards brought about by hydrometeorological hazards
tropical cyclones, monsoons, floods, Evaluate community for potential hazards induced by
or ipo-ipo extreme atmospheric and hydrologic conditions.
Recall that a hydrometeorological hazard is a condition
or an event that may cause harm to property and life as
a result of a hydrometeorological process such as
tropical cyclone, monsoon, flood, and tornado (or ipo-
Describe how coastal processes result in coastal
erosion, submersion, and saltwater intrusion
Describe how coastal processes Recognize the coastal processes that influence the
result in coastal erosion, coastal landforms and associated hazards.
submersion, and saltwater intrusion Illustrate and describe how the coastal processes
determine the present coastal hazards whether coastal
erosion, submersion or saltwater intrusion

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