Teaching English in Theelementary Grades (Language Arts) Midterm Compilation (Lessons, Quizzes and Activities)

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Submitted by: Tanggan, Cypress P. BEED III
Submitted to: Prof: Christian Villa
- reasons that a writer is writing his paragraphs
- the purpose is the goal of the paragraph is trying toachieve

The three common goals:

- to inform the readers
- to persuade the readers
- to entertain the readers


- writers often create it before they begin writing

- it is a short sentence that clearly defines the point of the
- it helps writers to be focused on the purpose

- keep your audiencein mind as you write every sentence
- know who your audience is

Two important thing to consider your Audience

 View point or person
 Formal or Informal Writing

View Point or Person

 FirstPerson
- the person who is speaking (I,we)
- explain personal experiences
 SecondPerson
- the person who is speaking (you)
- often informal
- give directions or instructions
 ThirdPerson
- person or thing that is spoken about (he,she,they,it )
- someone telling a story about another person or thing
- most academic writing

Consistent Pronoun Usage

- good writers do not shift between 1st,2nd and 3rd person within
one piece of writing

- it is how easy for a reader to understand your writing
- clear sentences
- using specific and concise language

Two ways to improve Clarity:

- using descriptive or precise words
- use clear pronoun references

- in a paragraphs means that all sentences is related to the topic
sentences and it’s controlling idea

- all the ideas are organized and flow smoothly and logically
from one to the next

Basic Parts of Paragraph

 Topic Sentence
 Controlling Idea
 Supporting sentences
 Concluding sentencesï
The Writing Process
Why Writing Process is important?
- Writing process is important for a writer to work through
each of the steps in order to ensure that he has produce a
polished,complete piece.
- The writing process is not always linear. Although
prewriting is the first activity you engage in generating
ideasis an activity that occurs throughout the writing process.

Linear Writing
- is when a writer starts at the beginning and plows through to
the end without going back to change or fix things.

Non Linear Writing

- it is when the story is written out of order.

5 Steps of Writing Process


- is a preparation process that you can complete before you

actually write your paper,essay or summary.
- it helps to organize your thoughts, plan your research or
writing and clarify your thesis.
- Prewriting is a “generating ideas”part of the writing process
when the students works to determine the topic and the
position or point of view for the target audience.
- Prewriting should offered with the time necessary for a
student to create plan or develop an outline to organize

materials for the final products.

- It is often called “brainstorming techniques”

Prewriting Strategies
 Listing
 Clustering
 Free Writing
 Looping
 Asking the six journalist questions

These strategies help you with both your invention and organization of
ideas and can find you in developing topics for your writing.
- this is the second step of the writing process. During drafting
the writer puts his ideas into complete thoughts such as
sentences and paragraphs. The writer organize his ideas in a
way that allows the reader to understand his message.

- you should read your writing and look at as looking at the big
picture. Do not yet worry about the mechanics of your paper.

- involves looking at each sentence carefullyand making sure
that is well designed and served for its purpose.

- checking for grammatical and punctuation errors, spelling
and mistakes.

- is the process of building and sharing meaning through the
use of verbal and non-verbal symbols in a variety of context
(Chaney,1998. p.13)
- It is a crucial part of second language learning and teaching
 Despite its importance for many years, teaching speaking has been
undervalued and English Language teachers have continued to
teach speaking just a repetition of drills or memorization of
 However, today’s world requires that the goal of teaching
speaking should improve student’s communicative skills because
only in the way, students can express themselves and learn on how
to follow the social and cultural rules appropriate on each
communicative circumstances.
 In order to teach second language, learners learn how to speak in
the best way possible, some activities are provided below that can
be applied to ESL and EFL classroom settingstogether with
suggestions for teachers who teach oral language.

What is Speaking
- is an act of making vocal sounds. We can say that speaking
means to converse or expressing one’s thought and feelings
in spoken language . To speak often implies conveying
information, it may be form informal remark to a scholarly
presentation to a formal address.

Speaking Skills
 Speaking skills are the skills that gives a speaker the ability to
communicate effectively
 Speaking skills are allow speakers to convey message in a
passionate, thoughtful and convincing manner
 Speaking skills also help to assure that one won’t be
misunderstood by those who is listening

To teach speaking is to teach learners to:

 Produce the English sounds and sound patterns
 Use word and sentence stress, intonation patterns and the rhythm
of the second language
 Select appropriate words and sentences according to the proper
social setting, audience, situation and subject matter
 Organize their thoughts in a meaningful and logical sequence
 Use language as a means of expressing values and
 Use the language quickly and confidently with few unnatural
pauses, which is called as fluency (Nunan 2003)

Communicative Language Teaching

 Based on real-life situation that require communication
 By using this method ESL classes students will have the
opportunity of communicating with each other inthe target
 ESL teachers should create a classroom environments where
students have real life communication, authentic activities and
meaningful task that promote oral language. This can occur when
students collaborate in a group to achieve the goal or to complete a

Activities in Teaching

- the students may aim to arrive at a conclusion, share ideas
about an event or find solution in this discussion groups.

Tips in Conducting Discussion

- Appropriate use of physical space

- U-shape seating
- Circle Seating

Role Play
- students pretend they are in various social contexts and have
variety of social roles. The teacher gives information to the
learners such as who they are and what they think or feel.

- very similar to role play but what makes simulations different
than role plays is that they are in more elaborate. In
simulations students can bring items to the class to create a
realistic environment.

Information Gap
- students are supposed to be working in pairs. One student
will have the information that other partner does not have and
the partners will share their information. These activities are
effective because everybody has the opportunity to talk
extensively in the target language.

- one a given topic, students can produce ideas in a limited
time. The good characteristics of brainstorming is that the
students are not criticized for their ideas.

- Students can be briefly summarise tale or story they heard
from somebody beforehand or they may create their own
stories to tell.
- fosters creative thinking
- helps the student to express ideas in the format of beginning
development and ending including the characters and setting
a story has to have.

- conducting interviews with people give students a chance to
practice their speaking ability not only in class but also
outside and helps them becoming socialized.

Story Completion
- for this activity a teacher start to tell a story but also after a
few sentences he or she stops narrating. Then each students
starts to narrate from the point where the previous one

- before coming to class students are asked to read a
newspaper or magazines and in class they report to their
friends what they find as the most interesting news. Students
can also talk about whether they have experienced anything
worth tellingtheir friends in their daily lives before class.

Playing Cards
- in this game students should form a groups of four. Each suit
will represents a topic. For instance:

Diamonds: Earning money

Hearts: Love and relationships

Spades: An unforgettable memory

Clubs: Best teacher

Picture Describing
- for this activity students can form a group and each group is
given a different pictures. Students discuss the picture with
their groups, then a spokesperson for each group describes
the picture to the whole class. This activity fosters the
creativity and imagination of the learners as well as their
public speaking skills.

Finding the Difference

- for this activity students can work in pairs and each couple is
given two different pictures for example, picture of boys
playing football and another pictured of girls playing tennis.
Students in pairs discuss the similarities and/or differences in
the pictures.

Quiz #3
Name: Tanggan, Cypress P. Course Year:BEED-III

Subject & Class schedule: ENG 1 (09:30-11:00)

Instructor: Mr. Christian A. Villa L.P.T

Activity # 1 (MIDTERM) Date: October

23, 2020

Directions: Explain the following statements/questions in not less than

three sentences, but not more than five sentences. Please use the same
format in Prelim when answering this document. The first paragraph for
each question should be in an indented format. You can have separate
sheets for answering these questions.

1. What are the different activities in Speaking?

- the different activities in Speaking are;
Discussions the students may aim to arrive at a conclusion,
share ideas about an event or find solutions in their
discussion group. Role Play students pretend they are in
various social contexts and have a variety of social roles. The
teachers gives  information to the learners such as who they
are and what they think or feel. Simulations very similar to
role plays but what makes simulations different than role
plays is that they are more elaborate. Information Gap are
supposed to be working in pairs. These activities are  i
because everybody has the opportunity to talk extensively  in
the target language.
- Brainstorming  on a given topic, students can produce ideas
in a limited time. The good characteristics of brainstorming is
that the student are not criticized for their ideas so students
will be open to sharing new ideas. Storytelling can be briefly
summarize tale of story they heard from somebody
beforehand or they may create their own stories to tell.
Interviews conducting interviews with people  give students
a chance to practice their speaking ability not only in class
but also outside and help them becoming socialize. Story
completion for this activity a teacher start to tell a story but
after a few sentences he or she stops narrating. Class
reporting before coming to class, students are asked to read
newspaper, magazines and in class they report to their friends
what they find as the most interesting news. Playing Cards
in this game, students should form groups of four. Each suit
will represent a topic. Picture Narrating students are asked
to tell the story taking place in the sequential pictures by
paying attention to the criteria provided by the teacher as a
rubric. Picture describing for this activity students can form
group and each group is given a different picture. This
activity fosters the creativity and imagination of the learners
as well as their public speaking skills. Find the difference
for this activity students can work in pairs and each couple is
given two different pictures. Students in pairs discuss the
similarities and/or differences in the pictures.
2. How can environmental factors affect speaking skills?
-  the possible environmental factors that affects the
speaking skills in many different ways is it can’t improve my
skills in speaking when there is not a supportive environment
for me to learn. Moreover, it affects the contexts as well as
the positive effect of communication to be effective in
delivering in public speaking since the surroundings are
dealing with environmental influence to the development of
one speaker that will follow for attention. Lastly, it affects
the motivation level and the mood of a speaker if there are a
lot of environmental factors/barriers that will lead to un
progress in a certain communication.

3. What are the factors that affect speaking skills?

- there are many factors that affect speaking skills.  Some are
mention and explain below. There are some people often feel
afraid of making mistakes. Speacially for the students, fear of
being laughed at by other students or being criticized by the
teacher. Primary reason of fear of mistake is that students are
afraid of looking foolish in front of other people and they are
concerned about how other will see them. In some other
cases, they also worry about how they will sound, and are
scared of sounding silly and so on. Another is shyness is
identified as an emotional thing that many students suffer
from at some time not only in students but all of us are
experiencing this kind of feeling. This indicates that shyness
could be a source of problem in speaking skills. Speaking in
front of people is one of the more common phobias specially
to students or learners encounter and feeling of shyness
makes their mind go blank or that they will forget what to say
.At the same time they may fear that they are not as good as
other people and can’t come up to the expectations. Another
one is lack of confidence. In this case some people
specifically students are afraid to speak because they have
doubts if it is correct or  wrong whatever comes out from
their mouth.  Lack of confidence also deals with the lack of

4. How can environmental barriers to communication be

- overcoming the environmental barriers in communication try
to keep an open mind, especially when communicating in a
stressful environment. Remember that differences in
understanding and perspective are natural. Also, knowing
where the other person is coming from can help you adjust
your tone, body language, or reassure your listener. Simply a
communication is a social process to give and receive what
people wants us to do and what we expect from the others.
We can communicate with our friends and colleagues in
many ways, but its effectiveness can only be ensured if a
message is conveyed appropriately and a person is able to
understand and comprehend the same. Everyone has
experienced at one time or another the frustration of feeling
misunderstood and being unable to make ourselves
understood by another person.

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