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13 Sharing our feelings

# Underline the correct options :

1. What does Ravi bhaiya use while walking?

A a hockey stick b a White stick c a bamboo stick D a crooked stick
2. What does seem as father read aloud for her Nani ?
A a story B the newspaper C some articles D the poem
3. Which script is used for the people who cannot see?
A Brahmi script B Hindi script Ccommon script
D Braille Script
4. Who was the creator of the Braille Script?
A James hot B Louis Braille C Darwin
D Bracken Brace
5. On how many dots is the Braille Script based ?
A Six B Four C Five D Three
6. How is the Braille Script read ?
A With the eyes B by writing with a pen C by hearing with eara D by feeling with the fingers
7. How does a blind person recognise another person ?
A by seeing B from his voice C With his stick
D By finding a link to the person
8. Who is blind ?
a Ravi bhaiya b Seema's Nani C Seema's mother
D Seema's Nana

# Write true or false :

1. Seema's Nani cannot hear well so the newspaper has to be read aloud - true
2. Ravi bhaiya teaches children in a school false
3. A blind person can recognise a person as soon as he or she sees the person False
4. Fingers are used to read the Braille Script - True
5. There are special schools for blind children true

# Fill in the blanks :

1. The Braille Script is based on six points.

2. Louis Braille invented Braille Script
3. Seema was selected for the football team.
4. The Braille Script is read by running one's finger on raised dots.
5. Nowadays Braille can even be written with the help of computer.

# Match A and B :

1. The Braille Script A teaches in a college

2. tape recorder B plays football
3. Ravi bhaiya C the script that the blind read
4. Seema D Nani listens to the news
E Ravi bhajiya listens and learns
answer 1 C. 2 E. 3 A 4B
Answer the following questions in one or two sentences :

Q1 who are all there in your family ?

Ans. Mother father brother sister grandmother grandfather

Q2 how many teeth are there in your mouth ?

Ans. 28 teeth

Q3 How many things can you recognise only by touching?

Ans. Fruits, vegetables, water, cloth, soil etc.

Q.4 Which people can you identify from the sound they make as they move ?
Ans. mother father brother sister

Q5 Just By smelling can you guess if someone is close to you ?

Ans yes sometimes.

Q.6 What trouble does Seema's Nani have ?

Ans. Seema's Nani is quite old and often has back pains. She cannot see or hear well.

Q7 what does Nani say about children of today?

Ans. Nani says these days children do not know how to cut vegetables properly.

Q8 what work does Ravi bhaiya do ?

Ans. Ravi bhaiya teaches in college

Q.9 What is Ravi bhaiya fond of ?

Ans. Ravi Bhaiya is very fond of listening to music and taking part in plays.

Q10 when does Ravi bhaiya get angry?

Ans. If someone tries to help him against his wish he gets angry.

Q.11 Why was Seema very happy?

Ans. Seema was very happy because she was selected in football team.

Q.12 What is the Braille Script ?

Ans. The way of reading by touching and feeling is known as the Braille script.

#Answer the following questions briefly :

Q1 Seema's father reads the newspaper aloud to her Nani. How do you help old people ?
Ans. I help them to cross the road and climb stairs.

Q.2 Have you ever needed a stick? When ?

Ans. Yes, to scare away the dog.

Q.4 can you think when you may need a stick?

Ans. To climb a tree, rock or mountain, we might need a stick.

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