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Reflection Essay for November 12 Seminar

Catherine R. Santiago

Department of Nursing, University of San Diego

HCIN 548-01-FA20-HCI Seminar

Professor O’Hagan

November 17, 2020


Reflection Essay for November 12 Seminar

In the first half of class, we broke out into groups, discussed our e-portfolios, and learned a few

new ways to complete tasks within the Weebly site. Douglas shared his Weebly site with the group, as

did Ceejay. We also had a little time to just chat about our courses and upcoming papers and


The 2nd half of class was spent discussing telehealth and its pros, cons, and future. I believe

telehealth is here to stay. Although not all medical appointments will be made as telemedicine

appointments, a good portion of follow-ups can be done via this method. Saving time and resources for

both the patient and the provider.

The semester has gone by quickly, and it’s hard to believe we only have one class left. When the

semester started, I wasn’t sure how to manage working two jobs and complete the required course

work for three classes; thankfully, it was more manageable than I previously thought.

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