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Reflection Essay for October 8 Seminar

Catherine R. Santiago

Department of Nursing, University of San Diego

HCIN 548-01-FA20-HCI Seminar

Professor O'Hagan

October 12, 2020


Reflection Essay for October 8 Seminar

I missed most of the class on October 8, to my detriment. Unfortunately, Thursdays are the

days' everyone shows up at the office, and I must be there as well. Going back through the PowerPoint

for class, I learned about the social justice and community activism field experience requirement.

I look forward to completing the community activism experience as I enjoy doing volunteer work

as often as possible. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, volunteer work has halted in most of the

community, but I look forward to getting back out there. The other requirement for our seminar is the

creation of a portfolio on Weebly. I watched the tutorial and started working on my page. Writing

about myself is difficult for me. I never know what to write without sounding like I'm bragging. So the

portfolio assignment will be interesting to me on how to convey what I want to say and project without

sounding conceited.

I have decided this semester on Thursdays I have to attend class. I will stay at work until the

class is over. There is too much information I miss trying to listen to class while I'm driving home.

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