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Point by Point Organization for Comparison and Contrast

Working Thesis: To inform the readers about these types of diets so they can choose the best
one to use according to what they want to achieve.

Introduction: If you are trying to decide to a High fat, low carb diet or High carb, low fat diet it is
easy to get confused about the benefits or the risks of each of it. For that reason, in this paper I
will explain the similarities and the differences about these different diets, how it will help them
with their daily life and in the future, and what they need to expect to start a one of the diets. I
will explaing the both diets in general aspects, also the effects in the blood sugar, and cancer

Point 1: Energy source

Subject A: The High fat, low carb diet is a diet that uses fat as energy, so while your body
is in the process of metabolizing your food, it uses the fat burning for energy

Subject B: High carb, low fat diet use carbs as energy

Point 2: Blood sugar levels

Subject A: High fat, low carb diet will improve your health by lowering blood gluccose,
and reducing insulin resistance

Subject B: High carb, low fat diet can increase your glucose level and increase your
insulin resistance.

Point 3: Cancer prevention

Subject A: High fat, low carb diet may lower the risk of cancer

Subject B: High carb, low fat diet not managing good and no following the strict diet can
increase health risk

Conclusion: The decision to start a diet is really important in your life because it might help you
in your future. Starting a diet now could be a great idea, but to start you need to be informed
about the benefits and risks that you have with each one. In this paper, I tried to explain some
of the important points in a diet. A diet needs to be sustainable. It's important that in a diet you
can see the level of energy because if it's something that makes you sleepy, it is a signal that it
is not working and changes might be needed. On the other hand, the blood sugar level may
prevent serious diseases, like diabetes. And the most important thing, Cancer, is something that
everyone is afraid of, so it's better to prevent it now than later. Concluding the best option of
diet is high fat low carb diet.

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