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 Write the assignment in your notebook.
 Write your name and register number in each page.
 Scan the assignment and convert it into a single pdf file.
 Submit the pdf file saved as your register number followed by your name.
 The last date to submit the assignment is 28-09-2020.

1. Draft a blank table representing the particulars relating students of a university,

classified according to:
Faculty - Arts, Science and Commerce
Age group - Below 18 years; 18-20 years; Above 20 years.
Gender- Male and Female

2. In 2009-10, the contribution of primary, secondary and tertiary sectors to India’s GDP
was 17.6%, 28.2%, and 54.2% respectively. In 2010-11 these shares were 17.7%,
27.0% and 55.3% respectively. This information is based on India 2013(EPW
Research Foundation). Present this information in the form of a table.

3. The number of students in a college in 1972 was 510, of these 480 were boys. In 1982,
the number of boys increased by 100% and that of girls increased by 300% of that of
1972. In 1992 the total number of students in the college was 1200, the number of
boys being double the number of girls.
Present the above data in a tabular form.

4. In 2016, the total number of visitors to St Aloysius Chapel was 2500. Among them
male visitors who belong to foreign countries are 650 and who belong to India are 860.
There were 350 foreign female visitors. In 2017, the total number of visitors increased
by 20% and that of Indian visitors increased by 10%. Among them there are 800 male
foreign visitors and 600 female Indian visitors.
Tabulate the above information.

5. In 1995, out of total customers visiting the hotel, 75 are non vegetarians and 125 were
vegetarians. In total there are 55 male non vegetarian customers and 30 female
vegetarian customers. In 1996, the total number of customers increased by 25%, and
non-vegetarian customers increased by 20%. In all there are 170 male customers
among them 65 are non-vegetarians.
Present the given information in the form of table.
6. The number of accidents in Southern Railway in 1970 was 3500 and it was decreased
by 300 in 1971 and by 700 in 1972. The total number of accidents in meter gauge
section showed 245 in 1970, 346 in 1971 and 428 in 1972. In the meter gauge ‘non-
compensated’ cases were 49 in 1970, 77 in 1971, and 108 in 1972. ‘Compensated
cases’ in broad gauge were 2867 in 1970, 2587 in 1971 and 2152 in 1972.
Tabulate the above information.

7. Out of total number of 10,000 candidates, who have applied for jobs in government
departments, 6854 were males, 3146 were graduates and other non graduates. The
number of candidates who are graduates with some experience was 2623, of whom
1,860 were males. The total number of male graduates was 2012. The number of non
graduates with experience was 1093 that includes 323 females.
Tabulate the above information.

8. The strength of workers in 3 units X, Y, Z of a factory is in the ratio 1:2:3 in which

unit Y has 600 workers. The proportion of skilled and unskilled workers in all the
units is in the ratio 1:5. The state wise workers of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu
are in the ratio 5:3:2 respectively in all the three units. Convert the given ratios into
numbers and prepare a table for the given information.

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