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Evidencia 6 Summary




Levis Nathaly Velásquez Capera. Aprendiz

Centro de Industria y Servicios del Meta,Servicio Naciona de Aprendizaje SENA

2068245: Tecnología de Guianza Turistica

Instructor: Lina Marcela Valencia Lara

Evidencia 6 Summary

Text 1: Cowboys

The llanero's life begins with a cup of coffee very early in the morning.
Cows and bulls are driven under the sun or rain for long distances crossing rivers, swamps,
flood plains, calming the cattle with their songs of cowherd.
On this tour you can see those birds covering the green plains with their shadow. In the rivers
the goldfish create the underwater rainbow.
For the llanero´s, the horse is more than a means of transportation, he is a unique friend, he
is the only invaluable thing among all his possessions, and before the end of the day the
ranger rushes to get home and not be scared with the ghost stories avoid the goblin’s jokes.

Text 2: The crane and the snake:

It is the story of a crane and his wife who lived on the banks of the river, but they had as a
neighbor a black cobra that lived in a tree hole, this black cobra always ate the eggs that the
crane's wife laid. Tired the crane went to the friend crab and he recommended him to make
a path of fish that the mongoose would follow until arriving at the house of the black cobra
and this way it would kill it and eat it. The mongoose won the cobra, killed it and ate it. and
every time she was hungry, she would return to the path that led to the crane's home to eat
the crane's eggs

Text 3: The museum that was a prison

The National Museum is the oldest museum in Colombia, Founded by the Decree 117 of
July 28 1823, with the name of the Natural History Museum and School of Mines.
The current collection has 20,000 pieces that symbolize Colombia´s national heritage. In
the years 1874 to 1946 it's was the most famous jailing the country, in times of civil wars
between the nineteenth and twentieth known as "The Panopticon".
In the year 1946 Ministry of Education and the Organizing Committee of the IX Pan
American Conference they decide to transfer the collection of the Historical Museum.

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