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Benedicto Pintor, Jr.

Mater Salutis College Seminary

Philo of Man

One theory on the nature of man is deism. It argues that God has left the world after
creating it. When God created the world and the man in it, he had no essence yet. It was up to
man to find his essence. Thus existence comes first than essence. Man has no identity or values
when he is born because he does not inherit his identity and values but he forms his identity
and values through his actions that forms his identity. This school of thought contradicts the
Thomistic teaching that essence comes first before existence. Before man was created, God
Himself implanted on man his essence or nature. Contrary to deism that argues that before God
left His creation He gave all the necessary things for his existence so that man can form his own
essence without God’s intervention.

In my opinion deism is wrong not only because I am a Christian but also I am studying
philosophy. To think that God left the world is impossible for we only participate in God’s
existence. If, then, the eternal being left us, our existence will end for we are limited beings.
Because our existence comes from God who gave us our essence or nature before creating us.
To agree with deism is an indirect affirmation that God is evil. But any Omnibenevolent
Supreme Being cannot be evil. This becomes self-defeating. Evil connotes nothingness. And to
argue that it is so, that Supreme Being is not worthy to be called God.

Another argument to counter deism is our stand on the precedence of essence to

existence. God, long before creating man, has thought of his essence. By way of creating him,
he infuses his essence on him. As he journeys in the world, God continues to fulfill and allow
man to realize his essence.

God, as it is apparent in our environment, continues to provide for man’s needs.

Although non-believers would counter this notion and although scientific advancements set
apart this truth, it cannot be denied that God’s creation continues to be at work to date. He
continues to sustain nature.

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