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ISSN: 2249-7196

IJMRR/Jan. 2016/ Volume 6/Issue 1/Article No-6/38-43

S Madhavi et. al., / International Journal of Management Research & Review


S Madhavi*1, Dr. T Rama Devi2
Research Scholar, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur (A.P), India.
Reader, SDMSM, Kalasala, Vijayawada (A.P), India.
India’s glorious history has affected each and every aspect of the Indian lifestyle. Jewelry has
remained an integral part of the Indian lifestyle. Imitation Jewellery is a House of Artificial
Jewellery and Indian Handicrafts. It is an effort to introduce the Indian Handcrafted Jewellery
to rest of the world. Indian Jewellery is a very special piece of jewelry which has a special
niche for itself. Indian Jewellery is liked by all over the world for its design and
craftsmanship. In fact, jewellery is considered as security and prestige of women in the
country. The attraction of jewelry has been great in India that it is no more a craft than an
art.Indian jewellery is unique in its design and workmanship. In all kinds of traditional dance
forms, imitation jewellery has been a significant part. The present study discusses the socio
economic profile of Imitation Jewellery Units in Machilipatnam.
Keywords: Imitation, Jewellery, Business, Manufacturers etc.
'Imitation Jewellery' is widely demanded not only in India but also various other countries of
the world. Gift articles, earrings, necklace, Jumka, Bajuband, fancy belts, jada set, bangles,
rings, dance sets, etc, offering a wide range of 'imitation jewellery' including aravanki.
Particularly in India, there is a huge market for the same and they are wide.
Most popular gold covering jewellery manufacturing industry in india.nearly 200 units are
engaged in the industry. This industry giving employment to nearly 30000 artizans and other
peoples. This jewellery commonly known as "chilakalapudi bangaram'.this industry produce
bangles,chains,neck lace,ear rings,tops,hangings,leg chains,rings,dance sets,all types of stone
items. Be it Bharatnatyam, Kuchipudi or Kathak, all has given importance to Jewellery in
presenting the artist. The number of items forming the jewelry of an Indian woman is
numerous, ranging from the Bangles, earrings, necklace, hair clip, belly chains, Finger rings,
etc. Indian Imitation jewelry is worn by not only people of India but all over the world, it has
huge attraction and demand. India is the largest exporter of jewellery from long time. There
are 235 registered units in Machilipatnam and there are many unregistered units who operate
their activities in the markets. However, the Manufacturing units of imitation jewellery in
Machilipatnam facing certain difficulties which hinder the growth in the market. Following
table present the demographic profile of the Manufacturers in Machilipatnam.
*Corresponding Author 38
S Madhavi et. al., / International Journal of Management Research & Review

RESPONSE RATE: Out of the 250 questionnaires sent out 230 questionnaires were
returned for analysis representing 92%.
Table 1.1: Demographic profile of Respondents
Variable Category Number Percentage
Male 80 100.00
Gender Female 00 0.00
25 – 40 17 21.25
Age 40 – 55 35 43.75
Above 55 28 35.00
S.S.C. 21 26.25
Qualification Intermediate 24 30.00
Degree 25 31.25
P.G. 10 12.5
Married 61 76.25
Marital Status Unmarried 19 23.75
Sole Trader 32 40.00
Ownership Partnership 29 36.25
Limited Company 19 23.75
Retailing 10 12.5
Nature of Business Wholesaling 18 22.5
Manufacturing 29 36.25
Exporting 23 28.75
Five 17 21.25
Existence (in years) Ten 18 22.5
Above 10 45 56.25
Imitation Bangles 15 18.75
Types of Products Produced Imitation Earrings 18 22.5
Imitation Necklace Set 07 8.75
Imitation Rings 09 11.25
Bridal Sets 05 6.25
Fashion Accessories 09 11.25
Hair clips 06 7.5
Waist chain 04 5.00
Anklets 07 8.75
Involvement of Family Members Yes 54 67.5
No 26 32.5
Management 18 22.5
The Position held by family Production 24 30.00
members Sales 20 25.00
All 18 22.5
Variable Category Number Percentage
Own Savings 18 22.5
Travelled Abroad 12 15.00
Source of Initial Capital From Friends 14 17.5
Bank Loan 13 16.25
From Family 04 5.00
Gift 08 10.00
Govt. Grant 04 5.00
Govt. Loan 05 6.25
Property Sale 02 2.5
Tools and Equipment Local Middlemen 16 20.00
From Mumbai 45 56.25
Local 19 23.75
Percent of acquiring local tools 0 – 25 17 21.25
and equipment 25 - 50 26 32.5
50 - 75 18 22.5
75 - 100 19 23.75
Production / Operation System Capital Intensive 23 28.75
Labour Intensive 57 71.25
Source of obtaining a design From Catalogue 09 11.25
Customer’s description 35 43.75
Copying others 23 28.75
Designer 07 8.75
Does not design 06 7.5

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S Madhavi et. al., / International Journal of Management Research & Review

The demographic profile of the sample of 80 manufacturing units is shown in the above table
From the above table it is understood that, 100 % of the respondents who engaged in the
manufacturing imitation jewelry are male and 43.75% of the respondents belong to the age
group of 40-55 years and no female engaged in such kind of units.
It is also understood that, 26.25 % of the respondents got their secondary school certificate,
30% of the respondents completed their matriculation, 31.25% of the respondents are
graduates, 12.5% of the respondents are post graduates. The majority of the respondents,
76.25% of the respondents are married and 23.75% of the respondents are single.
It is revealed that, 40% of the respondents are sole traders, 36.25% of the respondents are
involved in a partnership, 23.75% of the respondents are operating limited company. The
12.5% of the respondents are retailers, 22.5% of the respondents are wholesalers, 36.25% of
the respondents are manufacturers and 28.75% of the respondents are exporters of imitation
jewellery. The 22.25% of the respondents have been operating the business for five years,
22.5% of the respondents have been operating for 10 years and 56.25% of the respondents are
operating the business for more than 10 years.
The 18.75% of the respondents are engaged in producing imitation bangles, 22.5% of the
respondents are producing imitation earrings, 8.75% of the respondents are manufacturing
imitation necklace set, 11.25% of the respondents are designing imitation rings, 6.25% of the
respondents are producing bridal sets, 11.25% of the respondents are engaged in designing
fashionable accessories,7.5% of the respondents are making hair clips, 5% of the respondents
are producing waist chains and 8.75% of the respondents are making anklets.
The majority of the family members are running the units since many generations. The 67.5%
of the respondents made their family members to take part in the units and 32.5% of the
respondents do not take help from their family members in business matters.
Different positions held by family members in the organization structure of the units. The
family members about 22.5% of the respondents held management positions and 30% of the
respondents are headed by the production department, 25% of the respondents are taking
active part in sales and 22.5% of the respondents are engaged in all of the above specified
areas in the units.
The business units can raise their initial capital in a number ways. The 22.5% of the
respondents raised initial capital from their savings, 17.5% of the respondents borrowed from
their friends, 16.25% of the respondents borrowed from banks, 5% of the respondents
borrowed from family members and relatives, 10% of the respondents got the capital as a gift
from kith and kin, 5% of the respondents got grants from government, 6.25% of the
respondents through government loan and 2.5% of the respondents raised capital by selling
their property.
Manufacturing units acquire tools and equipment needed for their operations from local
middlemen or import from Mumbai or from the local agents. The 20% of the respondents
acquired equipment from local middlemen, 56.25% of the respondents import from Mumbai
and 23.75% of the respondents bought from local agents.

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S Madhavi et. al., / International Journal of Management Research & Review

The 21.25% of the respondents are acquiring the local tools and equipment less than 25% of
their total equipment, 32.5% of the respondents acquiring in between 25 – 50 %, 22.5% of the
respondents acquiring in between 50 – 75% and 23.75% of the respondents acquiring in
between 75 – 100%.
The 28.75% of the respondents have capital intensive manufacturing units and 71.25% of the
respondents have labour intensive manufacturing units.
The 11.25% of the respondents design their products from catalogue, 43.75% of the
respondents make products basing on from customers description, 28.75% of the respondents
copying the designs from others, 8.75% of the respondents make designer products and 7.5%
of the units do not design on their own.
Age of the Manufacturers

It is understood from the above chart that, 21.25% of the respondents belong to the age group
of 25-50 years and 43.75% of the respondents belong to the age group of 40-55 years and
only 35% of the respondents are having more than the age of 55 years. Most of the
Manufacturing units in Machilipatnam are inherited by many generations. Once the oldest
male reaches to the age of 50 years, can retire from the duties and next the operations will be
carried out by the immediate male members, the majority of the respondents belong to the
age group of 40-55 years.
Qualification of the Respondents

It is understood from the above chart that, 33.75% of the respondents are studied SSC and
42.5% of the respondents are undergraduates and 23.75% of the respondents are post
graduates and none of them are doctorates.

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S Madhavi et. al., / International Journal of Management Research & Review

Form of Ownership

It is understood from the above chart that, 40% of the respondents having the family size of
one-two members and 33.75% of the respondents having the family size of three - five
members and 31.25% respondents having the family size of five – six members and 27.5% of
the respondents having the family size of seven and more.
Business Existence

It is understood from the above chart that, 21.25% of the respondents are in business less than
five years, 22.5% of the respondents are in the business in between five to ten years and
56.25% of the respondents are in the business more than ten years.
All the respondents who engaged in the manufacturing imitation jewelry are male and the
majority of the units belong to the age group of 40-55 years and no female were engaged in
such kind of units. It is suggested that, involving female members of the family in the
activities of the business or manufacturing units would help the industry to provide an
opportunity to empower women entrepreneurship and increases percentage of GDP as well.
Most of the respondents completed their matriculation and their graduation and a very less
percentage of the respondents are post graduates. It is suggested that when manufacturing
units operated by professionals who had enough sound knowledge in the imitation jewelry
industry facilitates to find modern ways to manage the things in the workshop. It is observed

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S Madhavi et. al., / International Journal of Management Research & Review

that the majority of the respondents are sole traders and few are involved in a partnership and
a very less number of the respondents are operating limited company. It is suggested that,
operating a business as an association facilitates them to demand the government to provide
subsidized loans, to have no/ less VAT, etc. Only 28.75% of the respondents are exporters of
imitation jewellery. It is suggested that taking initiatives to encourage the local
manufacturing units to export their products to foreign countries like Singapore, Malaysia,
Europe, East Germany and Lebanon, where imitation jewelry have much demand, would help
the industry grow much faster. The majority of the units is run by family members for many
generations. Taking assistance from the family members would be advantageous for better
production as they are more trustworthy and they will be available round the clock. The
business units can raise their initial capital in a number ways. The major sources of raising
capital are from savings, borrowed from their friends, borrowed from banks, borrowed from
family members and relatives, only 5% of the respondents got grants from government,
6.25% of the respondents through government loan and 2.5% of the respondents raised
capital by selling their property. It is suggested that government offers better schemes to
business enterprises at a cheaper rate of interest. Availing to such kind of benefits can reduce
burden on the units. Banks should take initiative steps to generate awareness about such
schemes among the manufacturers would be helpful to a great extent.
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