Workshop Level 5

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FULL NAME: Valentina Cabarique Rosero


G Read carefully each text, then, write X in the frame before the option that you consider corre


Pocahontas was twelve years old when history was changed by the arrival of three English sh
on the ships came to start a new colony. The new colony was Jamestown. One of the English
John Smith. He canoed up a river one day. He was going to an Indian village to attack them.
message to the chief of all the little villages, (Powhatan, Pocahontas’ father) telling him they w
the next day. Pocahontas was excited because she had never seen a white man before.

The next day Pocahontas dressed in her nicest clothes. When the Indians came with John Sm
that he was the most handsome man she had ever seen. The Indians told Powhatan that Joh
with fire sticks. John Smith said that the Indians had killed two of his men first. Powhatan told
he would be killed for the Indian braves’ lives. The next day the Indians put John Smith’s hea
kill John Smith when Pocahontas ran to John Smith and put her head on top of his. She yelled:
Powhatan could not kill John Smith because he was now Pocahontas’. Powhatan explain
Pocahontas and had to stay with Pocahontas in their village. John Smith said he understood a
John Smith was in Powhatan’s village he and Pocahontas became good friends.

While Pocahontas was in Jamestown she learned the English language and became baptized a
When Pocahontas first arrived in Jamestown, John Rolfe saw her and fell in love instantly. Po
they became more in love as they knew more about each other. In 1614 John Rolfe and Po
peace between the English and the Indians.

In 1615 more happiness came to Pocahontas and John Rolfe. Pocahontas had a son. They na
Thomas was born, John Rolfe had to go to London on a business trip. He took Pocahontas an
almost all of London. Pocahontas met the king and queen and after she did, she became
London a week longer and then they would go home.
When they were sailing home they had to stop in a town close to London because Pocahontas
doctor said that Pocahontas had small pox and would surely die. She died and was buried in th
John Rolfe went back to Jamestown and left Thomas living with a family that lived in the fore
back to Jamestown and married an English woman. By that time his father had died.
0. Was Pocahontas a Greek princess?

a. Yes, she was

x b. No, she wasn't
c. No, she didn't
c. Yes, she did

1. Pocahontas became homesick because…

A. John Rolfe had to stay in London a week longer
B. She met the king and queen of England
C. She wanted to go back home
x D. She had small pox

2. Which of the following questions about Pocahontas does the text NOT supply enough inform
A. How old was her son when he died?
x B. What did the Indians tell Powhatan about John Smith?
C. How old was Pocahontas when she died?
D. What did Pocahontas learn in Jamestown?

3. Which of the following statements is not true

x A. John Smith belonged to Pocahontas because she claimed his life.
B. Thomas Rolfe traveled with his parents to London.
C. John Rolfe and Pocahontas were married In 1614. This broke the peace between the E
D. Both B and C.

4. Which of the following words could best be substituted for the word “brave”?
x A. Valiant
B. Angry
C. Irritated
D. Annoyed

5. Order the following statements chronologically:

A. When Thomas Rolfe grew up, he moved back to Jamestown and married an English woma
B. Pocahontas saw John Smith when he was about to be killed
C. John Smith canoed up a river because He was going to attack an Indian village
D. Pocahontas got sick because she had small pox, she died and was buried in a town close
E. While Pocahontas was in Jamestown, she learned the English language and became bapti

Write in each box the the letters (A to E) in correct order:

c - b - e - d - a


Fashions in drugs come and go: if the ‘70s were the golden age of marijuana and the ‘80s
Ecstasy. Ecstasy is a profound stimulant with light hallucinogenic powers that makes users f
everything they see. This effect increases when Ecstasy is taken together with alcohol in ve
Council of Europe estimates that Ecstasy is the second most popular (after cannabis) among t
it is quite cheap. Most Ecstasy is now manufactured in Eastern Europe and then sent west b
controlled from Holland.

Two weeks ago in Britain police reported that a young girl collapsed at her 18 th birthday party
While their daughter was in a coma, her parents, who campaign against drug use in schools,
the public. Sadly, the girl died.

6. Is it true that people have always used Ecstasy? Why?

A.    No. Because it is the second most popular drug.
B.    No. Because other drugs were more popular time ago.
C.     No. Because it depends on people. Some of them have never taken it.
D.    Yes. Because it was a cheap drug.
Why  did the British girl die?
A.    Because she danced a lot at the party and became unconscious.
        Because her parents campaigned against drug use in school and couldn’t help her.
C.     Because her parents were in a coma.
D.    Because she took some Ecstasy.
Put  the following sentence into reported speech: “We’ll take our crusade to the public,” he
x A.    Her parents said that they will take their crusade to the public
B.    Her parents said that they took their crusade to the public
C.     Her parents said that we would take our crusade to the public
D.    Her parents said that we’ll take their crusade to the public
Join  the sentences with a relative pronoun: “The girl died. Her parents campaigned agains
x A.    The girl died whose parents campaigned against drug use died.
B.    The girl died but her parents kept on campaigning against drug use.
         The parents whose girl campaigned against drug use died
D.    Her parents campaigned against drug use but the girl died.
Which   is the most popular drug among young Europeans?
A.    It is Cannabis, because cocaine disappeared in the 70s.
        In the 70s was Marijuana after cannabis.
C.     In the 90s was Ecstasy after cannabis.
D.    It is cannabis after cocaine.

G Read the sentence, then, write in the blank the correct Tag Question for each one according

0.                  She’s attending to the new course of first aids.

11.                  It’s cost me a lot of money.

12.                  They don't lead the caravan.

13.                  We shouldn't spend much money.

14.                  I am a good-for-nothing.

15.                  He’s hurt her deep inside of her heart.

16. Jupiter is the __________ planet of the solar system

a. Bigger x b. Most big c. Biggest

17. The Moon is __________ Saturn to the Earth

a. More near than b. More far than x c. Nearer than

18. The war and the starving are the __________ pains of the world
a. Bader x b. Worst c. Goodest

19. A travel by airplane to Cartagena is __________ a travel by bus

x a. More expensive than b. More carer than c. The most expens

20. The football soccer is __________ the golf

a. Funniest x b. Funnier than c. Boring that

Hungry - Tired - happy - Beautiful - Cold - Old

0. The baby is as happy as

21. Miami is not as cold as

28º C

22. Sally is as tired as

23. She  is not as old as

24. The kids are as hungry as

25. Paris is as beautiful as Rio de Janeiro

G Read the sentence, then, click on the white frame and click on the display button to choose t

0. "Can I stay here one hour more?"

"Is there any chance _______________________ ?"

26. "Could you lend me 200 Euros?"

"Is there any chance _______________________ ?"
could you borrow me 200 Euros

27. "Has she reached a decision yet?"

"Has she told you whether _______________________ ?"
have made a decision yet

28. "Does Rachel know about Chemistry?"

"I wonder whether _______________________ ."
Rachel knows about Chemistry

29. "How long does it take to get there?"

"Do you know _______________________ ?"
how long it take to get there

30. "How does it work?"

"Can you explain _______________________ ?"
how it work

31.   "Where's the bus stop?"

"Can you tell me _______________________ ?"
where is the bus stop

32. "What's the the matter?"

Please tell me _______________________ ."
what is the matter

33.   "Are you coming to the party?"

"Can you let me know if _______________________ ?"
you are coming to the party
34.   "Excuse me. How do you get to the post office from here?"
"Could you tell us _______________________ ?"
how to get to the post office

35.   "Where are you from?"

"I'd like to know _______________________ ."
where are you from

G Write in the box the letter (A - E) which has the correct answer for each question according t

0. How far is Sydney from Paris? Z. Sydney is 13,249 miles fa

36. How long does she usually spend in traffic? A. They hardly ever surf in

37. How often does she read the newspaper? B. The bus-stop is 300 yard

38. How long do you spend in a pool? C. She usually arrives to w

39. How far is the place where I can take public D. I usually practise swimm
40. How often do they use the internet? E. She quite often realizes a

DOCUMENT: c.c 1007635373


hat you consider correct.


val of three English ships to the new world. The Englishmen

wn. One of the Englishmen who came to the new world was
village to attack them. The Indians captured him and sent a
ther) telling him they were going to bring some Englishmen
te man before.

ns came with John Smith, Pocahontas saw him and thought

old Powhatan that John Smith had killed two of their braves
en first. Powhatan told John Smith to be quiet and said that
put John Smith’s head on a stone. Powhatan was about to
top of his. She yelled: “I claim John Smith!”
as’. Powhatan explained that John Smith was owned by
h said he understood and Powhatan let him go. The time that

and became baptized as an English woman named Rebecca.

ell in love instantly. Pocahontas fell in love with him too and
14 John Rolfe and Pocahontas were married. This brought

tas had a son. They named him Thomas. A little while after
He took Pocahontas and Thomas with him and showed them
she did, she became homesick. John Rolfe had to stay in

n because Pocahontas was sick and had to see a doctor. The

ed and was buried in the town they stopped in. She was only

ly that lived in the forest. When Thomas grew up he moved

er had died.
T supply enough information for answer.


he peace between the English and the Indians.


rried an English woman

dian village
buried in a town close to London
uage and became baptized as Rebecca

marijuana and the ‘80s of cocaine, then the ‘90s belong to

ers that makes users feel optimistic and enthusiastic about
ther with alcohol in very noisy places such as discos. The
ter cannabis) among those aged 15 to 25, probably because
e and then sent west by Russian mafia organizations, often

her 18 th birthday party after taking one overdose of Ecstasy.

drug use in schools, took their crusade against Ecstasy to

aken it.

nd couldn’t help her.

usade to the public,” her parents said.

nts campaigned against drug use.”


or each one according to the example.

Isn't she?

Isn't it?

Do they?

Should we?

Aren't i?

Isn`t he?


Nearer than


The most expensive than

Boring that

The old man

12º C

her boss.

her husband


Rio de Janeiro
play button to choose the correct option.
h question according to the example.

ydney is 13,249 miles far from 0 - Z

hey hardly ever surf in the computer. 36 - C

he bus-stop is 300 yards away. 37 - E

he usually arrives to work two hours later.. 38 - D

usually practise swimming for 50 minutes. 39 - B

he quite often realizes about the news. 40 - A

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