The Reading Proficiency Level of The Selected Grade 8 Students of The Don Gerardo Llamera Ouano Memorial National High School School Year 2019-2020

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The Reading Proficiency Level of the Selected Grade 8 Students

of the Don Gerardo Llamera Ouano Memorial National High School

School Year 2019-2020


Dennis Manatad


Demana, Rose Ann

Diton, Michelle

Juezan, Cherry Rose

Retubado, April Mae

Sevilla, Winchel

12 GAS
Chapter I

Background of the Study

By age of six to seven children should be sensitive to such characteristics of

stories as the main character, sequence of events, inferences, the motives and feelings

of characters, and sentence order. As they get older, children should be more efficient

at recognizing and recalling facts, recognizing and inferring main themes and

relationships, drawing conclusions, making judgements, and generalizations, predicting

outcomes, applying what has been learned, and following directions. The

comprehension goals of the intermediate grades address these abilities as well as those

required for independent study: skimming, using reference materials, outlining,

summarizing, altering reading rate and focus as the purpose of reading changes use of

headings, note taking and so on.

Reading is one of the important skills in English and it gives many benefits for us.

Reading is the window of the world. By reading, people can get more knowledge and

information from books, magazines, newspapers, and others. Reading is the most

important component in learning process and social interaction because, first, reading is

an indispensable communication tool in a civilized society. Second, that the reading

materials produced in any period of time in history most influenced by social

background. Third, developments, that over the period of the recorded history of reading

has led to two very different poles. (Grey in Tarigan, (1957:1099). Reading is bringing

meaning to and getting meaning from printed or written material (Finochiaro and

Bonomo in Tarigan, 1973:119). Through the reading activity, the students can enlarge

their knowledge and it can also make them wise and respectful. Students’ reading ability
must be developed. Teachers have duties to develop their skill and ability. Everything

teachers do in reading class should be designed to build students’ ability to understand

increasingly complex content of the texts. The methods, techniques, and teaching

media that is chosen and used by the teacher will influence the success of teaching

learning process and student achievement. In the teaching reading activities a good

method, media, and strategy are needed in this research.

Statement of the Problem

This study examines and analyze the reading proficiency level of the Grade 8

students of Don Gerardo Llamera Ouano Memorial National High School.

Specifically, the study aims to answer the following specific questions:

1. What is the profile of the Grade 8 students of Don Gerardo Ll. Ouano Memorial

National High School in terms of the following:

1.1. Gender

2. What are the learners’ reading proficiency in criterion to:

2.1. Oral Reading scores in percentage,

2.2. Reading Comprehension scores in percentage,

2.3. Oral Reading level,

2.4. Reading Comprehension?

3. Is there a significant relationship of reading proficiency in relevance to:

3.1 Exposure to reading materials at home,

3.2 Academic performance?

Scope and Delimitation
The general purpose of this study is to learn the reading proficiency levels of

grade eight students of Don Gerarado Llamera Ouano Memorial National High School.

When this study is completed and polished, results can draw recommendations and

conclusions that can be essential to teachers and other school staff.

This study is limited within the premises of Don Gerardo National High School,

Gerardo Ouano Street, Opao, Mandaue City, Philippines 6014. This study was

conducted at the first week of July 2019 and will end on the first week of October 2019.
Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are considered beneficial to the community considering that

reading plays an important role in the literature-based K to 12 curriculum in Junior High


This study is significant to the following:

Teachers. As stated in the Phil-IRI, teachers can tell teachers whether students at

above, or below their grade levels. Teachers can design and provide appropriate

reading instruction for their students, they should be armed with information about their

student current reading levels and abilities.

Students. This benefits the students, they will identify their performance in Oral

Reading, Reading Speed, and Reading Comprehension.

School Administrator. The result of this study could be used to address issues on

students reading proficiency level as a reference in formulating a programs.

Future Researchers. The study cab be used as a basis for further studies on reading

proficiency levels of students.

Chapter II

Related Literature and Studies

This chapter highlights related studies and literature from other authors, these

studies may be discussed in a different perspective.

Related Literature

In Vygotsky’s Social Development Theory, engaging in social practice plays a

critical role in the development of the child. Through socialization, children construct

their own knowledge, form concepts, and actively find meaning to make sense of the

world. It is a fundamental form of learning and cognition; consciousness is the result of

interaction with other people within a shared experience.

In this shared socio-cultural context, children use tools within a culture, such as

signs, symbols, and language, to function in the social environment. “Children

assimilate language-a ready-made product of socio-historical development-and use it to

analyze, generalize, and encode experience” (Luriia, 1976, p. 9). Gleaning from

Vygotsky’s semantic and system structure of consciousness, Luriia states that words

are the “fundamental units of consciousness reflecting the external world” (Luriia, 1976,

p. 9).

Vygotsky believed that “concept formation is rooted in the use of words which

acquire different meanings at successive stages of development” (Luriia, 1976, p. 50). It

is interesting to note how Vygotsky described the thinking process of a child. At first, the
child thinks by remembering but when he/she reaches adolescence, he/she remembers

by thinking. According to Luriia, this is because an adolescent “no longer generalizes on

the basis of his immediate impressions but isolates certain distinct attributes of objects

as the basis of categorization” (1976, p. 52). This illustrates the movement from social

to individual consciousness, a consciousness that is shaped and enriched by the child’s

participation in the society.

Hedges (2012) explained further that “during the early childhood years, Vygotsky

believed that everyday concepts were most prominent. According to Vygotsky,

“Everyday concepts emerged from children’s thinking about their daily experiences, that

is, they occur spontaneously in the context of normal participation in family and

community practices and activities” (Hedges, 2012, P.145).

Related Studies

Educators found difficulty over discovery that pupils who did poorly in subjects

like Math and Science could still do very well in other subjects. But students who did

poorly in reading almost always did the same in all their other courses. Not until they

found in a study conducted that all the subjects are practically based on reading. The

researcher came across a number of studies bearing semblance to the present


The study of Tongco identified the reading proficiency level of the grade IV, V,

and VI students of Bitano ES in the following reading comprehension skills: literal,

inferential, critical creativeness and valuing devised appropriate school reading

programs based from the findings. It made use of the different sets of reading passages
of the Phil-IRI per grade level as its main tool. The result of the oral reading test in word

recognition and comprehension was analyzed with the use of Phil-IRI level criteria. The

findings showed that almost all students fall under frustration level.

Tongco’s study ha relevance to the present study because both aimed to

determine the reading level or skills of pupils using the Phil-IRI materials asa a research

tool and the criteria in determining the said reading level. However, they vary in that

former used in sets of reading passages in the gathering of data from grade IV, V, and

VI students of a certain school in Legaspi City while present, will do documentary

analysis of the Phil-IRI results of the present school year of the pupils of the chosen

school, Homapon Elementary School.

A study conducted by Mendones determined what strategies for remediation is

effective to use, through analysis of errors to determine the level of reading proficiency

of Grade IV pupils in Tiwi Central Schools, Albay for SY 2003-2004. It employed

descriptive research using a combination of assessment and non-experimental

methodology. It made use of items in Phil-IRI as the main tool. Strategies were

developed to remedy the word recognition error and comprehension deficiencies

demonstrated by the pupils. The findings of the study showed that the reading

proficiency of the grade IV pupils was at the frustration level, both on word recognition

and comprehension. The common deficiencies in oral reading in rank order were:

mispronunciation, repetition and substitution, insertion, omission and punctuation errors.

The comprehension deficiencies were: making inferences, making judgment, thinking

creatively out values on the situation or story read. Thus, 8endones recommended that

teachers should give a pre-test in reading to determine the initial reading proficiency,
analyze the result, and adapt appropriate strategies to improve the reading proficiency

level of the pupils; plan a medium term strategies plan and a year-to-year operational

plan for a school-wide reading program involving all teachers in all subject areas,

encourage participation of all teachers in improving the reading proficiency of the pupils,

and teachers should let the pupils as well as their parents know the former’s reading


The study of Mendones is similar to the researcher’s study on the aspect

of determining the reading comprehension of the pupils with the reading passages in

the Phil-IRI as the testing tool of the study. The difference is primarily in that the former

being a descriptive research used a combination of assessment and non-experimental

methodology. Pre-test and post-

test were given to grade IV classes with parallel passages after a three-week remediatio

n lesson. The present study is an assessment of the reading proficiency level of grade

VIII pupils as the respondent researchers will use the descriptive method of research.

Conceptual Framework
Input Process Output

-Grade Eight 1. Determining the Reading Proficiency

capability of
students in terms of levels of grade eight
-Age reading proficiency
-Gender 2. Use the Phil-IRI
-Exposure to to determine the
proficiency level
material at

Chapter III


This chapter presents the research design, sampling, participants of the

study, setting of the study, the research instruments.

Research Design

This study used a descriptive-developmental method of research with specific

survey techniques in gathering the data from the questionnaire which filled out by the
student-respondents. The descriptive method is employed to describe the profile of the

respondents in terms of age, Exposure to reading material at home, and General

average. This study is developmental since the study is primarily done to determine the

current reading proficiency level of the Grade 8 students of Don Gerardo Llamera

Ouano Memorial National High School.


The researchers use the stratified random sampling design. According to John

Wiley & Sons, stratified sampling is a probability sampling method that is implemented

in sample surveys. The target population's elements are divided into distinct groups or

strata where within each stratum the elements are similar to each other with respect to

select characteristics of importance to the survey. The sample size is computed through

n=N/(1+Ne²) (Slovin’s formula). n = 697/(1+697(0.05²)). n = 254. The computed sample

size of this study (254) is then divided by the number of sections (13) of the grade

seven department. 254/13 = 20. The grade 7 department is divided into three shifts, the

total sections are thirteen, and the total population is six-hundred and ninety-seven


The sample size of each section in this technique is proportionate to the

population size of the stratum when viewed against the entire population. This means

that the each stratum has the same sampling fraction.

Section Male Female Total

Mercy 6 13 19
Diligence 11 8 19
Prudence 12 7 19
Justice 10 9 19
Faith 10 9 19
Hope 4 15 19
Gentleness 13 6 19
Serenity 12 7 19
Love 11 8 19
Sobriety 12 7 19
Respect 14 5 19
Honor 11 8 19
Tact 17 5 22
Excellence 13 9 22
Total: 156 116 272

Locale of the Study

Don Gerardo Llamera Ouano Memorial National High School (DGLlOMNHS) is a

public junior high school under the Department of Education (DepEd) Region VII –

Mandaue City Division. The school teaches students in grades seventh through tenth.

The school was founded on 1991 and had since produced an estimate of 20,000



Participants of this study are the selected grade eight students of Don Gerardo

Llamera Ouano Memorial National High School. In identifying the participants,

researchers use a stratified sampling they are on their second year of their high school

endeavor and the adopted research instrument, the Philippine Informal Reading

Inventory (Phil-IRI) is designed for grade eight learners.


The research questions of this is based from the Philippine Informal Reading

Inventory (Phil – Iri). The first step in this study is reviewing notable works from different

professionals linked in the field of teaching. After getting the research questions, the
researchers made questionnaires for data collection. Before proceeding to data

collection, the researchers constructed a letter to be signed by the principal for approval

of conducting the study within the premises. After collecting data, it is then converted

into statistical data that will answer the researchers’ hypothesis. When data is

computed, writing of the final output will be next. Conclusions, implications, and

recommendations will be available when the final output is publishe

Research Instruments

This study used the Philippine – Informal Reading Inventory (Phil-IRI) materials

in assessing the level of reading proficiency of the students. The level of reading

comprehension of the students was computed using the following formula below:

Comprehension (C)= no. of correct answers x 100%

No. of questions

The Phil-IRI-Silent Reading Test gives quantitative information about the pupil’s


reading capabilities. Quantitative information shows the reading levels namely:


instructional and independent. Furthermore, it uses predetermined set of criteria in

identifying the

reading levels of the pupils such as the reading speed and percentage of correct

answers to

comprehension questions. It has adapted the combination of bands of reading rate

(words per
minute) proposed by Morris and Gunning. In this study, the level of reading proficiency


interpreted based on the result of the computation. The Manual of Phil-IRI Test


and Interpretation which was retrieved from the DepEd Muntinlupa City Division was

used as

main reference in the interpretation. The following is the interpretation for the level of



Computed Value of Levels of Reading

Comprehension Proficiency
90-100% Independent Level
75-89% Instructional Level
74 and below Frustration Level

The following is the interpretation for the level of reading comprehension, oral reading,

and reading speed:

Table 2. Phil-IRI Criteria for scoring

Oral Reading Level Oral Reading Score (in %) Reading Comprehension

Score (in %)
Independent 97-100% 80-100%
Instructional 90-96% 59-79%
Frustration 89% and below 58% and below

To illustrate, the final output of the proficiency test would be:

Word reading score: 15 miscues = 76.9%:


Comprehension score: 4 out of 7= 57%:

Definition of terms

Phil-IRI. Is an acronym given by Department of Education to the Philippine

Informal Reading Inventory. This is an oral reading test composed of word lists taken

from the passage to be read; passage constructed with parallel reading lessons in every

grade level. Its purpose is to diagnose word recognition error and comprehension

difficulties for placement of reading levels of pupils.

Reading Comprehension. This is a skill which is knowledge base just like all

the elements that support it, and as such, it can and should be taught explicitly. The

teacher can help the students develop an appreciation for the different types of reading

comprehension (literal, inferential, evaluative, etc.) and the different types of text

(expository, narrative, formal, informal, etc.) and can introduce the child to different

literary genres.

Frustration Level. This is the lowest reading level. The pupil shows withdrawal

from reading situations by crying or refusing to read. The pupil commits errors in

reading such as reversal, repetition, substitution, insertion, mispronunciation and

inability to interpret punctuation.

Instruction Level. It is the level which the pupil can profit from instruction. The

pupil’s oral reading in rhythmical with conversational tone and correct interpretation.
Independent Level. It is the highest level at which a pupil can read

independently and with ease without the help or guidance of the teacher. The pupil is

free from tension, finger pointing or lip movement. The pupil reads with rhythm and with

conversational tone and interprets punctuation correctly.

Name: Gender:

A. Choose your answer by checking the blank provided.

1. What is your general average of the past school year (2018-2019)?

__75 Below
__95 Above
2. Are you exposed to reading materials at home?
__ Yes __ No
B. English Pre-test Set A (Reading Comprehension)
Dark chocolate finds its way into the best ice creams, biscuits and cakes.
Although eating chocolate usually comes with a warning that it is fattening,
it is also believed by some to have magical and medicinal effects. In fact,
cacao trees are sometimes called Theobroma cacao which means “food of
the gods.” Dark chocolate has been found out to be helpful in small
quantities. One of its benefits is that it has some of the most important
minerals and vitamins that people need. It has antioxidants that help
protect the heart. Another important benefit is that the fat content of
chocolate does not raise the level of cholesterol in the blood stream. A
third benefit is that it helps address respiratory problems. Also, it has been
found out to help ease coughs and respiratory concerns. Finally, chocolate
increases serotonin levels in the brain. This is what gives us a feeling of

Encircle the letter of the correct answers.

1. Why was chocolate called Theobroma cacao? It is considered to be _____.

a. fattening food

b. magical tree

c. medicinal candy

d. food of the gods

2. Which statement is true?

a. All chocolates have medicinal properties.

b. In small doses, dark chocolate is fattening.

c. Dark chocolate has minerals and vitamins.

. Chocolate raises the level of cholesterol.

3. What is found in dark chocolate that will help encourage its consumption?

a. antioxidants

b. sugar

c. fats

d. milk

4. After we eat chocolate, which of these is responsible for making us feel good?
a. cacao

b. theobroma

c. serotonin

d. antioxidants

5. If a person coughs and is asked to have some chocolate, why would this be good

a. Dark chocolate helps respiratory problems.

b. Dark chocolate helps circulation.

c. Dark chocolate does not raise the level of cholesterol.

d. Dark chocolate has vitamins and minerals.

6. Which of the following body systems does not directly benefit from the consumption
of dark chocolate? a. Circulatory system

b. Respiratory system

c. Excretory system

d. Nervous system

7. Which important fact shows that dark chocolate may be safe for the heart?

a. It may ease coughs.

b. It helps address respiratory problems.

c. It does not raise the level of cholesterol.

d. In small quantities, dark chocolate has been said to be medicinal.

8. What does “address” mean in the second paragraph?

a. to locate

b. to identify
c. to deal with

d. to recognize
C. English Pre-test Set B (Reading Speed, 152 words)


Sneezing happens when our body is trying to remove an irritation found

inside the nose. A special name for this process is sternutation. How does
a sneeze happen? When your nose is tickled, the sneeze center in our brain
receives a message. Soon, the other parts of the body that work together to
create a sneeze such as the abdominal muscles, chest muscles, the
diaphragm, the muscles of the vocal chords, the back of the throat, and the
eyelids receive this message. An explosion as fast as 161 kilometers per
hour sends the irritant speeding out of your nose. Examples of irritants in
the air are dust, pepper, or allergens such as pollen. Some experience
having a photic reflex and sneeze as soon as they are under the bright sun.
Now, if it ever happens that a sneeze of yours gets stuck, look towards a
bright light to unstick your stuck sneeze.

Marites Basquiñas-Tongco, "A Reading Program for Grades IV-VI Pupils in Bitano

Elementary School" (Unpublished Master's Thesis, Bicol University Graduate

School, Legazpi City, 2005).

Godilla C. Mendones, "Reading Proficiency of Grade IV Pupils: Error Analysis and

Strategies for Remediation" (Unpublished Master's Thesis, Bicol University

Graduate School, Legazpi City, 2004).

Allington, R. (2009). What really matters in fluency, research-based practices across the

curriculum. MA: Pearson Education Inc.

Zoeller, E. (2015). Comprehension and the bilingual reader: thinking within a decodable

text. Center for Teaching Biliteracy Building. Madison Metropolitan School


Ünal Aksu, Dennis M. M. Schunselaar and Hajo A. Reijers, Automated Prediction of

Relevant Key Performance Indicators for Organizations, Business Information

Systems, 10.1007/978-3-030-20485-3_22, (283-299), (2019).

"Scope And Delimitation Example." 11 2018. All Answers Ltd. 08 2019


study-education-essay.php?vref=1>. (2017). social development theory (Vygotsky). [online] Available

at: https://www.learning-

[Accessed 22 Apr. 2017].

Chapter IV

Data Analysis, Interpretation, and presentation

This chapter highlights the presentation and discussion of the findings in the

study. The statistical tool used is the chi squared test for independence to know if the

variables have significant relationships.

A. Oral reading and reading comprehension level

Exposure to reading materials at home

Exposed Not exposed

The results in the chart show that only 27% of the male respondents claim that they are

exposed to reading materials at home. 73% also claim that they are not engaged in any

reading material at their homes. This concludes that mostly, male grade eight learners

in Don Gerardo do not engage in any reading activity outside the school. According to

Dole et al. (1991), in the traditional view of reading, novice readers acquire a set of
hierarchically ordered sub-skills that sequentially build toward comprehension ability.

Having mastered these skills, readers are viewed as experts who comprehend what

they read.

Exposed Not Exposed

The results of the female participants’ exposure to reading materials at home

slightly the same from the males. The chart shows that most female learners are not

engaged in reading activities outside the school. Cognitively based views of reading

comprehension emphasize the interactive nature of reading and the constructive nature

of comprehension. Dole et al. (1991) have stated that, besides knowledge brought to

bear on the reading process, a set of flexible, adaptable strategies are used to make

sense of a text and to monitor ongoing understanding.

Male learners’ oral reading level

Frustration Instructional Independent

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

15 10% 119 76% 22 14%

The table above displays the oral reading level of the male learners’. Oral reading is

measured through the respondents’ oral reading ability that includes the count of their

miscues. The table serves as evidence that most of the male sample size are

instructional level readers. However, Independent level falls next to instructional level as

14% lack the proficiency in oral reading.

Female learners’ oral reading level

Frustration Instructional Independent

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

4 3% 83 72% 29 25%

In the female interpretation, it is somewhat slightly similar to the males. However,

females is not dominant in oral reading as 72% of the sample size belong to the

instructional level, 25% are independent level, and only 3% are frustration level .

Females are not more proficient than males when it comes to their oral reading level

Male learners’ reading comprehension level

Frustration Instructional Independent
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

144 92% 11 7% 1 1%

The table shows that roughly 92% belong to the frustration level. It can be

concluded that learners can read well, but does not have the capability to comprehend

the passage. The schema theory of reading also fits within the cognitively based view of

reading. Rumelhart (1977) has described schemata as "building blocks of

cognition" which are used in the process of interpreting sensory data, in retrieving

information from memory, in organising goals and subgoals, in allocating resources, and

in guiding the flow of the processing system.

Frustration Instructional Independent

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

106 91% 97 8% 1 1%

Females’ reading comprehension level

In the table above, the results designate that females are also less proficient in

reading comprehension. With all the data combined, it can be concluded that eight

learners in this study are slightly proficient in oral reading, but poorly proficient in

reading comprehension. McCarthy (1999) has called this view 'outside-in' processing,
referring to the idea that meaning exists in the printed page and is interpreted by the

reader then taken in.

B. Relationship of the variables

Males’ reading comprehension Vs exposure to reading materials at home

Chi 37.3346711
Df 2
Critical Value 5.991
Chi stat > Chi crit Reject Ho

The chi statistical test for independence rejects the null hypothesis, it

implies that their is a significant relationship between male learners’ reading

comprehension level and exposure to reading materials at home.

Females’ reading comprehension level Vs exposure to reading materials at home

Chi 16.03343803
Df 2
Critical Value 5.991
Chi stat > Chi crit Reject Ho

The results are somewhat the same by the males, it rejects the null hypothesis.

There is a significance between female learners reading comprehension

level and exposure to reading materials at home.

Males’ oral reading level Vs exposure to reading materials at home

Chi 0.015446873
Df 2
Critical Value 5.991
Chi stat < Chi crit Accept Ho

The result of the statistical test accepts the null hypothesis, it gives reliability to

the null hypothesis that states that there is no significant relationship between oral

reading proficiency and exposure to reading materials.

Females’ oral reading level Vs exposure to reading materials at home

Chi 3.83342556
Df 2
Critical Value 5.991
Chi stat > Chi crit Accept Ho

In the female interpretation, the results of the test accept the null hypothesis. It

determines that there is no significant relationship of oral reading level and exposure to

reading materials at home.

Males’ oral reading level Vs academic performance

Chi 11.27794902
Df 12
Critical Value 21.03
Chi stat > Chi crit Accept Ho
In this table, the result accepts the null hypothesis, stating that their is no relationship

between oral reading level and academic performance.

Females’ oral reading level Vs academic performance

Chi 13.43819917
Df 12
Critical Value 21.03
Chi stat > Chi crit Accept Ho

The result also accept the null hypothesis, it implies that their is no significant

relationship between oral reading level and academic performance.

Males’ reading comprehension Vs academic performance

Chi 49.82857275
Df 12
Critical Value 21.03
Chi stat < Chi crit Reject Ho

The result in the test proves that their is a relationship between male academic

performance and reading comprehension.

Females’ reading comprehension Vs academic performance

Chi 5.952297503
Df 12
Critical Value 21.03
Chi stat > Chi crit Accept Ho

The result differ from the male perspective as female reading comprehension

and academic performance are not related. .Females are either proficient or less

proficient, but academic performance is not the basis. In a way, it contradicts Bruner’s

reading theory.
Chapter V

Summary of findings, conclusion, and recommendation

This chapter highlights the summary, conclusion and recommendations.


The study determine that male and female respondents are instructional

level in Oral reading.In comprehension level both gender are frustrational level. They

are average in oral reading, but less proficient in reading comprehension.The results

also determined the relationship of the variables.

The male and female participants’ oral reading proficiency and academic

performance are related. It can also designate that reading proficiency can diverge

from academic performance. On the contrary, male reading comprehension and

academic performance are related, at the same time the female respondents’ reading

comprehension and academic performance are related.


Base on the finding, the level of the reading profiency of grade 8 selected

students in Don Gerardo Ll. Ouano Memorial National High School School Year 2019-
2020 in oral reading is instructional level. Hedges (2012) explained further that “during

the early childhood years, Vygotsky believed that everyday concepts were most

prominent. According to Vygotsky, “Everyday concepts emerged from children’s thinking

about their daily experiences, that is, they occur spontaneously in the context of normal

participation in family and community practices and activities” (Hedges, 2012, P.145).



The school should provide more books in libraries to enhance their

reading skills and comprehenion.


The teachers should also assist students to develop their reading

comprehension to lessen the frustration in comprehension.


The parents should facilitate their children to expose them in reading

materials at home.


The students should spend more time in reading books, magazines and

other reading materials.

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