Evaluate Mod 4

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Activity 13 : My Textile Art Interpretation

EVALUATE Create your own interpretation of the different textile art

EENGAGE by designing your own scarf. Be guided by the rubric.

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Indicators and Rating
Drawings are Drawings are Drawings are Drawn objects
recognizable, recognizable and recognizable and are difficult to
detailed and colored reasonably recognize
colored accurately. accurate. They AND/OR not

accurately. Overall, the are copied, accurate.

Overall, the drawings are printed or traced
drawings are original and done rather than
original and with some skill. original.
skillful. 6 points
8 points 4 points 2 point
Use of positive Use of positive The artwork The artwork
and negative space is good seems to have a seems unfinished
space creates a and the painting little too much (too much empty
Balance and Use of Space

feeling is relatively background or space) or there is

appropriate to balanced, but seems a little too not enough
the theme. negative space busy. Balance balance
Objects are could be utilized has not been between
placed for best better to create a achieved. foreground and
effect. Overall, it more cohesive background
just feels right. feel. causing it to
seem much too
4 points 3 points busy and
6 points unfocused.
1 point

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means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 2
The artwork has The artwork has The artwork looks
been crafted with been crafted with hastily thrown
great care. The some care. Most together or like it
lines are sharp, lines are sharp, was wadded up

colors clear, colors clear, in a desk. It seems

cutting crisp, and cutting crisp, and 3 points quite messy.
text aligned. No text aligned.
smudges, drips, Smudges, drips,
tears or erasures tears or erasures
are seen. are few and do
not detract.

6 points 4 points 1 point

TOTAL POINTS: __________/20 points

Explore exercise answer:

1. C.
2. E.
3. A.
4. D
5. B


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means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 3

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