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Your Name: Karla Castro Genre of the Book: Fiction Multicultural

Book Title: Green is a Chile Pepper Author: Roseanne Thong

Publisher: Chronical Books Date: 12/3/2020

1. Pre-K/ CCSD K-2nd Grade/Nevada Core Standards:

 2.PK.1 Sort objects by similar attributes (e.g., size, shape, and color).
 P.PK.1 Sort objects according to observable properties (e.g., by shape and color).

2. Objectives:
SWBAT + Bloom’s verb
 Students will be able to sort objects from around the room by color

3. Materials/Equipment:
 Muffin pans
 Colorful toy and items around the classroom

4. Teaching:
A. Plan for reading the book
 Teacher will gather students and begin to read the title author and illustrator
 After reading that the teacher will explain that the boo will be about the colors of the
rainbow and that they are everywhere around us.
 After that the teacher will begin to tread the story
 While reading the teacher will ask questions to the students such as:
o “Who’s favorite color is… (which ever page they are on)”
o “Has anyone ever broken a pinata?”
 After reading the book the teacher will then go onto the extension activity
B. Plan for extension activity: Color Hunt
 For the extension activity the teacher will provide muffin pans (9 muffin slots) to each of
the students
 The teacher will explain that children will need to find objects around the room that are
certain colors (red, blue, green, etc)
 Once the children find the item, they will bring it back to their muffin pan and place the
object in one of the slots.
 For extra context the teacher will also open up the page to which ever color the children
are finding (such as if they are looking for red the teacher will open u the red page in the
 Once students are finished finding the items and filling their muffin pan the teacher will
ask the student such questions such as:
o “How many red things did you find? (blue, yellow, etc)
o Which one is your favorite?
o How many things are there all together?

5. Closure:
 The teacher will close the activity by stating back to the book about how
there is color all around us

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