Business Letter

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Personal Statement 
Alexa Segura 

2. Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: 
problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a 
few. Describe how you express your creative side.  

I like to believe that I’m a very creative person; artistically at least. I 

have always been able to think outside the box, to imagine and picture 
designs, and to express myself through my hands. Creativity has always been a 
part of my life, and a part of me. I grew up on the idea that no matter what 
you do you gotta have fun with it. And for me to have fun I need to be 

When I was a kid I lived in a small apartment, where they didn’t let me play 
outside, so naturally I made my own fun indoors. I could draw, be a pirate, 
cook with my mom, play out stories in my head, act out movie scenes, anything 
I could. And I brought that with me. I still draw. I still cook, I love to 
write stories, and acting is something that I finally have the courage to 
show. Creativity is one of the most important things in today’s society. 
Without new innovations, and inspiration we become stuck as a community. It’s 
a key in every person’s personality and perspective and honestly I don’t want 
to know how boring we would be without creativity. 

I have a “few” creative skills and with that I just mean that I’m only 
creative in the artistic department, maybe problem solving too but not as 
much. I can draw, paint (with acrylic, oil, and watercolor), crotchet, make 
jewelry, make models with clay, and do origami. My problem solving skills only 
include thinking outside the box and visualizing. My creativity only affects 
things within things I make like art; it doesn't necessarily affect my daily 
life if that makes sense. I wish to use my creativity to help out in my career 
because I couldn’t dream of sitting behind a desk at an office for 12 hours 5 
days a week. Therefore I’m studying to become an interior designer and having 
fun with colors and designing. 

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