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One Stop Solution for All Health Emergencies and Requirements.

In case of a health emergency, I have observed that people won’t have proper information
and plan of action. In the covid-19 scenario as well, if someone from your family has been tested
positive then you don’t know the exact plan of action. In the Metro cities, I have observed that there
was a shortage in availability of bed in most of the hospitals. There were news of people dying
because they were not able to reach the hospital on time as ambulance was not able to reach the
patient’s house even after hours of contacting. In case of other health emergencies like heart attack,
paralysis, accident cases people cannot find the best hospital, best doctors or other health facilities.
Even if they do find with their contacts or after searching on the internet, many of them cannot
afford the large hospitals bills. Many people don’t know the schemes and policies by government
and other private partners. For every instance like this, I would like to introduce a
platform/application which will be a one stop solution for all health-related emergencies and

I have divided the whole platform or application in 4 different modules. First one will be
Finding the Hospital and specialist doctors. We have apps like OYO rooms, MakeMyTrip to book
hotel rooms. I would like to use the same feature to book a bed/private room in a hospital. The
Platform will be integrated with the hospital system to check the availability of patients’ bed/room
with the price range in order to check before admission to hospital. We already have multiple apps
to book doctors’ appointment, the platform will use similar approach to check doctors’ availability,
timings to book an appointment.

Second module will be patient’s history. This feature can be available for all family members
in one account. Any medical history document can be stored in this module. This is as simple as
scanning the documents. All the prescriptions, reports, medicine bills can be stored differently for
different person. Anytime a doctor asks for a patient’s history we can always have a record of it.
Many times, handling a whole file and a bunch of documents can be pretty chaotic. So, storing the
whole medical history at one place can help doctor and the patient effectively.

Third module offers other health services. This will include booking nearby ambulance in
case of an emergency. Contacts of all ambulances in the city will be available and will be updated
time to time. Contacts of all blood banks in case of blood requirements. Sometimes special tests are
required like MRI, City Scan etc. Unless you are in a multi-speciality hospital you have to look for
other labs for such tests. Online order for medicines and other health products, we have multiple
applications for that as well but we’ll integrate the same with this platform.

Fourth Module will offer all the information regarding health policies of government,
different health-based NGO’s, health insurance policies from different private partners. Many times,
a person won’t know all the health policies offered by government. He/she wouldn’t know if they
are eligible for it. A full-fledged guide in terms of policies will be available and will be updated time
to time. Different Health based NGO’s offer financial help in case of needy patients. It will provide all
the information regarding the eligibility. Health insurance will also be available which can be
purchased as well as the reimbursements will be taken care in the platform itself.

Certain other facilities will be available like Hospital and medical bill payments, Request for a
helping buddy. Health emergencies can affect morale of a person’s family, helping buddy will make
sure to take care of all the formalities. Our platform will be integrated with all levels of hospitals and
clinics to make sure that all the health-based needs will be fulfilled by this one stop solution.

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