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Chemistry checklist and feedback

Unit 3

Areas you had trouble on Mistakes Remember to do
Obtaining energy from fuels
Fuel choices - Energy conversion process - Renewable sources
for electric power stations of energy are
(coal) “replenished” at a
rate faster or equal
- Biofuel: the reactions, to rate the at which
catalyst, major component they are consumed
of the biofuel
- When solving how
heat energy is
- Why the value for the released from a
Carbon content of coal is calculated “mole”.
only given as approximate First divide the
values enthalpy change by
the mol in the
- Separation of biodiesel original equation,
then multiply by the
calculated mol value

Galvanic cells as a source of

Fuel cells as a source of energy

- Symbol E, whilst the energy profile diagram is an exothermic reaction, the symbol represents
the activation energy of the reverse reaction

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