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Exergy, an International Journal 2 (2002) 259–265

Exergy analysis and experimental study of heat pump systems

E. Bilgen ∗ , H. Takahashi
Shizuoka University, Faculty of Engineering, 5-3-1 Johoku, Hamamatsu 432-8561, Japan
Received 21 March 2002; accepted 17 May 2002

Exergy analysis of heat pump—air conditioner systems has been carried out. The irreversibilities due to heat transfer and friction have
been considered. The coefficient of performance based on the first law of thermodynamics as a function of various parameters, their optimum
values, and the efficiency and coefficient of performance based on exergy analysis have been derived. Based on the exergy analysis, a
simulation program has been developed to simulate and evaluate experimental systems. The simulation of a domestic heat pump—air
conditioner of 959 W nominal power (Matsushita room air conditioner model CS-XG28M) is then carried out using experimental data.
It is found that COP based on the first law varies from 7.40 to 3.85 and the exergy efficiency from 0.37 to 0.25 both a decreasing function of
heating or cooling load. The exergy destructions in various components are determined for further study and improvement of its performance.
 2002 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction use for space air conditioning. Similar trend can also be
observed in air duct and multiple type heat pump systems.
Heat pumps for space heating and air conditioning have Research and development to improve the performance of
been used extensively in many countries and exclusively heat transfer equipment, such as evaporator, condenser, as
in Japan. Among the many types, wall units are used in well as compressor is being continued. The tools used in the
many household and apartment flats for the simple reason industry are still based on the first law of thermodynamics
that they are individual systems providing an efficient and and it is becoming more and more difficult to identify
independent way of space air conditioning needs. Cooling inefficiencies and their limits for further improvement.
capacity of these units varies from 2 500 to 7 100 W and Although the methodologies employing the second law
their coefficient of performance, COP, is rated in the range and the exergy concept are well-known in text books, the
of 5.95 to 2.95 for a typical operation. Heating capacity engineers and researchers in this field seem to be reserved to
and their COP of these systems are slightly higher (see, for use them in their design, test and evaluation.
example, [1]). These evaluations are carried out according A literature review shows that analyses based on the sec-
to standards established by Japanese Institute of Standard ond law of thermodynamics, the availability and the ex-
(JIS): the COP is defined as the arithmetic mean of the ratios ergy concepts have been introduced, and various theoretical
of heating and cooling power to total input power, based on and experimental studies with heat pump systems have been
the first law of thermodynamics, a traditional performance published [2–9]. Further, the irreversibility effect associated
rating concept of these systems. The temperatures are set as: with heat transfer across a finite temperature difference in
outside temperatures are 7 ◦ C in winter, 27 ◦ C in summer. thermodynamic cycles has been analyzed and the tools for
The total input power is the total electric power supplied to explaining the relevant inefficiencies and their possible im-
electric motors, which run the compressor and fans. provements have been developed [3]. Directly relevant theo-
During last two decades, reliability and performance of retical and experimental studies concerning heat pump sys-
heat pump systems have been improved considerably, which tems will be briefly reviewed next.
are reflected in their extensive domestic and economical Theoretical studies employing the exergy concept have
been published by Nakanishi et al. [5] and Hiharat [9].
* Correspondence and reprints. Current address: Ecole Polytechnique, Nakanishi et al. [5] investigated exergetic COP of various
C.P. 6079 centre ville, Montreal, PQ, Canada H3C 3A7. heat pump units in the market and determined possible up-
E-mail address: (E. Bilgen). per limits for so-called super heat pumps. Hiharat [9] studied
1164-0235/02/$ – see front matter  2002 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 1 6 4 - 0 2 3 5 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 8 3 - 3
260 E. Bilgen, H. Takahashi / Exergy, an International Journal 2 (2002) 259–265


Ce external conductance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W·K−1 TL low temperature reservoir temperature . . . . . . K

CH external conductance at hot end . . . . . . . W·K−1 THC average condenser temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . K
Ci internal conductance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W·K−1 TLC average evaporator temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . K
CL external conductance at cold end . . . . . . W·K−1 u internal energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J·kg−1
Ct total external conductance . . . . . . . . . . . . W·K−1 Ẇ work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J·s−1
Cp thermal capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J·kg−1 ·K−1 x conductance ratio
COP coefficient of performance z position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m
c velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m·s−1
Greek symbols
Ė exergy flow rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J·s−1
g acceleration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m·s−2 η exergetic efficiency
h enthalpy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J·kg−1 ω absolute humidity, kg H2 O/kg dry air
ṁ refrigerant mass flow rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . kg·s−1 φ relative humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . %
ṁa air mass flow rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kg·s−1 τ = TH /TL , temperature ratio
P pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pa τc = THC /TLC , temperature ratio
Q̇H heat flow rate to heat sink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J·s−1 Subscripts
Q̇HC heat flow rate from the condenser . . . . . . . J·s−1
Q̇L heat flow rate from heat source . . . . . . . . . J·s−1 E exergy
Q̇LC heat flow rate from the evaporator . . . . . . . J·s−1 exp experimental
Q̇i internal heat leak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J·s−1 i inlet
s entropy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J·kg−1 max maximum
T temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K opt optimum
T0 reference temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K o outlet
TH high temperature reservoir temperature . . . . . K the theoretical

theoretically heat pump systems and analyzed each transfor- thermodynamics, engineering intuition and know-how, with
mation from the exergetic point of view. He presented the no consideration about the consequences of the second law.
components with irreversibilities and COP for various heat Literature review shows that the application and use of
pump systems. Experimental studies and exergy analysis of the exergy concept, all by academia, is still limited to a
the data have been presented in [2–8]. Akau and Schoen- few examples and there seems to be no studies published
hals [2] studied experimentally a heat pump system using on currently used commercial heat pump systems. The
water as a heat source and heat sink, analyzed the data by aim of our study is to complement previous studies using
using first and second laws of thermodynamics. They also the exergy concept by analyzing commercial wall units,
discussed briefly the concept of thermodynamic availability. extensively used in Japan and elsewhere, and contribute to
They showed the importance and difficulties in identifying the understanding of irreversibilities in various components.
and using experimental reservoir temperatures in the calcu- In particular, we will consider a heat pump system produced
lation of the reverse Carnot cycle, which is used as the refer- by Matsushita Electric Company, Matsushita model CS-
ence. Kaygusuz and Ayhan [6] studied experimentally a so- XG28M which is commonly used in Japan. In the following,
first we will present briefly the relevant thermodynamic
lar assisted heat pump system, and analyzed the data using
relations, then present the experimental system and data, and
the exergy concept. Torres-Reyes et al. [7] presented an ex-
finally the results and discussion.
perimental and optimization study with a solar assisted heat
pump system and proposed a methodology to determine op-
timum refrigerant temperatures in condenser and evaporator 2. Exergy analysis
as a function of ambient temperature and refrigerant thermo-
dynamic properties. Torres-Reyes and Cervantes de Gortari With reference to Fig. 1, Ẇ is supplied to the cycle
[8] studied experimentally the same solar assisted heat pump between states 1 and 2, heat of condensation, QHC is
system in their earlier study and presented the second law ef- released to a reservoir at TH , between states 2 and 3.
ficiency and the coefficient of performance based on the first Liquid refrigerant makes an adiabatic expansion through the
law, and compared them with the theoretical ones. expansion valve between states 3 and 4, then evaporates
It is evident that the COP of heat pumps have been absorbing Q̇LC from a reservoir at TL between states 4
improved over the last two decades. Manufacturers have and 1 . By considering heat transfer and irreversibilities,
achieved it so far by considering only the first law of there will be finite temperature differences (THC − TH ) at
E. Bilgen, H. Takahashi / Exergy, an International Journal 2 (2002) 259–265 261

(a) (b)

Fig. 1. (a) T –s diagram of the heat pump system studies, (b) Simplified schematic of the heat pump system. Thermodynamic state designations are the same
as in Fig. 1(a). Experimental points are shown with solid circles.

the condenser, (TL − TLC ) at the evaporator and the internal We note also that for the Carnot cycle and also reversible
heat leak from hot to cold end of the system, Qi . If a simple part of the cycle, the second law states that
linear relation is assumed for the heat transfer, 
Q̇H Q̇L 
 = 

Q̇HC = CH (THC − TH ) TH TL
Q̇LC = CL (TL − TLC ) Q̇HC Q̇LC  

(1) = 
Q̇i = Ci (TH − TL ) THC TLC
From Eqs. (1) and (4), we can express COP as a function of
Heating and cooling capacity of the system can be expressed Q̇H , Q̇L , Q̇i and the temperature ratios τ and τc , Eq. (5) as,
as  
1 Q̇i  
 COPH = 1− 

Q̇H = Q̇HC − Q̇i 1 − τc−1 Q̇HC
(2)   (7)
Q̇L = Q̇LC − Q̇i 1 Q̇i  

COPL = 1− 
τc − 1 Q̇LC
The system power input is From Eqs. (2), (5) and (6) we can obtain for the heating and
cooling capacities or loads, Q̇H and Q̇L ,
Ẇ = Q̇HC − Q̇LC = Q̇H − Q̇L (3) 
Q̇H = TL (τc − τ ) − Q̇i 

where we used Eq. (2) for the equality of the second and CH + CL   (8)
third parts. CL CH 1 1 

Q̇L = TH − − Q̇i 
We can express the coefficient of performance of the CH + CL τ τc
system for heating and cooling as, Earlier studies show that the major irreversibilities are
 at the condensation and evaporation stages [2]. Hence
Q̇H 
 it makes sense to consider the related conductances as
COPH = 
Ẇ (4) design constraints. If we define, for example, the following
Q̇L 

conductance ratio as a parameter,
x= (9)
Following temperature ratios are defined,
and insert it in Eq. (8), it can be shown that the loads

TH  are maximized with respect to x, if x = 0.5. This result
τ= 

TL makes sense because in modern heat pumps, depending on
(5) the mode of operation, the two heat exchangers are served

τc =  alternately for condensation or evaporation.
262 E. Bilgen, H. Takahashi / Exergy, an International Journal 2 (2002) 259–265

Using x = 0.5 as an optimum value, the maximum loads

are obtained as

Q̇H,max = 0.25Ce TL (τc − τ ) − Q̇i 
1 1 (10)
Q̇L,max = 0.25Ce TH − − Q̇i 
τ τc
Using Eqs. (4) and (10), we can also obtain the COP

0.25Ce TL (τc − τ ) − Q̇i 

COPH,max = 
Ẇ (11)
0.25Ce TH (1/τ − 1/τc ) − Q̇i 

Fig. 2. Schematic of measurement system and instrumentation.
COPL,max =

The second law or exergy efficiency can be obtained if we full and half load conditions, which were for heating and
apply the same definition of COP in Eq. (4) for a reverse cooling modes. Following evaluation procedure established
Carnot cycle and use together with Eq. (7). We obtain, by Japanese Institute of Standard, the air temperatures were
   kept constant at TH = 20 ◦ C and TL = 7 ◦ C at condenser
COPH 1 − τ −1 Q̇i −1   and evaporator sides during heating mode, while at TH =
ηH,E = = 1+ 

COPrev 1 − τc−1 Q̇H 35 ◦ C and TL = 27 ◦ C during cooling mode. Although this
COPL τ −1 Q̇i −1  

evaluation method does not satisfy a dynamic operation of
ηL,E = = 1+  a heat pump system, it establishes nevertheless a base for
COPrev τc − 1 Q̇L
thermodynamic performance.
Exergetic COP for heating and cooling can be defined as The thermodynamic data for R410A were taken from
 [11].
ĖH 

COPH,E = 
Ẇ (13)
ĖL 

COPL,E = 4. Simulation program

Experimental exergetic COP, on the other hand, may be Following the thermodynamic analysis presented above,
determined from the measured loads, Q̇H and Q̇L or from a simulation program was written on the Matlab platform.
Eq. (8) using experimental data as Various routines were written to compute thermodynamic
 data, to treat experimental data and to analyze and com-
Q̇H (1 − T0 /Tb ) 

COPH,E =  pute relevant thermodynamic parameters. Theoretical and
Ẇ (14) experimental results are presented in the following section
Q̇L (1 − T0 /Tb ) 

 in Figs. 3–7.

where Tb is the thermodynamic temperature at the boundary
and T0 is the temperature of the dead state. 5. Results and discussion

The important parameters for heat pump systems are

3. Experimental system and data various coefficient of performance based on the first law
of thermodynamics, the exergy efficiency, coefficient of
The experimental data of steady state operation were performance based on the exergy, power input, load (heating
provided by Matsushita Electric Co. [10]. The heat pump and cooling modes), and thermodynamic temperature ratios,
system was Matsushita room air conditioner model CS- τc and τ . We will use these parameters to present the
XG28M. Schematic of the experimental set up showing experimental and theoretical results. We note at this point
measurement system and instrumentation is presented in that following [2], the temperatures THC and TLC are taken
Fig. 2, which is self explanatory. Fig. 1(b) shows a simplified at the states shown in Fig. 1(a): THC at the inlet of the
flow sheet, with thermodynamic states corresponding to condenser at the vapor saturation curve and TLC at the exit
those of Fig. 1(a). Experimentally measured parameters of the evaporator in the super heat region. The choice of
were: pressure and temperatures at the states indicated with the state for THC is justified since the simulation test results
solid circles, power to the compressor electric motor, total showed that over 93% of the heat transfer was done at
power to the system including fans, mass flow rate of the this state. The choice of the state for TLC did not make a
refrigerant R410A, volume flow rates, dry and wet bulb difference because the temperature difference between inlet
temperatures of air through the heat exchangers of condenser and outlet was only 0.2 K and the difference in results was
and evaporator. Experimental studies were carried out at not discernible.
E. Bilgen, H. Takahashi / Exergy, an International Journal 2 (2002) 259–265 263

(a) (b)

Fig. 3. (a) COPH as a function of heating load; (b) COPL as a function of cooling load.

plotted also COP based on Eq. (4) where Ẇ = Ẇtotal . This is

the experimental total power input, which includes parasitic
powers, mainly input to the fans in condenser and evaporator
heat exchanger systems. Parasitic powers make about 7 to
18% of the total power at high and low loads, respectively.
They decrease slightly with decreasing load but their relative
value increases. We see that the penalty varies from about 0.3
to 1.2 COP points (or from 7 to 18%) at high and low loads
respectively. We note that parasitic powers do not contribute
directly to heating or cooling loads, for they are not installed
in airflow ducts. In a practical operation, the parasitic powers
supplied to the fans may contribute in a positive way in
heating mode and in a negative way in cooling mode: in the
former case, the fan power is dissipated as heat, which may
improve COPH and in the latter, the evaporator fan power is
Fig. 4. COP of experimental, theoretical and optimum cases as a function dissipated as heat, which may deteriorate COPL .
of thermodynamic temperature ratio τc = THC /TLC . Following Eqs. (7) and (8), the coefficient of perfor-
mance, COP is a function of thermodynamic temperature
Fig. 3(a) and (b) show COPH and COPL as a function of ratio, τc (or similarly τ when it is variable). Eq. (7) shows
load, Q̇H or Q̇L for heating and cooling modes respectively. that its effect on COP for heating and cooling mode is to
Theoretical and optimized COP are calculated by Eqs. (7) lower COP when increased. The results are shown in Fig. 4.
and (11). Experimental COP is calculated by Eq. (4), As expected, as τc increases, experimental as well as theo-
where Q̇H is obtained from measured data and Ẇ is retical and optimum COP decreases and the observed trend
the experimental power input to the compressor electric is similar to those of Fig. 3.
motor. We can see that COP is from about 4 to 11, which Exergy efficiency as a function of load for both heating
shows the progress made in heat pump technology in the and cooling mode is presented in Fig. 5. Following the COP
last two decades to produce an efficient thermodynamic results of Fig. 3, the exergy efficiency is also a decreasing
system. We see also that COP decreases with increasing function of the load and is a little higher for heating mode
load for both modes of operation. It is noticed also COPH than cooling. The exergy efficiency, ηE , varies from 0.22 to
is slightly higher than COPL at similar load levels. In 0.35, which shows that the exergy efficency of heat pump
fact, this inverse relationship between COP and load, and systems is not as impressive as the COP exclusively used
the COP levels for each mode of operation, as it can be for rating heat pump systems and it appears that there may
seen from Eq. (7), are well presented and explained in be room for further improvement.
every company’s heat pump catalogue. The theoretical COP Eqs. (13) and (14) give, respectively, theoretical and
shows that there is still room for improvement: the relative experimental exergetic COP. Following our assumption
difference is about 20% for both heating and cooling mode. for THC and TLC discussed earlier, the thermodynamic
Compared to COPmax corresponding to optimized design temperature at the boundary, Tb , in Eq. (14), is assumed
and operation, this difference is about 30%. Finally, we to be equal to THC for heating and TLC for cooling mode
264 E. Bilgen, H. Takahashi / Exergy, an International Journal 2 (2002) 259–265

Fig. 5. Exergy or second law efficiency as a function of load for heating and
cooling modes.


Fig. 6. Experimental and theoretical COPE as a function of thermodynamic

temperature ratio τc = THC /TLC .

respectively. The results are shown in Fig. 6 for both heating
and cooling mode as a function of τc . We see that COPE Fig. 7. Energy and exergy flow diagrams for the case of full load operation.
is a decreasing function of the τc for heating mode but
an increasing function for cooling mode. In Eq. (13), Ẇ
is a steep increasing function of τc . In comparison, ĖH is Ẇ = 886 W, the energy from heat source is Q̇L = 3 412 W
a moderately increasing function of τc , which makes the and the energy to heat sink is Q̇H = 4 112, and 186
COPE a decreasing function of it. In the case of cooling is energy wasted. COPH = 4.64 and COPL = 3.85. In
mode, ĖL is a steep increasing function of τc with a smaller Fig. 7(b), the exergy supplied to the compressor electric
slope than that of Ẇ , resulting in a COPE , which is an motor is the same, Ẇ = 886 W, the exergy to heat source
increasing function of τc . Obviously, this unit is operating is ĖL = 314 W, the exergy supplied to heat sink is ĖH =
with a better performance at high rather than low cooling 229 W, and the exergy from expansion valve supplied to
loads. The reason may be due to design requirements set for the environment is ĖXPV = 61 W. Excluding the exergy loss
this unit to obtain a better performance at high cooling loads, due to isentropic compression, the total exergy destruction
since it is a more critical operation in Japan. It is noticed amounts to 282 W. The resulting exergetic coefficient of
that low cooling loads (off design conditions) can be met performance is COPH,E = 0.258 and COPL,E = 0.354 for
easily although at lower efficiencies. In the heating mode, its heating and cooling respectively. Interpretation of exergy
performance seems to be more consistent following the load. results is different from that of energy: in heating mode, for
Typical experimental energy and exergy flow diagrams example, the exergy supplied to heat source is wasted since
are shown in Fig. 7 for the full load case: In Fig. 7(a), it is usually not utilized. The exergy supplied through the
the energy supplied to the compressor electric motor is expansion valve is also wasted in both modes of operation.
E. Bilgen, H. Takahashi / Exergy, an International Journal 2 (2002) 259–265 265

The exergy destruction in the system is due to irreversibil- (iv) exergy efficiency, ηE is a decreasing function of load,
ities and may be studied for performance improvement: varying from 0.35 to 0.22,
From 886 W supplied to the heat pump, 186 W is spent to (v) exergy coefficient of performance, COPE is a decreas-
run the electrical and mechanical systems and the compres- ing function of τc for heating mode varying from 0.37
sor consumes 700 W. The compressor isentropic efficiency to 0.25, and an increasing function for cooling mode
is 90% or 70 W is lost exergy, which is directly related to varying from 0.13 to 0.34,
irreversible compression process. Further, 42 W is spent for (vi) The exergy destructions to run the cycle in various
the circulation of refrigerant in the cycle, which is dissipated components, namely, compressor, heat exchangers, ex-
as heat. The remaining 54 W is lost due to irreversibilities pander and the piping system are determined.
in the heat exchangers. It is seen that excluding the parasitic
powers discussed earlier, 352 W exergy or 39.7% of the net The percentage of exergy used to run the heat pump system
exergy supplied to the compressor is used to run the heat varies from 39.7 to 62.1% corresponding to the design
pump system. Each may be studied further in conjunction and off design conditions, respectively. To improve the
with the required economical implications. A system exergy- performance of the heat pump system each component
economics optimization study may also be carried out to may be further studied from exergy usage and economics
guide the designers in identifying relative importance of var- points of view. Eventually, a system exergy-economics
ious components to be improved (see, for example, [12]). optimization study may be carried out to identify each
We note that at off design conditions, the exergy used for component’s relative importance with respect to operational
running the cycle was proportionally lower as the load be- conditions.
came lower. However, the percentage of exergy use became
higher, upto 62.1%, which is an expected trend. We note also
that the exergy efficiency, ηE and COPE by Eqs. (12) and Acknowledgements
(13) are defined to reflect the useful exergy supplied in heat-
ing or cooling mode and the exergy destructions in the cycle We would like to acknowledge fruitful discussions we
are not the only influencing parameters in their definitions. had during this study with Drs. A. Nakayama and M. Fukuta
For example, in heating mode, the exergy wasted in the ex- from Shizuoka University, and Mr. K. Sawai from Mat-
pander and that supplied to heat source amounts to 375 W, sushita Electric Co.
which has the same order of magnitude when compared to
exergy destruction of 352 W. This unused exergy is also an
important influencing parameter on ηE and COPE . References

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