Zen and The Art of "Get Over It!" Field Setup

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Rev 5 12/7/2010
Zen and the Art of “Get Over It” Setup


Setting Up the Playing Field ............................................................................................................................................... 2

Elements required.......................................................................................................................................................... 2

Setting up the floor and perimeter ................................................................................................................................ 5

Place the game elements. .............................................................................................................................................. 7

Stationary Goals ......................................................................................................................................................... 7

Mountain / Bridge / Cliff Support .............................................................................................................................. 8

Mountain:................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Cliffs:........................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Bridges: ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9

IR Beacons: ............................................................................................................................................................... 10

Dispensers: ............................................................................................................................................................... 11

Place Rolling Goals: .................................................................................................................................................. 13

Field Electronics Layout: .............................................................................................................................................. 14

Revision Date Details

1 9/11/2010 Initial Release

2 9/30/2010 Added router to field layout
3 10/27/2010 Added source for purchase of optional power supply for the IR Beacons. Page 10.
4 11/15/2010 Added illustration layout to include scoring system.
Added instruction to include a wooden dowel to the mountain.
Added instruction for securing stationary goal with extra gaffer’s tape
5 12/7/2010 Updated the field electronic layout graphics. Included note about not using USB cables
longer than 5 meters to connect the hubs.

6 2/7/2011 Remove references to connection the FCS with the Scoring System

Rev 6 2/7/2011 1 © FIRST Tech Challenge

Zen and the Art of “Get Over It” Setup


This document is meant to be used as a guide to setting up the game field for competition. It is assumed that the
elements have already been built to the specifications given in the detailed drawings, and the Zen and the Art of Field
Construction guide book. You should also have a printed copy of the Scoring System Users Guide and the Field
Electronics Setup Guide handy to refer to during field setup.


Field Perimeter (X1)

Soft Tiles (X34)

Gaffer’s Tape: 2” Wide Red

2” Wide Blue
1” Wide White
2” Black (new)

Stationary Goals:

1 Red
1 Blue

Mountain/Bridge/Cliff supports (x2)


(Wooden dowel added 11/15/2010)

Rev 6 2/7/2011 2 © FIRST Tech Challenge

Zen and the Art of “Get Over It” Setup

Cliffs (x2)

Bridges (X2)

1 Red
1 Blue

Element Dispenser Supports (X6)

Element Dispensers (X6)

3 Red
3 Blue
o #10-32 2” Flat Head Machine Screw
o #10-32 Wing Nut (x12)
o #10-32 Washer

IR Beacons

Connecting Cable
Velcro Tape

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Zen and the Art of “Get Over It” Setup

Rolling Goals (X4)

2 Red
2 Blue
4 Spacer blocks

Scoring Elements (Batons):

All Red (Doubler) (x1)

All Blue (Doubler) (x1)
Regular Red (1 Stripe) (x44)
o 2 with hidden magnets
Regular Blue (1 Stripe) (x44)
o 2 with hidden magnets
Preload Red (2 Stripes) (x5)
Preload Blue (2 Stripes)(x5)

Game Controllers (8)

4-Port Powered USB Hubs (2)

16’ USB Cables (2)

Field Electronics:

Laptop Computers:
o FCS Computer(s)
o Scoring System Computer
Video display:
o Field display
o Audience display
o FCS Router
o Scoring system Router
o Power strips

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Zen and the Art of “Get Over It” Setup


1. Lay the tiles with the smooth surface facing up.

2. Critical Mandatory Step: Trim all outer tabs from the Soft Tiles. The field perimeter must sit on the floor and
not on the soft tiles in order for the dispensers to be at the proper height during game play.

Tip: Lay the tiles out and mark the outer edge to be cut. Use a sharp box cutter and a straight-edge, or If available, a band
saw to get a smooth, clean edge.

3. Set up the field perimeter with the ‘smooth’ side of the walls toward the inside of the playing field as shown:

Inside View Outside View

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Zen and the Art of “Get Over It” Setup

4. Taping the playing field:

A. Tape the Alliance Starting Boxes in the corners using 2” B. Ensure the tape is placed against the edge of
red and blue gaffer’s tape as shown: the tile tabs, and not over jig-saw join, as
Note: The red alliance boxes shall always be placed on
the right as viewed by the audience.

C. Place the 1” white gaffer’s tape on the tiles in the positions shown.

D. Note: the tape line is placed at the inside edges of the tile tabs. As shown. The middle tape line straddles the
jig-saw join. (Highlighted in yellow).

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Zen and the Art of “Get Over It” Setup

E. Use 2” red and blue gaffer’s tape to mark the driver stations on the floor outside the playing field:


Stationary Goals

F. Place the Stationary Goals onto the playing field,

in the spaces left by the removed soft tiles.

Critical: Ensure the leading edge of the low goal (edge closest
to the starting box) is tucked under the tabs of the soft tile.
Secure three sides of the goal to the tiles with appropriately
colored gaffer’s tape.

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Zen and the Art of “Get Over It” Setup

Mountain / Bridge / Cliff Support

G. Place the bridge/cliff support onto the playing field with the long end centered (on the tile seam) as


H. Place the Mountain, pairing the hook side of the

velcro strip to the strip on the support to the
loop side on the underside of the Mountain.

I. Place the wooden down at the “V” intersection at the top of the mountain, and place 2” black gaffer’s
tape over the ridge to secure it in place.

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Zen and the Art of “Get Over It” Setup


J. Place the Cliffs, pairing the hook side of the velcro strip to the strip on the support to the loop side on the
underside of the cliff.


K. Place the bridges so they are centered and balanced on the support beam between the two alignment screws.
Neither end of the bridge should touch the tiles at the start of play.

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Zen and the Art of “Get Over It” Setup

IR Beacons:

L. Affix the Master and Slave IR Beacons to the middle supports with velcro. Ensure that the LED emmitters are
positioned at the top of the beacon. Run the long connecting cable under the support as shown. The top edge of
the green PCB board should be even with the top edge of the support. (dispensers and walls, not shown for

M. Place the IR Beacons behind

the the Lexan of the center
wall, under the middle
dispenser (closets to the
Alliance station). Connect
the beacons with long
cable, running the wire
around the side closest to
the audience. Tape wires
down with gaffer’s tape, for

Tip: You can replace the 9V batteries in the IR Beacon with a wall plug transformer with
a 9VDC pigtail. The transformer should have a minimum of 100mA in order to power
both beacons. If you opt to use traditional 9V batteries, remember to change it out
after 4 hours.


Or http://www.jameco.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10001_10001_123158_-1

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N. All element dispensers and supprts are the same size. The heights are determined by which screw access holes
are used to fasten the dispensers to the supports. (See illustrations) Critical: The screw heads must be
countersunk on the front side so they do not interfere with the batons.

Attach the dispensers using Pass the screws through the Carefully lower the dispenser and
two#10-32 x 3” flat head machine supports and place washers and support over the perimeter wall,
screws, through the front side of wing-nuts on the ends. Leave them inserting the notch into the rail.
the assembly loose. When in place, tighten the wing-nuts.

O. It may be necessary to snug the support up to the wall to keep it straight. Use tie wraps around the legs of the
supports to pull it in tight to the wall. Use any convenient hole or opening between the lexan panel and the wall
to pass the ties through.

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Zen and the Art of “Get Over It” Setup

P. Element dispensers sould be arranged with the low dispensers closest to the audience, the medium height next
to the driver station, and the high dispensers on the back wall. Refer to the detailed drawing for placement.

Reference View:

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Zen and the Art of “Get Over It” Setup

Place Rolling Goals:

R. Place the Rolling Goals on the playing field in the

starting positions as shown.

Q. Critical Step: Place the wooden spacer into the

center pipe of each moblie goal. This allows for
better visiblity of the baton in the goal.

S. Load Batons into the Dispensers:

Place 15 Regular (one stripe) Batons of the appropriate
allinace color in the high and low dispensers.
Place 14 Regular Batons and on Doubler (solid color) of
the appropriate color in the Middle dispensers. The
doubler should be at the bottom. This baton is only in
play during the
atutomomous portion of
the match. If it is not
dispensed, it is removed
and remains out of play for
the remainder of the
match. See the game
manual for details.
The 5 double striped batons
are given to the teams for
pre-loading on their robots.

*4 Regular batons (2 red and 2

blue) will have magnets hidden
inside, and are placed randomly
within the dispensers.

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Zen and the Art of “Get Over It” Setup


Teams will connect to their robots to the FCS via the Samantha Wifi Module. Four robots per field, 2 controllers per

Connect 4 game controllers per alliance, to a 4-port Powered USB hub, located near the center dispenser on either
side. The FCS will ask teams to identify which controllers they are using. It is suggested you label each controller as

Red Alliance:
o Red 1, Controller 1 (R1, C1)
o Red 1, Controller 2 (R1, C2)
o Red 2, Controller 1 (R2, C1)
o Red 2, Controller 2 (R2, C2)
Blue Alliance
o Blue 1, Controller 1 (B1, C1)
o Blue 1, Controller 2 (B1, C2)
o Blue 2, Controller 1 (B2, C1)
o Blue 2, Controller 2 (B2, C2)

Using a long (16’) USB cable, connect the hubs to the FCS computer.

One wifi router is required to operate the FCS and a second router for the Scoring System. For a two-field event, one
router is connected to both FCS computers as illustrated below. Refer to the Field Electronics Setup Guide for
technical details on router configuration.

Please refer to the Scoring System Users Guide for technical details on configuration of the scoring system. This guide
is meant as a connection and placement layout guide.

The scoring equipment is placed close to the FCS computer. All of the starting/ending sounds for the matches, and
audience displays will be generated by the scoring system. Connect a printer to the scoring computer, as all match
lists, team lists, ranking lists, announcer scripts and judges scripts (among other reports) will also be generated by the
scoring system.

Follow the diagram below for connection layout.

Critical: The FCS computer and the USB Hubs must be plugged into a power source. Do not rely on battery power
for your event.

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Zen and the Art of “Get Over It” Setup

One Competition Field Connection Layout:

IMPORTANT - The USB Cables connecting the hubs to the FCS should be no longer than 5 meters.

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Zen and the Art of “Get Over It” Setup

Note: Make up a sign to place on the Lexan facing the divers, that correspond with each game controller. See

USB 2.0 requires cable lengths no longer than 5 meters (15 feet). Place the FCS table close enough to the field to
accommodate 15’ USB cable.


NOTE: If the FCS computer does not have at least 3 USB ports, use of a USB hub should only be used for the mouse
and flash drives. Reserve the computer's direct USB Ports for Controller Hubs

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Zen and the Art of “Get Over It” Setup

appendix for sign template.

Two Competition Fields Connection Layout:

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