Christian S. Gle Beed 2 Yr. - A Grace V. Gamueda Prof. Corazon T. Lapis Jocelyn Nuguit Ma. Katrina Cortez

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Christian S. Gle BEEd 2nd yr.

– A
Grace V. Gamueda Prof. Corazon T. Lapis
Jocelyn Nuguit
Ma. Katrina Cortez


First Part (July 12, 2012)

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:
Identify athletics
Review the history of athletics and it‘s development
Identify track and field
Determine track and field events

II. Subject Matter

- Introduction to Athletics
- The Track and Field Events

- Athletics
Basic Physical Education
Doris D. Tulio
pp. 1-15

Teaching Methodology: discussion and demonstration

III. Lesson Content

Athletics is a sport that includes running, jumping, throwing and more.


Middle Ages
Athletic contests in running, walking, jumping, and throwing are among the oldest of
all sports and their roots are prehistoric.

Athletics | Fundamentals of Games and Sports
Athletic events were depicted in the Ancient Egyptian tombs in Saqqara, with
illustrations of running at the HebSed Festival and high jumping appearing in tombs
from as early as of 2250 BC.
The Tailteann Games were an ancient Celtic festival in Ireland, founded in 1800 BC.
The only event at the First Olympics in 776 BC was a stadium length running event
known as the stadion. It‘s later expanded to include throwing and jumping events
within the ancient pentathlon.
Athletic competitions also took place at other Panhellic Games, founded later around
500 BC.

Modern Era
The Royal Military College, Sandhurst has claimed to be the first to adopt
athletics in 1812. Earliest recorded meting was organized at Shrewsbury,
Shrospire in 1840 by the Royal Shrewsbury School Hunt.
The Amateur Athletic Association (AAA) was established in England in 1880 as
the first national body for the sport of athletics and began holding its own annual
athletics competition – the AAA Championships. The United States also holding
an annual national competition – the USA Outdoor Track and Field
Championships – first held in 1876 by the New York Athletic Club.
An international governing body, the International Amateur Athletic
Federation (IAAF) was founded in 1912; it adopted its current name the
International Association of Athletes Federation in 2001.
The first organized international competitions for athletes with a physical
disability began in 1952. The first Paralympic Games were held in 1960.


The track and field is a sport comprising various competitive athletic contest based on
running, jumping and throwing. This sport derives from the competition venue: a stadium with
an oval running track around a field. The throwing and jumping events generally takes place in
the central enclosed area. There are two kinds of stadiums: the outdoor and the indoor.

Outdoor Tracks
The IAAF standardized the length to 400 m and stated that the tracks must be split into
six to eight running lanes. Precise widths for the lanes were established, as were regulations
regarding the curvature of the track.
The field of the stadium combines a number of elements for use in the jumping and
throwing events. The long jump and triple jump areas comprise a straight, narrow 40-metre
running track with a sandpit at one or both ends. Jumps are measured from a take off board—
typically a small strip of wood with a plasticine marker attached—which ensures athletes jump
from behind the measurement line. The pole vault area is also a 40-metre running track and has

Athletics | Fundamentals of Games and Sports
an indentation in the ground (the box) where vaulters plant their poles to propel themselves over
a crossbar before falling onto cushioned landing mats. The high jump is a stripped down version
of this, with an open area of track or field that leads to a crossbar with a square area of landing
mats behind it.
The four throwing
events generally all
begin on one side of
the stadium.
The javelin
throwtypically takes
place on a piece of
track that is central
and parallel to
the straights of the
main running track.
The javelin throwing
area is a sector shape
frequently across the
Pitch (sports field) in
the middle of the
stadium, ensuring that
the javelin has a
minimal chance of causing damage or injury. The discus throws and hammer throw contests
begin in a tall metal cage usually situated in one of the corners of the field. The cage reduces the
danger of implements being thrown out of the field of play and throws travel diagonally across
the field in the centre of the stadium. The shot put features a circular throwing area with a toe
board at one end. The throwing area is a sector. Some stadia also have a water jump area on one
side of the field specifically for steeplechase races.

Indoor Tracks
Basic indoor venues may be adapted gymnasiums, which can easily accommodate high
jump competitions and short track events. Full-size indoor arenas (i.e. those fully equipped to
host all events for the World Indoor Championships) bear similarities with their outdoor
equivalents. Typically, a central area is surrounded by a 200-metre oval track with four to eight
lanes. The track can be banked at the turns to allow athletes to run around the radius more
comfortably. There is also a second running track going straight across the field area, parallel to
the straights of the main circuit. This track is used for the 60 meters and 60 meters
hurdles events, which are held almost exclusively indoors. Another common adaptation is a 160
yard track (11 laps to a mile) that fits into a common basketball court sized arena. This was quite
popular when races were held at imperial distances, which gradually were phased out by
different organizations in the 1970s and 1980s. Examples of this configuration include
the Millrose Games at Madison Square Garden, and the Sunkist Invitational formerly held in
the Los Angeles Sports Arena.

Athletics | Fundamentals of Games and Sports
All four of the common jumping events are held at indoor venues. The long and triple
jump areas run alongside the central 60 m track and are mostly identical in form to their outdoor
counterparts. The pole vault track and landing area are also alongside the central running track.
Shot put (or weight throw) is the only throwing event held indoors due to size restrictions. The
throwing area is similar to the outdoor event, but the landing sector is a rectangular section
surrounded by netting or a stop barrier.

It includes a variety of races. Short races, called sprints, stress maximum speed, while
distance races require more endurance. In certain running races such as hurdles and
steeplechases, runners must go over barriers. Other races, called relays involve teams of

I. Running races on outdoor track covers distances from 100 m to 10,000 m. indoors
may measure from 50 m to 5000 m.
The following are track events:


Sprints are short running events in athletics and track and field. This game featured only
at the stadion race.

a.) Short Distances – There are three kinds of sprinting events in short distances: the 100m,
200m, and 400m. These events have their roots in races of imperial measurements that
later changed to metric: the 100m evolved from the 100 yard dash, the 200 meter
distances came from the furlong (or 1/8 of a mile) and the 400 meter was the successor to
the 440 yard dash or quarter-mile race.
b.) Middle Distances – The most common middle distance track events are the 800m,
1500m and mile run.
c.) Long Distances – There are three common long distance running events in track and
field competitions: 3000m (sometimes included in middle distances), 5000m, and

Sprinters begin the race by assuming a crouching position in the starting blocks before
leaning forward and gradually moving into an upright position as the brace progresses and
momentum is gained. The set position differs depending on the start. Body alignment is the
key importance in producing the optimal amount of force. Athletes remain in the same lane
on the running track throughout all sprinting events.

False starts
 It is a false start if a competitor ails after a reasonable time to comply with the common
―set‖ start before the pistol is fired.

Athletics | Fundamentals of Games and Sports
 A pistol shot after a false start recalls the competitors.
 The competitor responsible must be warned.
 Competitors are disqualified after causing two false starts, or three false starts in the
decathlon and heptathlon


 A competitor who jostles, run across or otherwise obstructs another competitor is liable to
 After a disqualification the referee may order the race to be re-run or in the case of a heat,
permit any affected competitor to complete in the next round.

For all Olympic sprint events, runners must remain within their pre-assigned lanes, which
measure 1.22 metres (4 feet) wide, from start to finish. The lanes can be numbered 1 through
normally 8 or 9 rarely 10, starting with the inside lane. Any athlete who runs outside the assigned
lane to gain an advantage is subject to disqualification. If the athlete is forced to run outside of
his or her lane by another person, and no material advantage is gained, there will be no
disqualification. Also, a runner who strays from his or her lane in the straightaway, or crosses the
outer line of his or her lane on the bend, and gains no advantage by it, will not be disqualified as
long as no other runner is obstructed.
The finish
The first athlete whose torso reaches the vertical plane of the closest edge of the finish
line is the winner. To ensure that the sprinter's torso triggers the timing impulse at the finish line
rather than an arm, foot, or other body part, a double Photocell is commonly used. Times are
only recorded by an electronic timing system when both of these Photocells are simultaneously
blocked. Photofinish systems are also used at some track and field events.

Races with hurdles as obstacles were first popularized in the 19th century in England.
Most of these races have 10 hurdles spaced at equal intervals. There are two types of
hurdle races: intermediate and high. Intermediate hurdles are 91cm high for men and 76cm high
for women. Men‘s high hurdles are 107cm high and for women‘s are 84cm high. Intermediate
hurdle races over 400m or 440 yard in men and women‘s competition. Most outdoor high hurdle
races are 110m for men and 100m for women.

Rules and Regulations

 A competitor is disqualified. If he trails a foot or leg below the plane of the top of the bar
of the hurdle at the instance of clearance.
 If the competitor jumps any hurdles not in his own lane

Athletics | Fundamentals of Games and Sports
 If he deliberately knocks down any hurdle with his hands or foot.


Athletics | Fundamentals of Games and Sports
It is a race usually of 3,000 meters over two kinds of obstacles, hurdles and water jumps.
Runners must clear 91-cm hurdles 28 times. These hurdles are sturdier than the one used in
hurdle races, and runners may put a foot on top of them as they pass over them. Runners must
cross water jumps seven times. A water jump consists of a hurdle and a water-filled pit 3.66
meter square. The steeplechaser steps onto the hurdle and leaps across the water. The pit is 70cm
deep at the foot of the hurdle and slopes up to the track level. Most steeplechasers come down in
the water at the shallow end of the pit to soften their landing.

Rules and Regulations

 The Olympic steeplechase is a men event run over 3,000 meters.
 It comprises 20 hurdle jumps and seven water jumps.
 Competitors may jump, vault or stand on the hurdles.
 The hurdles numbered (3) and (4) are positioned after the competitors have passed by on
the first lap.
 A steeplechaser will be disqualified if he steps to either side of the jump, fails to go over
or through water, and/or his foot or led below the horizontal plane of the top hurdles.

Are events in which the must follow certain rules of walking. The front foot must touch
the ground before the rear foot leaves the ground. While the foot is touching the ground, the leg
must be unbent for at least one moment. Walkers are entitled to one warning for improper form
before they are disqualified. Walking races are also called race walking, may take place in a
track or a road.

Athletics | Fundamentals of Games and Sports
Relays are run by teams of four runners. The first runner carries a baton about 30cm long.
After running a certain distance, called a leg, the athlete hands the baton to the next team
member. This exchange must occur within a zone 20m long. If the runners do not pass the baton
within this zone, their team is disqualified.
The most common relays are run at distances of 400 meters or 1,600 meters.

Rules and Regulations

 4x100m relay races are run entirely in lanes
 In races up to 4x200m, members of a team other than the first runner may commence
running not more than 10m outside the take-over zone.
 In the 4x200m races the first 2 stages as well as that part of the third leg up to the exit
from the first bend will be run entirely in lanes.
 All competitors may break from their lanes immediately after they have passed the exit
from the first bend.
 The position of the teams at the start shall be retained at each take-over zone. After lanes
have ceased to be used, runners can move to an inner position on the track as incoming
team members arrive, provided this can be done without fouling.
 In the event where the first part of the race is run in lanes, the competitors, after
completing this part, are free to take up any position on the track.
 After handling over the baton, competitors should remain in their lanes until the course is
clear to avoid obstruction to other competitors.

Field events take place in specially prepared areas, usually within the oval track.

Rules to be considered:
 Competitors compete in the order drawn by lot.
 Unless competing in a simultaneous trackevent, a competitor missing his turn in a field
event is not permitted to take trial.
 A competitor who unreasonably delays a trial is liable to have that trial disallowed and
recorded as a fault.
 After a second delay in a competition, he shall be debarred from further trials.

Athletics | Fundamentals of Games and Sports
I. Jumping Events


It is once called broad jump, is completed in a single jump into a pit filled with sand. To
begin the long jump, the competitor sprints down a long runway and leaps from a take-off board.
If the athlete steps past the board before jumping, the jump is a foul. A jump‘s length is
measured from the edge of the take-off board to the nearest mark an athlete makes in the sand.
When there are many competitors, each one is allowed three jumps, and a certain number of
leaders qualify for three more. When fewer athletes compete, each one is allowed six jumps. If
two jumpers leap the same distance, the winner is the one with the next big jump.


It is originally called the hop, step, and jump, consists of three continuous jumps, the
first two completed on the runway. On the first jump, the athlete takes off one foot and lands on
the same foot. At the end of the third jump, the athlete land on both feet in a pit of sand.

A high jumper runs towards the bar from any angle within a large, semi-circular runway.
The athlete may use any style of jumping, but he or she must take off from one foot. In most
popular modern style, called Fosbury flop, jumpers go over with their back to the bar and their
head clearing first.

A pole vaulter uses a long pole usually made of fiberglass. He begins his vault by
sprinting down a runway, carrying the pole with both hands. As he nears the vaulting pit, he
roams the far end of the pole into a wood or metal box embedded in the ground. The pole bends
while he hangs with his back to the ground and his feet up. As the pole straightens, helping to
trust into the air, he pulls himself higher and turns his body to face the ground. Before he releases
the pole, he gives a final push with his arm to add to his height.

Rules and Regulations:

 A competitor fails. If he touches the ground, including the landing area beyond the
vertical plane through the upper part of the stop-board with any part of his body or with
the pole, without first clearing the bar.
 If he knocks the bar off the support.

Athletics | Fundamentals of Games and Sports
 If he, after leaving the ground, places his lower hands moved the upper one or moves the
upper land higher on the pole. It is not counted a failure if a competitor‘s pole breaks.

Athletics | Fundamentals of Games and Sports
Second Part (July 19, 2012)

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:
Continue determining track and field events
Identify the decathlon, heptathlon and pentathlon
Determine other terminologies used in athletics

II. Subject Matter

- The Track and Field Events (continued)
- Terminologies in Athletics
- The Multi-Events: the decathlon, heptathlon and pentathlon

- Athletics
Basic Physical Education
Doris D. Tulio
pp. 15-23

Teaching Methodology: discussion and demonstration

There are four different throwing events included in athletics competition which require
athletes to demonstrate power, strength and accuracy. The four events are: the hammer, the
discus, the javelin and the shot put.

The ‗hammer‘ is an extremely heavy metal ball
weighing 7.2kg which is attached to a handle
by a steel wire. The hammer event requires the
contestant to have extreme strength and
excellent technique, in order to throw the metal
ball across the field. When making the throw
the contestant must stand within a designated
area, marked by a circle. If the athlete steps out
of the circle during the throw or before the
hammer lands, the throw is classified as a fail.

Athletics | Fundamentals of Games and Sports

Making use of a spinning technique to

bring about speed and strength, the
discus requires the athlete to throw a
disc shaped object across the field as far
as possible. The athlete must begin the
throw from a stationary position but
there are no specified requirements for
the method used to throw the discus. To
make the throw the athlete stands within
a circle marked on the ground and is
forbidden to leave the circle before the
discus has landed. If the contestant steps
on or outside the circle, the throw is
classified as a fail.


The Javelin combines speed with great

strength, requiring the athlete to throw
a long spiked pole as far as possible
across the field. The javelin has a grip,
part way along the pole, which the
athlete must hold on to when throwing.
The javelin is thrown by an arm
extended backwards, being thrown over
the shoulder or upper part of the arm.
For the throw to count, the javelin must
land with the tip (front part of the
javelin) hitting the ground before the
tail (back part of the javelin) If the
athlete turns their back to the throwing
line during the throw or crosses the line
during or after the throw, the throw is
classified as a fail.

Athletics | Fundamentals of Games and Sports
Shot Put

Requiring perhaps more strength than

any other athletic event, the shot put
requires the athlete to throw an
extremely heavy ball across a specified
distance by transferring leg strength up
through the arms. The athlete is
required to begin the throw from a
stationary position within a marked
circle and must throw the shot using
one hand only. The contestant is
disqualified if they leave the marked
circle before the shot has touched the

The Decathlon, Heptathlon, and Pentathlon
The decathlon, heptathlon and pentathlon are combined competitions, in which an athlete
competes in several different events over a period of one or two days. The athletes receive a
score for their performance in each event. The winner is the athlete who receives the highest total
score. Thus, the competition champion is the best all around athlete, not necessary the best
competitor in any single event,
The decathlon is a 10-event competition for men. It takes place over two days.

First Day Second Day

100-Meter Run 110m Hurdles
Long Jump Discus Throw
Shot Put Pole Vault
High Jump Javelin Throw
400-meter Run 1,500-Meter Run

The heptathlon, at one-day competition of five events, is rarely held today. Triathlon is
a combination of three events held also at one day.

Athletics | Fundamentals of Games and Sports
Anchor leg refers to the final position in a relay race. The term is commonly used with
respect to relays in athletics. Typically, the anchor leg of a relay is given to the fastest or
most experienced competitor on a team. The athlete completing the anchor leg of a relay
is responsible for making up ground on the race-leader or preserving the lead already
secured by their teammates.
Cadence in sports involving running is the total number of 'revolutions per minute'
(RPM), or number of full cycles taken within a minute, by the pair of feet, and is used as
a measure of athletic performance. It is very similar in respect to cadence in cycling,
however it is often overlooked in its importance in the sports of running and race
walking. This discrepancy may be attributable to other factors of importance in running,
including stride length, technique, and other elements pertaining to bio-mechanical

Foot speed, or sprint speed, is the maximum speed at which a human can run. It is
affected by many factors, varies greatly throughout the population, and is important
in athletics.
Fully automatic time (abbreviated FAT) is a form of race timing in which the clock is
automatically activated by the starting device, and the finish time is either automatically
recorded, or timed by analysis of a photo finish.

Mass start is a format of starting in some events in athletics (track and field), such as
a marathon race, speed skating or a long-distance cross country skiing competition.
Pace, also called rhythm or tempo, is a term used to describe the rate of activity or
movement, such as in running.
A pace band is a wristband, sometimes made of a strip of waterproof paper, that lists
expected split times for a running race. When used in conjunction with a stopwatch, a
pace band can assist athletes in maintaining a steady pace throughout the race. This is the
most efficient racing pace from a cardiovascular and muscle energy perspective. Erratic
running speeds, particularly the urge to sprint early in a race while feeling fresh, consume
energy inefficiently. A glance at the pace band and stopwatch as each distance marker is
passed allows the athlete to quickly determine if they are running too fast for their
targeted finishing time or too slowly and adjust accordingly.
A pacemaker or pace-setter (sometimes colloquially called a rabbit) is a runner who
leads a middle- or long distance running event for the first section to ensure a fast time
and avoid excessive tactical racing.
A photo finish occurs in a sporting race, when two (or more) competitors cross the
finishing line at near the same time. As the naked eye may not be able to discriminate
between which of the competitors crossed the line first, a strip photo, a series of rapidly
triggered photographs, or a video taken at the finish line may be used for a more accurate
check. Nowadays, the photographs may be digital.

Athletics | Fundamentals of Games and Sports
The Scissors is a style used in the athletics event of high jump. As it allows the jumper to
land on their feet, it is the most common style used by junior athletes where the landing
surface is not deep or soft enough to meet full competition standards.
Second wind is a phenomenon in distance running, such as marathons or road
running (as well as other sports), whereby an athlete who is too out of breath and tired to
continue suddenly finds the strength to press on at top performance with less exertion.
The feeling may be similar to that of a "runner's high", the most obvious difference being
that the runner's high occurs after the race is over.[1] Some scientists believe the second
wind to be a result of the body finding the proper balance of oxygen to counteract the
buildup of lactic acid in the muscles.[2] Others claim second winds are due
to endorphin production, while still others believe it to be purely psychological.
The short course prevention factor (SCPF) is a multiplicative factor or coefficient used
in the sport of athletics, specifically road running, to ensure that the measured length of a
course is at least as long as the desired length of the course.
Tartan Track is the trademarked all-weather synthetic track surfacing made
of polyurethane which is used fortrack and field competitions. It lets athletes compete in
bad weather without serious performance loss (as opposed to running in what turns into
mud) and improves their results over other surfaces. It also provides a more consistent
surface for competition even under optimum weather.

Track spikes, or just spikes, are pointed protrusions usually made of metal, ceramic or
plastic that is screwed into the bottom of most track and field shoes to increase traction
and minimize the likelihood of slipping. The term "spikes" can also refer to track shoes
featuring such protrusions. Spikes are similar to cleats which are used for team sports,
although generally smaller.
A vertical jump or vertical leap is the act of raising one's center of gravity higher in the
vertical plane solely with the use of one's own muscles; it is a measure of how high an
individual or athlete can elevate off the ground (jump) from a standstill.
The vertical jump is divided into two different types:

Standing Vertical Jump: This refers to a vertical jump done from a standstill with no
steps being involved at all.

Running Vertical Jump: This refers to a vertical jump after an approach or run to help
add energy to the jump in an effort to improve on the standing vertical jump.
Wind assistance is a term in track and field, which refers to the wind level during a race
or event as registered by a wind gauge. Wind is one of many forms of weather which
can affect sport.

Athletics | Fundamentals of Games and Sports

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