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Background of the Study

Several cases of people who skip meals are common nowadays. Individuals do not

take it seriously since it has already become a part of their daily lives. There are

common reasons why people skip meals. Some simply don’t have food available or don’t

have the time to eat when they are hungry. Another reason is the thought that it will

cause them to lose weight. These cases of skipping meals are especially prevalent with

high school students. (

Skipping meals means not eating at an arbitrarily determined time. Food is a basic

necessity, which every individual must acquire in sufficient amounts to survive. It fuels

people and animals. Food provides nutrients for the body. Carbohydrates, fats, and

proteins are considered as macronutrients. These nutrients must be taken in huge

amount. The micronutrients, on the other hand, are those needed in small amounts.

These include vitamins and minerals. Both types of nutrients are significant for the cell

and tissue growth that keeps the bones strong, the heart’s pumping, and the brains


Consumption of food is a must in order to be healthy. Health is defined as the

absence of disease. It is the idea of being well physically, psychologically, and

emotionally. The body uses food to function normally. The science that deals with the

use of nutrients for body functions is referred to as nutrition. (Adolphus, 2013)

According to a study conducted in Centre Foundation Studies, International Islamic

University Malaysia (CFS IIUM), students who skip meals tend to have a weak memory

and lack of focus. Given that memory and focus are important to excel in study, it can

affect the student academic performance.

There is subjective evidence that habitual breakfast has a positive effect on

children’s performance (Adolphus, 2013). Increased frequency of habitual breakfast was

consistently positively associated with academic performance. Some evidence suggested

that quality of habitual breakfast, in terms of providing a greater variety of food groups

and adequate energy, was positively related to school performance.

Statement of the Problems

For the general problem, the study will determine the relationship of skipping meals to

the academic performance of junior high school students at Fame Academy of Science

and Technology (FAST).

Specifically, the research seeks to answer the following questions:

a.) What are the causes of skipping meals?

b.) What are the effects of skipping meals?

c.) Does skipping meals have a significant effect on the academic performance of


d.) How does skipping meals affect the academic performance of students?

For the hypothesis of the general problem, skipping meals have a significant

relationship to the academic performance of students.


For the specific problems, the following hypotheses will be tested:

a. Students skip meals because of lack of time, lack of money and for the desire to

get fitter.

b. Students who skip meals experience dizziness, lack of concentration and

difficulty in memorization.

c. Skipping meals have significant negative effects in the academic performance of


d. Students who skip meals have lower academic performance than students who

do not skip meals.

Significance of the Study

The conduct of the investigation is significant to impose awareness about the

relationship of skipping meals with regards to the academic performance of junior high

school students. If proven that skipping meals have negative effects on the academic

performance, then the study will encourage students to eat regularly and sufficiently. It

will also promote a healthy way of living appropriate for adolescents.

Scope and Limitations

The study will be conducted at Fame Academy of Science and Technology (FAST) during

the months of June to July 2017. Only junior high school students of FAST will be the

respondents of the study.

Definition of Terms

The terms and variables to be defined are:

a. Academic Performance is defined by the final general average grade of junior

high school students for academic year 2016-2017

b. Documentary Analysis is a technique used to analyze primary and secondary

sources that are available mostly in rural health units, hospitals, or

community halls. The study will use report cards as instruments of the study.

c. Nutrition is the science that deals with how the body uses food to ffunction the

body of normally and nourish life


Upon the conduct of the study, the following assumptions will be tested:

 Skipping meals and academic performance of students have a significant

relationship with each other.

 Lack of time, lack of money and the desire to get fitter are the main reasons

why students skip meals.

 Skipping meals can cause dizziness, lack of concentration and difficulty in


 Skipping meals have negative effects on the academic performance of students.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of the proposed study is shown in the figure:

Causes of Skipping Meals Effects of Skipping Meals to Academic


 Lack of Time  Lack of Focus and Concentration

 Lack of Money  Low Energy
 Desire to Get Fitter  Difficulty in Memorization 4
Figure 1. Causes and Effects of Skipping Meals on the Academic Performance of Junior
High Students in FAST

For the paradigm of the study, criterion-predictor model was used. This
model was chosen to assess the courses of skipping meals and its effects on the
academic performance of students.

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