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Let’s Analyze

Joshua Medilo BAHR 323 (3088)

Activity 1. Getting acquainted with the essential terms in the study of project
management is not enough, but you should demonstrate your higher thinking skills.
Now, explain the answers thoroughly.

1. What makes a project different from other organizational efforts undertaken by

most organizations?

A project that makes different from other organizations is by being completely

unique and emphasize new ideas with a very catchy process. The project most
possesses all necessary process or phases that will lead to a very effective result
for the organization.

2. Discuss the activities included in each phase of the project life cycle?

The Initiation is where all the necessary resources and things are being
processed and prepared for the next phase, then the planning where it is very
crucial to do that it is the brain for the cycle in which it will dictate for what are the
things that will gonna happen then we have the execution for the plan that the
organization had and lastly for the transfer.

3. What life cycle of a project encountered challenges? Why?

Execution, this needs a lot of effort and analyzation to do which it serves as the
actual result for the planning we had and it is very complex and crucial to do
because this phase will lead us if ever the plan is effective or not, mostly of the
time organizations encounters problems at this phase of life cycle of a project.

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