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DE 242 (oo Py) "41g “arroll Avenue, Takoma Park, April 24, 1940. I have read witr surprise your mieinterpretation of my t ne on ths doctrine of the Trinity, and I would like to kave you send me a copy 2f y2ur dooument. Iwill renit the rostege ee econ ae I receive the document and lesrn tow ruck the poetags is. Yours faithfully, (signed, ™.7, Prescott.” "438 Fest Tachington St., Hazerstowmn, Maryland april 25, 1940. Eld. ¥, ¥, Prescott, — 412 Carroll Avene, Takoma Park, ington, D. oc. Deer Brother Prescott: Your postal card of April 24 1s at hand,—and as you request I am sending you under separate cover a cory of my docu- ment on "The Trinity.” You ars very much mistaken when you etate that I heve not represented your teacking on the Trinity correctly. I have quoted from yur printed eerzon in Takoma Park Church, October 14, 1839, your exact words. And in my document I have epoken highly of you pereonsily, with the utmost regard. At times in the paet you have been very kind to me, 2nd I have been very sorry that I could NOT agree with you in your teachings. Twice I have vieited you recently, once when you were not at home, but the second tite we had a very pleasant visit. ——— You have known for yeare thet I could WoT AGREF Pie YOU IN DOOTPINE, and when you e> often differ from the fundamental Qeaching oY Seventh-day Adventiste, and with the Spirit of Proph: at compelled to warn cur people egairet your teaching. Ae I have told you many tires in ths past, if you kad not so continually and a0 often | Criticieed the teaching of Seventh-day Adventiets and th: Spirit of Prophecy, end eubetituted the Sonradi-Vagconer doctrinzs that Jed them both to apretasize and leave fhe Lord's work, you wight have been a power for good, and a great blieeing to sur work. My dear Prcother Prescott, we are both growing old. 7 appeal to you once more, give up sll theee differences with the feackings of God's people and 7f the Epirit of Prophecy, and etrengthen + the hands of the weak, and confirm the feetle knees, and let ue go on together to mect Chriet at Eis coming. For Oh ny dear brother, it 46 Tear, even et the donr. Most sincerely your old-time friend, = Oi Weoalban % TRINity 18 The doctrine of the Trinity ie regarded #6 the euprese test of orthodoxy by the Roman Catholic Church. Meny of the councils of TEE tyihazeh during ite development were almost entirely given over to the discussion of the Trinity, the arian and Trinitarian controversy, Trae Chriet of the same aubstahce of the Father, or of like Substerce?" Very naturally the nature of the personality of God wae SE ACeDtEr, the Core, tho key of the tzachinge of Ronan theology, Sstan'e crowning uasterpiece of apostate Counterfeit Christianity. The lssding doctrines of the Roman papacy were taken directly fron heathenion,-tke eign of the cross, Holy water, monks, nuns, the Geiibacy of the priesthood, the Sunday Sabbath, ete., ete, So thie Catholic doctrine of the Tririty comza from heathenion. In Indie we have Erahne, Shiva, Vieknu, vengefsl, unforgiving trinity. "here in Feathenism or in Romanie is the Divine mediator between God and man? "There 12 one God and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus." I Tim. 2:5. There is none in heathen= ism; and in the Romen church, a8 Chrict ie a very physical part of Sod, the deity, it tecomes nscessary to invent 2 multitude of human aedistors, the Virgin Mary, Peter, Andrew, etc. and a multitude of uanvfactured saints, a band of immortal souls of dead men and women. Jesue has become so fully and literally a component part of the great Vere judge who delights in eternal torment, according to the Roman teaching of the Trinity, that they must find or mamufacture a multi- fude of human spiritualietic mediatore. THITe REvAvING OF JFSUS FROM EIS TOUF RFLATIONSEI TO GOD AND WAN, TAKES PIU 9O FAR FROW US THAT BE FECOVES AN TNPLICTO® OF EVERLASTING TORVENT AND BQ LONGER OUR LovIrG Savrour. The doctrine of the Trinity is a crucl heathen monstrosity, Femoving Jeeus from hie true position of Divine Saviour and Mediator. It is true we can not measure or define divinity. It 1e beyond cur finite underet=nding, yet on this eubject of the personality of God tke Fitie 1e very elzpie snd plain. The Father, the Ancient of Lays, ie from et-rnity. Jeeue was tecotten of the Father. Jesue speaking through the Pealzist eays: "The Lord (Jehovah\hath eaid unto me, Thou are my son, thie day have I begotten thee." —Peair 2:7. n of under the title of Fiedom, Asain in Proverte (where Ss2 T Cor. 1:24), id "Tke Lord (Jehovah) possessed me in the beginning of his way", V.22. "Fefore the mountains were settled, before the hilie was I brought forth.-v.24. we is epo The Son gaye he wae brought forth, begotten, born, of Hie Father (Jehovah). Pe calle his father "Jehovah". In Pealm 110:1, "The lord said unto ny Lord, eit thou on my right hand, ete.* Py g. S. “aebburn. eaid unte Adoni", Jerovah (the Father’ Pe.l10:4, "The Lord (Jenova) bath sworn art 2 pricet forever after the order of e prieet of th: order cf Melchiesiec? 122; Wark 2:35,33. Liters e2dd to £ and vil, Kelobieedeo". It ie Jesue. eaye the Father's name ie ni, Put in Ex, 33 the Lora eaid he i: his people, ii ly hie ¥eesenier, Fim,*eo Sod placed Els maze in Elo con. It ie therefore In thee: soriztures Jesve bi is angel bet rerpissini. ¢ E re 30m may te ezoken of as Jehovah, but rrierily, i ototer 183, Fla. ¥. ™, Preecott preached a the ewhject, "The Coming One." te the foiloving from "Ir, the Cid T.etament ve find the name Jshovak or Lord stout 7,900 times, and in the Yew Teetamert, we find tiz name Jesus avout 1,9¢O timse and the name lord more than 76) times. Now the Jehovah or Lord of the O1a Testament hae teen manifested ae Jesus the Lord in the Nex Tcetament, ana therefore thie CNE PERSON, Jehovah-Jesus, is mentioned by name atout 2,750 times.” This ie one of the most eetounding perversions of the original languege of the Pitle ever written, and coming from a nan of edvcation it seeme elmoet inexcusatle. The coining of the dovble name "Jetovah-Jeeus" {e certainly orizinal with Flder Prescott, for ! fail to find it in tte Fible or in the writinse of the Spirit of Prophecy. As ekowr from the Febrev of Pealne 2:7, Pealme 110:1,4 and 2, we have ehown that Jesus eaye tie Fatser's name ie Prov. & ne Febret of Pealme 110:1, the name of tne Son Jetovah, and in is Adoni. It ie tree t {ein the Sen. This ie true of every eor on earth. His fath namz ig in the eon, tet tke eon ard father are T™) PFASINS NOT yt, ae Fld. Prescott incorrectly atates in hie sermon. the Father eaye in Fx.23:21, that bie name rhe For many years my fether vae s leading minister ir the Iowa In 1824 I began my work as a minister in that corfere ence. My father was Fld. "aehturn., Then upon my ordination I Yecare Fla, Tasrtern aleo, Put ve were TT) PFOCONS ONE PFASONT. Now would it te fair or true to eay that in writing vp a hietory of the Iowa Conference, every mention of Fld. Washturn applied to myself Fmphaticaily "0!!! It sould te utterly falee, ae te the statement thet every tize in the Bible wher? the word "Jehovah" REF TRINITY, Page 3. Py J. S. Washburn. or "Lord" appeared it meant Jesus and that Jeeuo and the father were tore Praga’? Several thousardm times it applies to the Father and The statement of the sermon is a tremerdo misrepresentation of the troth of the Divine separate personality of the Father and AST THF EO" APE MCT MOVE PeDgcnn PET THO Ag TEE TRC PPRSOME OF WY FATFES anp MYEFLF. Jeeve, who illustrated and explained heavenly thinge by earttly thinge,in kis paratlee, has made it plain thet the Father ani the Son are MoT "OXF Pragnte as Fld. Prescott teaches, thus following the ® doctrine cf the Trinity. In Job 17:21,23, "That they (hie disciples) all may be one ae thou father art in me and I in Thee that they aleo may te one in ue...that they may te one even as we are one." Jeeus knew, and we know, the disciples were NCT OFF preeny,and that represented the unity of the Father and the eon. They could not from Chriet's own word be "ore person". Read thie gloriove statement from the Spirit of Prophecy, explaining John 17:21,32, the text juet quoted,-Test.@,page Bs: "Noriderfvl statement. The wnity that existe between Chriet and Fis dieciplee does rot destroy the personality of either. Theyare one in purrose, in mind, in character, tut YOT IN PFREON, IT If THE TAT GOD AND CERIST ARF ONE." Fld. Prescott squarely contradicte the words of Jesue in the Pible and the worde of the Holy epirit of Prophecy when he states that they are "one person". Satan has teken some heathen concep— tion of a three-beaded monstroaity, and with deliberate intention to cast contempt upon divinity, has woven it into Romaniem ae our glorious God, ar impoesitle, ateurd invention. This monstrous doctrine traneplanted from heatheniem into tke Roman Papal Churob is seeking to intrude ite evél presence into the teachinge of the Third Angel's Message. Qn Page 8 of the printed seraon ty Fld. Preezott is this statement: "Re can rot regard the three persone of the Godhead ae separatle beinge, each one dwelling in and confined to a vieibie tody the eame as three human beinge. "There are three persons in the Godhead but they are eo mysteriovely and indlesolvbly related to each other that the presence of each one ie equivalent to the presence of the othere." This 1e the doctrine of the Trinity ae expressed in the statement already quoted from the sermon, Page 1, that the three, Father, Son and Poly Chost are "YF PFBcoN". He etatee that they The Trinity, Pase 4. By J. € Washburn. are YT distinct eeparsts persone tut"One Pereon" and"that the presence of eack one ie eqivalent to the presence of the others." Shriet himesif tsactes in John 17:21,22 that the 3 persone of the Jodhead are three "separstle beinge". For the discirplee were Toeparatle teinze", and Trrist ccaparea the unity of the Father and tre Gen with the vnity 2f the diecizlea, urited in perfect unity of heart. Thus this etate t of Fid. Preesoctt's ie ateolutely contrary to Jobe 17:81,33, and T Qor.d:1¢. If tke tescking of this sermon of Fld. Prescott te true, then of couree ae the three, in the doctrine of the Trinity, are ore person, when Ohriet was conceived and born of the Virgin Mary, the Father wae conceived and torr of the Virgin Mary; when Christ ny on the cross dying, the Fatrer hung on the cross dying; when prist lay in Joeeph's new toab the Father lay in Joseph'e new tomb; if the pereon of Ckriet died the person of the Father which is counted one pereon, aleo died; citker the Father and the Holy Bost died when Jeeus died, or Jesve did not die. f Jzeve was act morning the Fa’ ly dead from Friday afternoon to Sunday ie Holy Ghoet were also dead from Friday afterneon to Gunday morning, if Preacott's serzon is correct. Fut Prof. Prescott is very logical. Which horn of this dilemna does be take? I quote from a letter written to me ty Fld. J. F, Anderson, former pastor of Takoma Park Church, dated Jan. 16, 1940, 112 St. Lovie Averue, Fort Worth, Texas: "In anewer to your qeetion as to my conversation with Fld. Prescott, it was after I had spoken on the vicarious sacrifice of Chriet, that he called me and wanted to talk with me atout it. He tried to convince me that Chriet DID Not PIE AS TER gor °F ae I had preached. Ard when he could not conv ; he said, 'T do rot appreciate your leaving me without a Christ for three days and nights’. ward renenber,Fld, Wackburn thie statement wae made after he had taken the position that the Son of Sod did not die tut only the Son of Man." Cther teachere of the Trinity cay that the death of Christ was not vicarious tat oniy bis sufferings. Put the wazes of sin ie DFATE not evffering. Chriet'e suffering alone could not pay the penalty. The Son of God must DIF to pay the penalty of the broken Yaw. For what the law could not do in that it was weak throveh the flesh, God ecnding Fie own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and (oy a ascrifice for ein)(margin) condemned sin in the flesk, that the righteousness of the law might te fulfilled in ue. "-Rom.8:3,4. The Son of God died that the law of God might live in us. TEE TRIVITY, Page 5. By J. 8, Washturn. . If COkriet did not die, we never could keep the law. Fither Christ muet dis or the levy ties in ue. Tht the law might live in @ tke fon of God died. Put the Trinity makes the death of Thriet imrossibie, 2s Prof. Prescott szere to teack, therefore the Roman Trinity destroys the le. To vorder that the Papacy changee and destroys the lax of Sod, and substitutes tradition and huzan works. Ae eteted in the letter from Fic. Andereon, we have the logical bold denial of the death of Cariet, the very foundation of the Gospel - "the eon of Goa did rot die", only the son of man, oniy a humen etonenent, Thie ie the only logical poeition any man Can take “ho telieves the heathen-Roman doctrine of the Trinity, whick ie a twir eleter of eternal torment and ac true and logical ae purgatory and the Sundey Sabbath. No wonder that the Roman papacy ie the orizinal teacher of both doctrines of the Trinity and eternal torment. Very losically tae Roman Jhurch met have rany human mediators tut aleo tary human works to earn aalva~ tion or by purgetory, or the wasc, or ty the torments of self- inflicted runiehment to gain Heaven. Fecavee Zhrist being a part of the one person of the"Trinity" covid not die unless the Father ard Foly Ghost all died with Him, according to trie falee doctrine of the Trinity, if we accept the { Dathoilo Trinity, we met accept that which goea with it, buman mediatore and human worke,for according to Fld. Preecott, the Son of God did not die; he reeerted the idea that the Son of God wae Geved "three dayo and nighte". The Chriet of Prof. Prescott wae not dead but alive from Friday afternoon to Sunday morning. IF TEIE Is £0, 7 NR DEPT BAG NOT FFFY PAID, APD 7E ARE ALL LOST. Thie is the logic of Fld, Preecott's adoption of the Roman doctrine of the Trinity. The Fitle teachee that the Son of God died, as the Son of God. "For if wher we were enemice we were reconciled to God by the death of Fie Gon: mech more teing reconciled we shail be sevod by bis life." Rom, 5:10. See aleo Col. 1:13-33, I Thes. 1:10. The words "Son of God" and "Chriet" are oynonimewm Vatt.16:16. and again end ain the scriptures etate that Christ died for our sins, the foundation principle of the Gospel. Yothing 1s clearer in the scripture than the trutk that the Son of God aied for ue and we tave a Divine and not sisply a huzan Stcnemert. Those who telieve that the Gon of God did not die quote an urputlished atatemert of Sister Thite. "Deity did not sink and dic, that would have been dmposeitle." Thie te all very clear if we telicve the Fitle otaterent of death, as found in Job. 34:13,14, 15: "Yea surely God will not do wickedly...If he (God) eet hie heart upon men, if he (God) gathere unto himeelf Eis Spirit and Hie breath (God's epirit and God's breath) all fleeh chail perieh tosether, and man stall turn again to dust™. TRINITY, Page 6. Py J. 8. Washburn. ApITE QOD Ig TEF POUYTAIY OF LIFE". Pe. 36:8. Ail life, angelic, human, animal, vegetable, comes from God and ie simply loaned for a tics to God'e creatures. It was God's life before the creature received it. It te God'e life while they have it and if God texer back to Fimself Wie ovr life, the creature goee tack where he was before he reciived the life of Sod. But that life ja rot a separate perooz. It le the life of God, taken tack ty the Lord to himeelf There before beirs given to the creature. It ie trus thet we are partakers of the Divine nature, if we are Christiane. Frt trat does rot wan that ve are conacious pereonaiitice in death, God tak=e tack his life and we are dead. And £9 "AS OFPIET. When Chriet wae & tegotten of the Father, Be received the life of God, Hie father. "xen Jesus died on the cross, be sald, "Father into thy tands I commend ay spirit", (or life) and the life of God was giver back to the Fethsr, and for 2 tims, three daye and nighte, thet iife was with the Fether from whence it had come. In the Teevrrection that life cf God is restored to the one who died. B5.104:30, Put between tie death on Friday afternoon, till Sunday morning, the Son of God was dead. OEE POURED OUT EIS SOUL UNIO DFATE". Tea. 53:12. Read thie clear statement from the Spirit of Prophecy, Vol.3, Page 203: "wen he closed bie eyes in death upon the croes, the sovl of Jesus did not go at once to Feaven ALL TRAT COMPATEFD TEE LIFE AND IFTELLIGENOE OF JESUS PFVAINFD FITP PIS FODY I" SEDULCPRE._ AND SPEW AS AS 2 REALE PEING. DID NOT BF CAVE FODTE IT FROM EEAVEN." yw ETS SPIRIT Tris eqwarely contradicts the teacking of Fld. Prescott. qruly ae the ecripture cays, "Te Lave been reconciled to God by the death of Ele Bon." The Son of God died for fallen san. We have a Divine atonement, all eufficient. That papal doctrine of the Trinity destroya the Godpel and leaves us without hope, for it Compelied ite defender, Fld. Prescott, to deny that great scripture truth, that the for of God died for the eins of the world. Any Qboteine that leads a mer to deny that the fon of God died must be eeesil doctrine, an anti-Christian doctrine, not from God but from Satan. The dietinct seperate personality of the Father and the Son are sbesiutely eecentiel to the plan of salvation, It wae essential, are eeevute necessity, that Eile Chriet vas dead, the Father should Sie upholding ail things and bringing Jeeus from the tomb. Christ ie the one, only, mediator between God, the Father and man. If the > By J, 8. ° Faker and the Son are"one pereon", then Chriet is a mediator between Hiuceif and man. Christ was made in the express image of His Fathex'e <8. The Father had a pereon. The Son had another, a distinct eparate pereon, "I beheld ti11 the thrones were cast down and the Ancient of Daye did sit whose garment wae white acs snow and the hair of hie head like the pure wool. Hie throne was like the fiery flame and hie wheele ae burning fire." Dan.?:&. "I eaw in the nickt visions, and beheld one like the Son of man came with the clovde of Heaven and oame to the Ancient of Lays and they brought him near before him.” Verse 15. Here are two persons, distinct and separate in their person- alsty . The eoripturce are ae clear on this point as on any subjeut of Eitie truth. Because the heathen believed in some ode who had one body vith more than one head and because the Homan Church adopted that heathen ides, eternal torment, the workhip of dead men, the sign ut tne cross, and also the Trinity, direct from heathenaem, ie the Goctrine of the Trinity any more sacred than eternal turment. th2 Sanday Sabbath, purgatory. or any other Pagau papal dovts ina? g Nol: And the fact that Christ is not the mediator in the a ch demcnatrates that the Trinity destroys the trish that Chrivt ie the une, the only mediator. The eo-valled Chrietian church, the Papecy, that originatec the doctrine of the Trinity, dues not recognize hiw as the ouly mediator but substitutes a muiiitude of ghoste of dead men and women ae mediators. If you hold the Trinity doctrine, in reality, Christ ie no longer your mediator. The Trinity doctrine like ite author, Satan, ie a destroyer; a bungling absurd irreverent caricature, 2 blasphemous burlesque on the glorious tree unity of heart and purposes snd perfect almighty Jove and cxeavive lize of the Father, Son and Roly Spirit. any tinee in the New Tegsanent we read of Chriet praying to the @ persons of the so-called iriniiy were always Sogethez, alwaye ineeparadle, 3 pezeuna in | persun, a very pereonal one of anvthez and as Fld. Prescott teaches vkat Chriov « siways Jehovah the tather, WEY SHOULD CERIST PKaY? AND “as EE i REALLY PRAYING 70 HIMEFLY? When Jesus said, *I can of myself do nothing", John £:30, nas he a personal part of the "one person" of the Trinity? da rec. - nized a person above himaclf, a separate p2reonaljty: when ke 32!4, "WY FATPER IS. GREATEN THAN I", John 14.28, he surely icoked up uc a IED TRIVITY, Page 8. Py J. 8, Taahburn. pereon greater than Himeeif, While he wae NOT "one person” with the Father, se the scripture and fririt of Prophecy have etated, yet he was in absolute |aruony vith Fle Father, and rendered to Eig perfect otedience, an example to every angel and every creature in the univeree. And when ein je over forever and "when all things shell be evedved unto Fim, then shall the for also be subject unto Hix, that God may te 211 in all". I Cor, 15:28. These and many other scriptures make the doctrine of the Trinity impossible. hen Jeoue caze to thie world se a human being, he took the sare riok that every san faces, the "risk of failure and eternal loce." It was possitle for Jeavs to fail, to fall into ein and to be lost. I quote one of the moot temutiful, pathetic statements found in the Spirit of Prophecy. veire ie, Page 4°: "Into the world there Satan claimed dominion God permitted His Son to come, a helpleas babe subject to humanity. Ee permitted Kim to meet life's peril in common with every human soul, to fizht the battle as every child must fight it at the rick of failure and eternal jose." —_ "Tre-nealo Ut the human father yearne over his son. Fe looke into the face of hie little child, and trembles at the thought of life's peril. He lonce to ehield hie dear one from Satan's power, to hold him back from temptation and conflict. To nest a bitterer conflict and a more fearful rick, God gave Ele only begotten son, trat the patt oT iife might be made eure for cur little ones." "Herein ie love. Wonder O heavens! And be astonished © earth.” If Ckriet, as was possible, had suffered “failure ard a eternal loss", if the Trimaty doctrine that Chriet was "ons reon" with the Father ie true, then the Father would ‘heave also havejlost, and the universe annihilated. This whole beautiful passage {ndi- cates ac separate a pereonality for the Heavenly Father and Fie Son, ae of any earthly father and eon. The whole Trinity doctrine is utterly foreign to all the Pible and the teactinge of the Spirit of Prophecy. Revelation elves hot the elightest hint of it. This monstrous heathen conception finds no place in g}} the trez universe of our Flessed Heavenly Father and #is Eons Lord and Saviour, Jesus Chriet. The three distinct, separate persone of, the Godhead were present at the baptiem of Jesus, who, when coming out of the water, heard the Father's voice proclaiming, "This ie my teloved eon", and the Foly Spirit descended upon Jesue in the form of a dove, in divine benediction. The Father, the firet person of the three, Spoke from Heaven of Hie eon, the second person, and the Holy Spitit, eekthira pereon of the thres, confirred the word of the Father that TEE TRIVITY, Page S. Py J. 8, Fashburn. Jeeve waa the beloved Son of God. Here are the three dietinct pereons that the Spirit of Propkecy calle the "Keavenly trio". Series P, Yo. 7, Page 62. on page 8 of Prof. Prescott's sermon, he aaye that the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Chriet and Chrict are "equivalent Expres- sions", that ie, that Chriet ie the Foly Spirit and the Holy Spirit de Christ. &o the logic of Prof. Prescott 's teaching is that the Pather, the Son, and the Foly Spirit are all "one person", the Holy Spirit 1o Christ and the Father, Gon,and Eoly Spirit are "one person". hen therefore he emphasizee the expreseion, "the Person of Chriet™, he met mean that the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are one pereon, “the person of Christ". The Catholic teaching of the Trinity (3 persone in 1 person) je apomumental faleehood, and a fountain of deadly evil. God hee given a dietinct, a separate personality to every being in the universe, angelic and human, an independent, a distinct individuality and personality and desires that should preserve thet individuality and pereonality distinct and separate from that Sf every other being, Thue there 1s given to every one the right $F choice, freedom, isterty; and how glorious are the privileges of Liberty, to chooee the will of God and thue be in perfect onenees, unity with all who love and obey God, the fountain of life and liberty. 8g GOD CREATED MAN IN PIS OWN IMAGE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD CREATED HE THEM." Gen. ie, If God was a Trinity, (3 in 1 person), man created in hie image was a trinity. Fut he ie not. God has given to every person jae woeyyeree a ecparate distinct person and 2 will, a personality 32 hie own. Into that separate sacred personality even God doce not intrude. He gives every pereon the liberty to make hie own choice. In the garden of Getheemane Jesue prayed, saying, "0 ny Father, if it be poseible, let thie cup pass from me, neverthetese Former rill, but ae thos wilt".-Watt.26:39. Here the will of soevn was that the cup of agony and death should pase from him. Bot be ourrendered freely hie own will to Fie Father's mill. TeTS WAS TEE UNITY OF FREEDOM, OF LIPERTY. The Father has one person with hie own Divine will. | The Son wae a distinct separate person with an individual will of His own. The Son wae free to make Lie personal choice and freely he chose the will of His Father rather than hie own will. HERP PET TEE GLORIOUS FATPER AND HIS ONLY PEGOTTEN SON AND ALSO TEE EOLY SPIRI? Ig PERFECT DIVINE LIPESTY AN FYAMPLE TO ALL EIS CREATURES, TO BIS CFURCH. TEE TRINITY, Page 10. By J. 8. Washburn. The liberty God deeired Hie people to enjoy is enjoyed in glorieus heavenly perfection by the "three living persone of the Heavendy trio, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit". - Beriee B,No.7, Page 63. OPRERT 1 SPYRIT OF TPF LORD 8 THYRF IS LIBERTY! II Cor. 3:17. There te liberty in Reaven where the Father, Son and Boly Spirit are God gads us free and leaves us free to all eternity on earth and in Heaven, and the glory of righteousness ie that without a shade of compuleion we freely choose to do the will of our glorious God. Put in the Catholic Church, Poman cr Greek, where the Trinity had been borrowed from Satan's pagen religion, there ie no liberty, only bondage and tyranny, cruelty, darknses, death. Where the Trinity ie the central doctrine, one man cupreme, the Pope, tyrannizes over the bishops; the bishope over the priests; and the priests over the people. Thie ie the natural, the Jogieal fruit of their central, key doctrine, the Trinity. Mo one can deny thie fact that where the Trinity 18 made the supreme teet, there ie tyranny, cruelty, torture, death. And when finally in deeperation men Tise up and destroy the Catholic Church, whether Roman or Greek, the pendulum ewings and there ie tyranny, destruction, infidelity, deepotiem, ruin, Thie was seen in the French revolution where the streets of Paris ran with blood, and in the terrible revolution in Spatn and in the fearful upheaval in Rueeia where infidelity, force, murder, darkness, are reigning eupreme woree than in the darkest heathen lan Men trained under the Catholic trinity principle, when they revolt, set up another government on the game principle, despotiem, tyranny. ‘The heathen doctrines of the Trinity, supreme in the Catholic Quuroh, Roman and Greek, dlote out the light of God given liberty, fille the world with darkness and blood, either when it ie logically enforced ae the only religion, or,when men filled with the same epirit, revolt and take revenge in the same way that they have Giiterea, and oct up another iS vernment on the-sane prinéipie, despotism, dictatorship. No one living can deny that where the Trinity wae the supreme doctrine there has come horrible bondage, destruction, ruin; liberty utterly lost. Look at Italy, Spaat, Russia; Hitler en Austrian Catholic, Stalin etudied for the priesthood, Franco in Spain, Wuesolini in Italy. The world fe in torment from action and reaction of the blasphemous doctrine of the Trinity. The fruit of the Trinity 1s only evil, only cruel, despotic, the opposite of the glorioue personal liberty in Heaven of the Father snd the Holy Spirit, of the Son of God and of Hie children, on earth, the sone of God. The Catholic heathen doctrine of the Sunday Sabbath is just a= aaguazed co oacred a6 the Catholic pagan doctrine of the Trinity and ne more 80. Eld. Prescott has ae much authority to advocate the Sunday ae the Sabbath a8 to teach that the Father and Son are tone pereon", "Jehovab-Joous." If be believes the worde-of Christ that me 7 rITY, Page 11. By J. 8. Washburn. the dieciplce are t> be OF as Chriet and th: Father are ONE, he can never a-ain esy they are "one person". And if he will believe the following on Page 423 of "Niniatry of Healing": They are ons in purpoee,in mind, in character, but not in PERE TTI TEUS THAT GoD AND CHRIST ARE ONE," he will never agin borrow the central doctrine of Romaniem to teach to Seventh-day Adventists. Seventh-day Adventists claim to take the word of God a8 eupreme authority and to have "coze out of Pabylon", to have 7é- nounced forcver the vein traditions of Rome. If we ehoule gu back to the immortality of the soul, purgatory, eternal torment aud the Sunday Sabbath, would that be anything lece than apeetaey? TE, however, We leap over all these minor, secondary doctrines and accept and teach the very centre] root, doctrine of Romaniem, the Trinity, and teach that the eon of God did not die, even though jar worde oer to te epiritual, le thie anything elee or anything ees than aposteey? and the very Omega of apostasy? Thank God for the Spirit of Prophecy! In the printed copy of zig. Prescott's sermon, I note that he quotes profusely from the feachinge of Sunday-keeping minietere of other churches; from the teens Christ", Samuel H. Sisey, from Peter Payne, Thomas Dehany Barnard, Janes M. Campbell and F. Grattan Guiness, in his eesmen Fe quotes 1208 words, "Eile he only quotes from the Spirit of Pro- pheey 78-worde; 16 words from outeide popular preachsre. te 1 word pneey he picered Tight God hae given to thie people by His Holy Spirit. If he would read the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy pert ahd the tencbings of popular Sunday-keeping minietere 1200, NOTE ag ror sh pimple faith take the tegotings of the Teotimony of Sheu, be wovld not make the mistake of teaching the heathen doctrine Jesus, Pe inity of bringing in any other segumente to overthrow the of ths ihod Setsled faith of the people who believe the great clos ing meecage. A little more than 40 yeara ago I was working with Fld: Prescott in England. Feginning there and almost constantly eince Freee tt co been teacking "new Light"(?\,conatantly criticising the original message of which Sister "kite eaye in "Early Writings", aoe unto him thet ehall move a bigek om tit a pin of ‘these measagee". (7 249 Even before he came to England he made a czs9% campaign for the eo-culled leetimonies of Anna Rice, who claimed the 2ift oF Prophecy. Ina tremendous testimony from Australia, Sieter white Prophect sno dangerous tosching of these false prophecige and To proved theae who had pushed these teachinge on cur people. TEE TRIVITY, Page 12. Fy J.8.aehburn. Fld. Prescott hae often told me how greatly he appreciated ; ng bie wonderful "new light". For come time tnzy ilved in the same house. When Dr. Warconer began teaching Panticlem (Sod in everything), Eld.Preecott foliowed s¢ a puril follows his teacher. Then at conferences, etc., they both visited Dr. Zelloss in Fattle Creek and worked in harmony with him. After 2 few yoars, then Fld. Prescott had become the editor of the Review, Eld. % C. White said to me, "Prof. Preesott has as troly taught Pantheiem ae Dr. Kellogg hae taught it, and yet made no acknowledgment of hie wrong teaching". With the hope that Fid. Prescott "ould make thie matter rigkt, I requeeted that he make an acknowledgment in the Review of bie mistake, as wide ao bis wrong teachings had beon made. But my Kindly suggestion wee indignantly and emphatically refueed. If he had been willing to acknowledge thie wrong, he might have been kept from many etrange teachings later on, contrary to our great message. Then Eld. Preecott and Dr. Waggoner were in Engaand, Eld. Conrad’ was at the head of all the work in Europe and they were often together and Fld. Prescott learned some of the Conradi theology. In the eummer of 1931 L. R. Conradi wrote a letter to the editor of the Review finding fault with "Great Controversy". He aeserted that Sieter Thite bad made quotations from history that were falsd. He further eaye in the eace letter, "I well remember when the LIGHT OF DAILY came to my mind eoms forty years ago. I wae again and met with Sister White's etatement to the contrary....But this lement of the Daily wae but the firet etep to the e2cond one,” Thue L. R. Conradi with the Daily as bie firet etep in the Light(7), he took the second, and third steps, etc.,etc., into the "Light" 2) of final and complete apostasy. HE, COMMADI, THF ORIGINATOR OF THI jew view of the DAILY, in our time, LEFT PIS FVAMPLE AS A WARY II At the head of the way, TEE DALY ("FW ViEW), AND AT THE END OF SAY A COMPLETE APD UT" TAL OF TEF LAST MEcEASE. Tote ie the logic of the TE” VIEW OF DAILY, because it denies the Spirit of Prophecy a Conradi hireelf etates. Ihave a letter in the handwriting of Dr. F. J. Waggoner, dated Nov. #3, 1408, in which he discuesee the DAILY at lergth. He gays: "i knew the view that Prescott held in London, and which Couredi teaches in hie German book on Daniel and do NOT see how anybody who hae regard to the scriptures can hold any other view, mean anyone who regarde the ecripturee ae stove all other booke and sufficient in themcelvee. "Early Writinge" moet clearly and decidedly declares for the OLD VIEW." Thue Dr. Waggoner sets the Pible eqaarely azainet the Spirit of Prophecy and with a covert gneer it the Teetimonice declares for the NFW view of the Daity and fdcntifice the teachings of Conradi and hie own (Dr. "aggoner's view with Prescott's view’ COMRADT ORIGIVATFD THIG MONPEN IDEA AYD LED PROF. PRESCOTT INTO TEE LiGey(?), COTRADT AFD WAGGOFFR POT APOSTASIZED AND DIED OUTSIDE THE VESSAGE, PUT PROF, PRFECOTT STILL PFRPFTUATES THE CONRADT* THE TRINITY, Page 13. By J. §, Washburn. a R APOSTATE DOCTRINE. Then we were working together in England, I noticed that Prof. Prescott veed the American Revised translation of the Pible. 7 acked why he did not vee the Authorized Vereion. He eald, "I will show you why I use tke A.R.v,". Then he turned to Danicl 6th chapter and ehowed me that Réviesd Vereion wae much more favorable to hie new view of the 'Deily', than the authorized Version, and he hae ocd the Revieed ever eince; and that ie w#y he vees it. It suite the Conradi-Yacconer view of the Daily. Tn England, Prof. Prescott said to te, "If T can only get theee new views taught in America, T Siti change the whole face of our work". And thie he has evidently teen trying to do for the last 40 yeare, shortly before the close of thegentury he retumed to the U.S. and a few yeare later he became editor of the Review and Herald. srter a time be atarted a eerice of articles on Daniel to bring out this Nw VIE" OF TEF DAILY. Sieter White told him he as making 9 thcttain out of a molehill. And eke requcsted him NOT 7) PUSE THIS weer inthe Review. So he was cut down there and eon after started the "protestant Magazine", a regular anti-Catholic paper, in which he taught the }€® VIT* and moved nearly ali the prophetic dates of the prophecies. An edition of the book, "Pitle Readings for the Home Circle", REVISED PY ©, A. COLCORD, VHS BAD ACCEPTED THE COWRADI-WAGGONER* | * PRESCOTT IDFA, and, (se he told me proudly that he wae ASSISTED IN THIE REVISION PY D. M. CANRIGHT, who ac nearly all our psople ‘know APOSTASIZED yeare before helping Colcord reviG® "Bible Readings ioe the Home Circle") had in it several pages of the NEW IPE ‘QF THE TAILY with a S-year eliding ecale, moving nearly all the dates of our prophetic frame work, e thank God that the Review and Herald cut put thie ateurd eliding ecale a few years ago and that "Bible Read inge" now teaches the original mecsage. the "Protestant Magazine” wae published a few yeare and 36 Prof. Prescott even held meetings with the Orangemen, sho are poli- tieally anti-Catholic, and there wae danger that thie anti-Catholic organ might bring premature pereecution (ose Tes. Vol. 9, page 243) he Protestant wae brought to a sudden inglorioue end. At the General Conference in 1908, Thad my last tate with Sister Thite, in the house for years own D fust: be~ aot conversation closed, Sieter White ebook her bead very, padly and eaid, "They are ali tied up here in Washington and there West EF A GPEAT CHANGE," One of the firet changes Sicter White requested wae that Prof. Prescott should no longer be editor of the Review and Ferald and President of Tte aesociation, but should do 2Phe citice, Her eon, J. £. White, toid me it was NoT that Tork ‘Broccott wae euch a good city worker tut that 1¢ yas necessary ta got him where bie influence would not destroy the faith and ‘oof the Review and Herald. Confidence of the reader - TRIVITY, Page 14. Fy J. §, Tashburn. In a letter written to Fld. Danielle by Fld. George F. Starr, = 1, 1639, bk: stete thet Sister White sald to him, *T have my coumiesicn from ths Lord to see that he(Prof. v.w.>r.scott) PICT TOTS from ths Review and Herald". "Phy", ake said, “Pro. Sterr, if that van remains en the Review he will Leap TEIE 7 ASTRAY." In a personel taik with Prof. Pr cott at Knoxville, Tenn. ,he eaid to me, "I tave bad to reviee ny dcilef of the Spirit of Prophecy. I have found thet "Great Controversy" ic full of mistakes." In a personal ictter to ze, be cald thet "Sroat Controversy""had to be Tevieed to te in hervery with the FA27e." Fis profound rosearchee exong the writ ins UPIeeerern VEY gave the AUTHARITY and APILITY te prove thet the IMEPIPFL PPIPF T gop was mistaken. Evidently ke doce not telons to thoee who believe the Testimony of Jzsve, the Spirit of Prophecy. Sze Rev. 12:17, Yo sonder that Sister white eald if ts rezained at editor of the Review he would lead the chois denomination ASTPAY. The years thet have gone by have confirmed at statement. prof. Preesott in biz sermons and articles uses the American Reviced Version without any indication, as other writers use the Sthorized Vereion. I3 thie fair or honorable? All English-speaking Gritera vee the Authorized without any marke of identification, a Snivereal underetanding, end 4f the Revised or any: other version te Deed they indicat: tbat vereion by initial letters, R.V. for Revised Version, A.R.7, for Azerican Revised Version, etc. One who was not sojusinted with the verzions, in reading the articles of Prof.Preecott, mickt think Adventists had a different Fitle of their own. 7 protest that thie ie net fair or honorable. If a writer uses the A.R.V. or any other version ke must indicate the version. We have 920m that ho Season why Prof. Prescott uses the A.R.V. I PFOAUSF IT TEACHES THT APOSTATF COPRADT'S DOCTRINE OF THF TAILY qhie message wee settled, sealed by the Spirit of Prophecy before the Revired Verrion wae translated from two Cath! Jo Wanuscripte, the Vaticanua and the Sinaitacus. The Revised has any Catholic errors in it. The Authorized vereior is tranelated from manuscripts kept ty gence. "Ine most wonderful manner it was preserved SigpeUDTED throusk all the ares of darknesz} "Great Controversy’ » Pare 69. "The Church in the wildernes? and not the proud hierarchy reeeroned in the world’e greet Capital, was the true church of Chriet, the guerdier of the treasury of truth, which God hae committed to the people to be given to the vorld." "Great Controversy, pase 64. Sc the manvecripts kept by the Yalden the Fitle of Luther, 1a German, and into the authorized Version in Teli, in Englieh, ie the "truth, uncorrupted, unadulterated." TED TEINITY, Peco 15. By J. §. Washturn. Sieter White quotes, ae anyone ie at liberty to quote, the Revieed and other vereione there it ie clearer and more modern Enclieh. However, abe ueee almost entirely the Authorized edition, tut always indicates when the Revieed or any other vereion ia quoted. Pot there are many falechoode and biunders in the Revieed Ver~ on, tranelated from Catholic Mee.: tzithout my flesh ehell I sce God". Job.19:26 teschee the Catholic Rurgataxy Immortality of the sovl. Tre Catholic Purgatory ie directly taught in the Revised Version, of II Peter 2:9. The Pevised Yereior translates Rev.22:14, "Pleszed ar they that wash jr robes", inst-as of "do Bic commandments", which must please use who oppoes the Sabtath truth. TE, R.V, in Watt.14:30 onite the vord "boieterove" and gives us thie guide abeurdity, "Won Deter ear the siad, be vas afraid. "No wonder! in the margin of the 8.V., Rev. 13:18, instead of the numbsr of the beact being 663, rargin of the R.V. gives 616. Does Fld.Preecott beileve the mumber of the beast is 666 or 6167 The glorious close of the Lord's prayer in the R.V., Matt.6:13, 10 vitted. "For thine ie the kingdom and the power and the glory fErever, Amen." Yet those words are quoted by Sister White in the Hiscnt of Fleeeing". She thus eeale the Authorized Version a9 the ie Word of God. ev Bi7 the R.V. saye "a third part of the earth(inetead of “trees” utiorized) wae burned up." Tho believes this Revised Version, iuposelble untruth! th’ enole text Acte 8:37 te omitted in the R.V., yet that text 1s “oted in full in Vol. 8 of the Teetimonics and thus scaled 26 the ord of God by the Holy Spirit. TEE REVISED VERSION Ig YOT TEF TRUE COMPLETE "ORD OF GOD, FIRST, PFCAUST IT TS WOT ALL THFRE, AYD SECOND, FFCAUSF IT Ig NOT ALL TRFRY STRAIGHT. Docs Prof. Prescott, who uece the A.R.V. as the only suthori- tative word of God, believe in the immortal soul? Job.19:25 R.V. » in purgatory, II Peter 2:8 R.V.7 Does he believe that "do his command~ hentet in the Authorized Vereion fe a wrong translation? Doce he be~ Uieve that Peter "eaw the 7ind" Matt.14:30 a.R.v.?7 Docs he believe iet's3 de the number of the beast? Margin,A.P.V., Rev. 15:16. Doze Lo 'belisve that "For thine ie the kingdom and the power and the “luty fotever, Amen", should be cut out of the Lord's prayer? A.R.V. Eact’e:i3. Doce he believe that a third part of the earth 759 erred up? ,(a physical and hietorical falsehood)! Rev.8:7,A.R.V- sect bo believe thet Acte 8:37 should be cut out of the Bible and SHE, Sieter White wae wrong in quoting it? If he believes ALL THESE qTeypvas, he ehould contimue using the A.R.V. se the complete authori- tative Ford of God. If not, he ehould uss the grand old Protestant jatnorized Vereion, that was accepted as the supreme foundation of thie message long before the Revised Vereion wae translated. TPINITY, Page 16. By J. §, Washburn. Prof. Prescett believes thet the R.V. teaches hie NEw VIEW eF THE TAILY. It aleo teaches that Peter eaw the wind. One 18 a6 true as the other. The Spirit of Propkecy telle us that the Word of God was preserved "uncorrupted" ty the Waideneve.- "Great Controversy", P.69. "The church in the Wilderness and not the proud hierarchy enthroned in the world's capital, (Rome) wae the true church of Christ, the guardian of the treaauree of truth which God had committed to hie people to be given to tho world".- "Great Controversy", Page 64. Theee Were the manuecripte of the Reosived text translated into the Bible of Luther in German and tranelated into English in 1611 as the authorized Version, while the Revieed Version wee tranelated mainly from the "Vaticanve” manvecript preeerved in the Vatican in Rome, and the "Sinaitacve"” kept in a Catholic convent, Whick ie the true Word of God??? . when the Holy Spirit through God's appointed prophet endorsss the Mes of the Valdeneee as “uncorrupted and unadulterated" then they ARE THF "FEST ATTFSTPD MANUSCRIPTS" and NOT the "Sinaitacus” and the Tyeticarus" kept by the Roman Church, from which the R.V. wae trane— lated. Cn thie authority, the Testimony of the Holy Spirit, we may rest as final and decisive, To a Seventh-day Adventiet, there ic no appeal from this authority. On thie rock, brethren, we may al] build fo eternity, and the "gates offell ehall not prevail against it." In the "Ministry" of arch 1939, appeared an article by Prof. Preecott, based on quotatione from Catholic writere which states thet the position of Adventists on the mumber of the beast te not Gbiteot, that de, thet the Latin words *Vicarius Filii Dei" in which er Saber 836 #& ie found te not the true title of the Pope. There {ov atundence of evidence on thie point which Prof, Prescott had not been, and yet he takes the position that hie own ressrches are final, Rikt’ne had seen gil that wae to be eeen, and that the pioneers of {hie moverent were ell wrong and hie judgment acainet them was coz wee Gnd final, There ie a logical reeult of hic setting up his seerosity for many yeare to overthrow the 2etatlished faith of the foay on one point after enother, or as, Sister White eaid, to "lead thie whole denomination aetray." In the Revieed Vereion of Rev.13:18, the margin gives l¢ as the rumter of the beast instead of 666. Doce Prof.Prescott belters the Ture Te the mumber of the beset? He takve away the established faith of the Fody and gives ue nothing solid or certain in ite place. feith O° picecott a builder or a destroyer? Does he confirm the faith Te Tres ople of Cod? of has he been for more than 40 years s bene of of the PeO’garknese? Fe followed the false prophecies of Anna Fice. Cougs ated the Pantholetic doctrine of Dr. Waggoner and Dr-veltoge He acccutenen for years. He accepted the Conradi-Waggoner doctzine of and beta Ire of qeF DATLY and both tke founder and teacher of that doctrine apost:sized complete nd died outeide the fold. He perpe= eetod their theology that moved nearly all the dates of our prophe- tic framework. TYE "RINITY, Page 17. Py J. 8. Waehburn. Following the Conrad{ theology, ke discarded the Authorized Yereion and took the American Revised Vereion 26 authority, based on Catholic Mee. because it was more nearly in harmony with the Conradi vereion of the Daily. Wher the Lord Hizecif through Hie prophet, removed Prof. Prescgtt fron the editorebip of the Review and Herald, decause he was "leading the whole denomination astray" and hie anti- Catholic magazine came to a sudden inglorious end, he did not otey the requcet of the prophet that hs work in the cities but remained in Wachington to do "literary work". Then, with Conradi, he taught thet the principal book given ve by the Lord, "Great Cortroverey" was full of nictakee (that the prophet of God was mistaken) and that bie viedom ie superior to that of the prophet. He teaches that we ers wrong on the muxter of the beast and now exbracee the pagen papal doctrine of the Trinity that the Fatber and the Gon are "one person", "Jehovsh-Jceua", when Jesue in John 17: 21,82 and th Spirit of Prophecy directly state that they are "NOT one person", and then he follows thie Catholic doctrine of the Trinity to ite logical end, affirming that the Son of God did rot die, thue absolutely contradicting the Word of God and forever dee- troying our hope, a fitting climax to hie developing program of "changing the whole face of our work" and the faith of thie people, a prores followed by him as many years 26 Iaracl wandered in the wildernces. Prof, Preecott 1e a courteous, cultured, educated gentleman. Peresnally I regard him very highly. Put his teachings are thue the more dangerous and destructive. Fe hes notetrengthened the confidence of our people but hae parslyzed the faith of many. I do not eay that he hae followed ALL the teackings of Conradi and Waggoner, but a number of them he has perpetuated, and when they with A.T. Jones, Fletcher and many others have given up the faith, he hae continued to teach their dectructive theories. Ye thank God that 2 number of our leading brethren have even the terrible danger of bis ruinous teaching. However kindly or beautiful or apparently profound hie sermons or articles may be, when a man hae arrived at the place where he teaches the heathen Catholic doctrine of the Trinity, and denies th=t the Son of God died for us, is he a true Seventh-day Adventist, ? Ie he even a true prescher of the Gospel? ‘And when many regard him ae a great teacher and accept his unecrip- tural theories, stsolutely contrary to the Spirit of Prophecy, it ie tine that the watchmen ehould sound a note of warning. The Lord ie calling on all hie army of faithful workers to stand firm, ynahaken, ae the great enemy of God has warahslled the myriads of faller angele and wicked men for the last terrific battle of the great controversy. Fe has told ve to encourage one anather, to strengthen the week hands and confirm the feeble keces- And. here is an educated, cultured man, with great ability, who might hive teen a safe wise leader, a rock of strength to God's people, and yet for 40 yeare he bse taught one new discovery(?) after another of the mietakes and false (7) teachings of our pioncers and even dared to criticize the Meecenger of God. Hae God Called him or any other man in euch a time as thie to weaken the hands of our TEE TRINITY, Page 18. By J. 8. Washburn. valiant army of workere snd to publish our "false(?)" teaching before our enemies? Is thie the work of God or is it the work of the des- troyer? The Spirit of Prophecy in Serie B, No. 7, p.56, saye: "one thing ie soon to be realized, the great apostasy, which ie de- veloping and incrsseing and waxing atronger and will continue to do so until the Lord will descenf from Heaven with a shout. We are to hold fast the first principles of our denominated faith, and go for- ward from atrngth to increased faith. Ever we are to keep the faith thet has been subetantisted ty the Holy Spirit of God from the ear- ¥ evente of our experience until the present time....If we needed the manifest proof of the Foly Spirit's power to confirm truth in the beginning; after the pscaing of the time, we need today all the evi- dence in the confirzar..n uf tke truth when sovle are departing from the faith and givi a be spirite and doctrines of devils! The falee teaching an essence and not a? phase of false doctr! "Onega of deadly epostesy", 5: meaning of the presczt epsetasy,.but the Lord has lifted the curtain and has shown me its meaning and the reeult that it will have if al- lowed to continue. , Ws must now lift our voices in warning". Series B. ,No.7,P.37. The apostasy in the days of Dr. Kellogg was in regard to the personality of God. Then He wae regarded ae an ESSENCE pervading 21] navwre. Feing checked by the powerful Teetimony of the Prophet of God, it 1s tound to come beck later in a modified form. The Spirit of Prophecy has plainly indicated this. "THF RFSULTS OF THIS INSIDIOUS DEVISING PILL PRFAY OUT AGAIN ANP AGAIN", and it BAS PROKFN OUT AGAIN, and ie etill onthe personality of cod. Now Prof.Prescott, once asso- ciated with Dr.Kellogz, takes up the subject of the personality of God azain,but thie time, seserts the Father and the Snare "one per- son", and thet the Son of God covld not die, Satan's teaching through heetheniem and the Papacy, of the doctrine of the Trinity, leading us dack to Papal theology and darkness, and absolute destruction of all our hope that eprings from the deatt of the Son of God. TO ¥YOW GOD ARIGHT IS LIFE EVERLASTING. "And this ie life eternal, thet they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Chriet, whom thou hast sent."-John 17:3. A fales conception or fales knowledge of God ie eternal death. the personality of God msking him eimply ity waa the "Alpha of Apostasy". another e personality of God, might become the ce B., No. 3, page 16. "Few see the Fooke that contain God's special message are counted full of mistakes, or thrown entirely out of publication. The Lord, through His prophet, hae named the three books most needed today. Largely through the teachinge of Prof. Prescott, one of these le criticised ze being full of ristakes, and one has been thrown out of publication. If God has ever epoken to thie people the following words are the eternal truth of God. "'Patriarchs end Prophete', ‘Daniel and the Revelation’ and Great Controversy!’ are needed now as never before...the very books et needed".-Mre. E.G.White in Review and Herald, Feb.16,1905. "Daniel and the Revelstion} ‘Great Controversy'and'Patriarchs and Prophete' will make their way. They contain the very mesaage the INITy, Page 19. Py J.8.Tashburn. people must have, the special light God has ziven his people. The angelo of Ged prép2re the wy fer these booke in the hearte of the people. Of 211 the bocke that have come from the prese thees mention— ed tive teer of the greatest corsequenca in the past and are et the present tire." -Specicl Teetimorica in regard to Royalties. Ors word cf Sod 1a worth infinitely mor. than ten thousand words of wer. "Heaven end earths ehali pase avay but my word ehall net pees away." "The past fifty yeare heve not dimmed one jot or principle of our faith 28 we received the great and wonderful evidences that were nade certain to ue, in 1844 sfter the pessing of the time..."OT A weRD T° CHANGED OF T°TTED, That which the Foly Spirit testified to as Truth after the p ng of the time in our creat disappointment ie the SOLID FOU"EATION OF TPUTE."-Serize F. No.7,pages 57 and 58- Teachers of the doctrine of the Trinity often use figures of speech to explein ite mysterics that can not be understood. The Spirit of Prophecy hae Clearly stated the falsehood and danzer of some of these illustrations. We quote from Serica P,No.7,P.63: "Such representations ee the following sre made, 'the Father is the licht invisible; the ecn is the light emtodied. The spirit is the light sked abroad: .another representation: The Father ie like the {nvieibic vapor, the ecn ie like the leaden cloud; the spirit is rain fallen and working in refreehing power. '" #11 these epiritualistic representations are eimply nothing- nese. They are imperfect, untrue. The Father can not be described by the things of earth. The Father ie 211 the fulness of the Godhead bodily end is invieible to mortal eight. The Son ie 211 the fulness of the Godhead ifseted...the Comforter that Christ promised to pend sfter he ascended to Beaven, le the Spirit in 2il the fulness of the Godtead reking manifest the power of Divine grace to all who ro- ceive and believe in Cirist 26 2 pereonay -Sovlour There are 3 living ereons of the Feavenly Trio, in the naw@\these throa great powers, ~ heath Sther, the Son and the Holy spirit - those who receivs Christ by living faith are beptized." one of the mighticet proofs of the Divine inepiration of Sis- ter Phite ie that eke saw cleeriy through the dangerous felee teach- inge on the personality of Ged ard warned the people of God in this powerful etetezent. "TEEBE ~RE TEREE LIVING PFREONS*NOT"ONE PERSON". "The more eimple the education of our Workere, the lees connection they have with the zen whom God ie NoT leading, the sore vill be socom plished. Tork will be done in the eAmpjioi ty of true Godliness, and the old,old times will be back when U the Holy Spirit's guidance, thousands were converted in a day.-"Serice P. ,No.7,p.63. "For if wien we were enemies,we were reconciled to God by the DEAT! OF HIS SON, much more being reconciled ve shall be saved by Hie life." See "Ministry of Fealing",page 423. Rom. 5:10. "The Unity that exiets between Christ and Pie disciples does not destroy the pereonality of either. They are one in purpose, in mind, in charecter, BUT WOT IN PFREOF. IT I¢ TEUS THAT GOD AND CERIET ARE ONF." J. 8, BASPPTON, APPERDIE TRI Fy J.S.Washburn. In 1933 there was published by Fleming F. Revell Co. a volume by Prescott, entitled "The Spade and the Pible". In the chapter, "Licht on New Testement Yorde", an effort wae made to prove that "Vicarius Filii Dei" was not the title of the Pope and that the Mark of the Feast contains "hie name or the mumber of his name", in other words thet "the mark" is the naze of the beast. That ie to say that the mumber 666 1a the Mark of the Feast. On pase 446 of the "Great Controversy" ere found the words, "Yhat then ie the change of the Sabtath tut the eign or mark of the avthority of the church...the mark ofthe beast". At least three times the Spirit of the Lord hae spoken empha- sizing the fzct that the aark of the teast ie Sunday. Why then thie confusing etatenent by Prof. Preecott that the mark of the beast is the name, the mumber of the beast? "To the law and the testimony, if they epeak not according, to thje word it is because there ie no light in them." uw In the same chaptar, Prof.Preecott throws doubt on "Vicarius Filid Dei". It de argued|thet the title of the pope ie "Vicar of Chrigt" nef Vicar of the Gon of God. Put ie not thie simply 2 play upon words? For je not Christ the Son of God? Matt.16:16. Put the very words, "Vicariue Filli Dei” are civen ae the title of the pope in the Dona— tion of Constantine, a document reputedly found on the toxb of St. Peter {nthe 8th century, now admitted ty Roman Catholice to be spurious but nevertheless made use of by the popes when they were climbing into power. Put while they repudiate the document they etill cling tenacious— Uy to the title, "vicar of the Son of God", or "Vicar of Christ”. We quote from the Donation of Constantine by Coleman se given in Gratian's Decretum, "Fleesed Petrus in Terrie, Vicariua Eilit Dei". From the Treatise of Lorenzo Valla on the Donation of Constantine P.12- See aleo Ferraris Feclesiastical Dictionary issued by Extypographia Polyglotta, S.C. de Propaganda Fide, Rome, in 1890, under the Title "Papa" on P. 43. The Tonation of Constantine ueing the exact title "Vicariue Filil Dei" was referred to by many popee se authority for the assumption that, ae Roman Catholic priest in conversation with we aseerted, the Fone {8 Christ on carth; *¥icarius Filli Dei." These popes used thie forged Saict of Conetentine to prove their divine authority; Leo Ix,UrbanII, Fuziniue III, Innocent IiI, Gregory I¥, Innocent IV, Nicolas ITT, Poniface VITI and Jobn #XII. There te much more, yea an overflowing abundance of euthority to prove that Utish Snith wae right when he fought that "Vicarive Fil4i Del", the real and comprehensive title of the Pope contained the nunber of the beast 668, and when the Holy Spirit througt Bie Prophet indorsed the book, "Daniel and the Reveta- TRont and clescee At with "Great Controversy", how can Prof.Preecott gy any Adventiet winieter or any Teal student of history preeume to Crrowanabt and confusion and darknese on the Mark of the beast or the Tinker of hie name? "hen God epeake, true history must, and always does, respond with a unanimove "Amen".

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