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Name: Nicole C.

Hablero Subject: Mythology

Year & Course: BEED 3rd Year Teacher: Ms. Hazel Ylagan


There was a time when I was 13 and playing video games with my nephew. It was
just the two of us. I thought I saw someone out of the corner of my eye in the house,
but I didn't say anything. A few minutes later, my nephew asked me if grandma was
home, but I told him no. Then he asked who the woman who had walked by in the
hallway was. I jumped up, and the light in the kitchen burned out. Our dog started
barking and growling and kept staring under the table. Years later, my nephew and I
were traveling and encountered an even scarier situation. We were sharing a room,
and at night, I heard moaning. I thought it was my nephew having a nightmare, so I
woke him up. He said he thought that moaning was coming from me. I went back to
sleep, but I remember feeling a cold hand on my foot at one point in the night.

In the house where I used to live, there was this little boy ghost who I sometimes
saw. The first time was when I had some friends over. It was just the three of us,
until I saw the reflection of a boy wearing old-fashioned clothes. I was floored and
told my friends. Suddenly, a pot on the kitchen counter was hurled through the air. It
scared the crap out of us. The other time was when I was in my room, listening to the
radio. I had left the door open, and I saw this boy looking at me from the doorway.
When I went to see him, he took off running. I thought it was my brothers, but they
were in the living room watching TV. Years later, I found out that my cousin saw him,
too. She described him perfectly to me, even though I'd never told anyone about it

This one time, my mom thought I had come home, said 'hi' to my sister, and gone
straight to the bathroom. My mom came in to check on me after a few minutes, saw
that the bathroom was empty, and gave me a call to make sure everything was okay.
Imagine her shock when I picked up the phone, miles away in another city, and told
her, no, it wasn't me, because I had just left work. When I was 15 years old, I stayed
up late watching a TV marathon with my sister. In the middle of the night, after my
sister had fallen asleep, I saw the nearby computer mouse start moving by itself. I
called my mother into the room and she said it was probably a rat that was pulling on
the cable from underneath the desk, and that I should just go to sleep. Suddenly, I
swear I saw a black figure with no face or human features behind the bookcase. It
looked in my direction and pointed. I nearly shat myself with fear! I remember saying,
'Who are you? I do not want you in my house! Nobody wants you here! Get out of
here now!' The thing left, and I actually heard it hit the cabinet before it just went
through it. The cabinet began to sway, and the door slammed and made a loud

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